The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2564: Let me go three

"Are you talking about 4 Lurik-class battleships?" Betty asked.

"Yes, it's them! Originally it was used in batches to break the ocean, but now it is also used as a containment fleet." Shimamura said.

"It seems that your actions are still very fast." Betty praised the Japanese's efficiency.

"Who dares to be slow in the face of national disaster?" Shimura Hayao said mockingly. "I now understand your plan. Use a squadron to transfer the main force of the U.S. Navy, and then the main force will directly attack the berths, ports, and landing fields located at the core of the U.S. military. I am already expecting to be more than a hundred doors over 14 inches. How magnificent the large-caliber naval gun will be when it rages in the American fleet!"

"Then back to the original question, what should we do if we run into the Suxiong fleet?" Shimura Hayao asked. After all, even if there is no US fleet for the time being, the Suxiong fleet is still a force that cannot be ignored.

"Very simple! Six Fuso-class battleships stared at Su Xiong, and then used King Kong-class battleships and light cruisers to attack the fleet berth!" Betty said. "Or if we have a greater advantage, then we will concentrate our efforts on wounding the Su Xiong fleet in a short period of time, so that they dare not reappear on the battlefield easily!"

"Is there no other way? If we can sink two Bavarian-class battleships, then the future situation will be very good." Shimura Hayao said with some disappointment.

"There is no way, to be honest, my hatred of Bavarian-class battleships is far more than you, but I have to say that unless Su Xiong makes a fatal mistake, it is very difficult to sink an opponent in a short time. . After you have a formal battle with him, you will know how difficult this guy is." Betty said with a helpless gesture. In the unfavorable situation, Su Xiong can't harden steel!

"I think we should choose the second method. Even if we cannot sink Bavaria, we must prevent the Suxiong fleet from returning to the battlefield for the time being. After all, we have to evacuate after the fight. If we are blocked by the US fleet, And if the Su Xiong fleet returns to the battlefield after a short period of maintenance, then our situation will be very bad!" said Yasuo Shimura.

"It's up to you. The whole process of the battle is not complicated, but it depends on the quality of the officers and soldiers if you want to execute it well. At least the decoy fleet must be able to hurt the Americans, and it can also slip out of the guns of the American fleet. Of course, the most important thing is that he must be able to keep an eye on the US fleet at all times. We must know the movements of the US fleet. This is a big question of life and death for the entire plan of action and your navy! The entire fleet must also be rigorous. Confidentiality and information security are the key to victory in the war. Therefore, I recommend that all communications be replaced with new passwords and frequency bands immediately when performing the entire mission!" Betty said.

"We will make arrangements." Shimamura Hayao said. "Well, then, what if the decoy fleet does not target the US main fleet or the US fleet is not hooked?"

"Cancel action immediately!" Betty's answer was unusually simple.

"Then what if the decoy fleet attracts the Su Xiong fleet?" Shimamura continued.

"We can try to fight a quick battle, but we must not delay it for too long. Unless Su Xiong's fleet is hit hard, we must cancel the operation." Betty said.

"I think this plan is okay. The high-level fleet is highly likely to pass. If it passes, we will call you back later." Shimamura was about to leave after speaking.

"Okay, if possible, I would like to ask for another battle sequence list of the fleet participating in this battle." Betty said.

"German, I can't think of it. After the war, we will meet on the battlefield." After Shimura Hayao left, Betty muttered to herself with some emotion.

What did MacArthur say in history? The veteran is not dead, but withered. And what about this plane? The same is true for Betty. The end of the First World War is not the end of Betty's naval career. Under some circumstances, he ran half of the earth to the Pacific Ocean and continued to fight his former enemies. And if purely speaking from the grasp of the battle situation, Betty is more mature than him during the war! More cunning! See the gold when the lead is washed away!

"Your Excellency, what do you think is the best state the Japanese Navy can achieve after this battle is over?" Beside Stetti said.

"The best state? Tactically, Su Xiong's fleet may be temporarily in Pearl Harbor due to battle injuries. The former dreadnought may sink 3 to 4 ships. For dreadnoughts, it is estimated that at most 1 or 2 ships, and the Japanese fleet will not Probably retreat all over." Betty thought for a while and said.

"If this is the case, even if the Japanese fleet has won a tactical victory this time, I am afraid that the situation of this battle will not be fundamentally changed." Studdy thought for a while and said. "Although you did not give the Japanese a point, I feel that the wanton massacre of 100 large-caliber naval guns that the Japanese imagined will never happen, because our enemies are not stupid, they know which targets must be protected. And in the fierce confrontation, even if the Japanese fleet can withdraw, they must return to the rear port for maintenance and maintenance. The best result for the Japanese is to temporarily remove the main fleet of both sides from the battlefield. If the Japanese fleet cannot threaten the U.S. military’s maritime supply lines, the state of the U.S. active offensive will not change And if the advantages of American industry are taken into account, they can revitalize the fleet more quickly. If the Americans' offer is more satisfactory to the Germans, maybe the second batch of replacement fleets are ready for departure at Kiel Port." Stetti's words were full of sarcasm.

"It won’t be so fast. Only the Americans want to end the war as soon as possible. The Germans don’t want it, the British don’t want it, the French are not happy, and even the Japanese don’t see the coffin without weeping. So, from this perspective It can be seen that unless the Americans have a firm national will and are willing to mobilize their war potential at all costs to crush Japan, otherwise, this war will not end so quickly, and even this battle that broke out on the island of New Ireland I am afraid it may last for more than half a year!" Betty said.

"I don't understand. Even though the Japanese had the best results and the main fleets of both sides left the field temporarily, but relying on the current combat power of the U.S. Army, in terms of strength, as long as they are willing to pay the price, they still have the ability to win. This island. The actions of the Japanese cannot change the outcome of this war." Stetti said.

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