The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2554: Can't hold it

"I know, you want me to use two battles to accomplish this, but I can tell you that only when we divide the troops, the Japanese army gathered in the east of the island will divide the troops, and if we fight in the highlands, In fact, we are the advantage because we have better weapons and equipment! We must give full play to our military advantage, launch attacks on multiple battlefields at the same time, and disperse the Japanese forces before we can gain a greater advantage. If we only have one goal, Then the Japanese army has only one defensive target. Understood?" Pershing paused and continued.

"There are also weather factors. The weather in the future will be very beneficial to us. There may be light rain, cloudy skies and thick fog, which can effectively weaken the firepower of the Japanese army. After this period of time, it will be difficult for us to find better weather. ."

"So, no matter how difficult there are, we must launch a campaign at the same time, launching an offensive on two battlefields that the Japanese cannot give up! So now our goal is how to convince the navy to solve our current fire support problem."

"Let's have a meeting, we, the navy, and the Germans, together we are like a solution to the immediate problem." Marshall said.

"Also, we must solve this problem, you go to contact the Navy and the Germans now, we have a meeting tonight." Pershing said. In fact, Pershing is reluctant to hold this meeting. It's not that he has a bad view of German politics. In fact, if you just talk about personal relations, whether it is Major General Karls or General Su Xiong of the German Army Corps, Pershing has a good relationship with them. It's a very good friend.

However, if we discuss military issues together, then there is no doubt that Su Xiong is the dominant player in the German army, and Su Xiong is the navy, so he must be more inclined to Benson than himself when considering issues. In this way, Let alone whether there is a way, at least the support of one's request will inevitably shrink. However, the current situation is that this conference room must be opened, because he faintly felt that if the Japanese fleet issue that Benson was concerned about was not resolved, Benson would never let go of the issue of fire support...

"The Japanese navy can't hold it anymore." At the same time, on the German fleet's flagship Weimar, Su Xiong is working with his chief of staff Ryder and the commander of the German Army Corps Major General Karls to discuss the current situation. The situation is evaluated. After analyzing a large amount of data, Su Xiong and Raidel faintly felt that a large-scale battle at sea was about to begin!

The U.S. Navy tried its best, and he is not to blame for the current situation! Is it really because the US Navy is idle? Of course not! In fact, in front of the US Navy’s colleagues who provided fire cover for the landing forces, the submarine force and the destroyer force were actually very active. They carried out several assaults and ambushes against the narrow waterway between New Ireland and New Britain!

Of course, the submarine attacked during the day by setting up ambush, while the destroyer sneaked in at night to see if it could attack the Japanese navy ships in the harbor. Throw a bunch of mines incidentally. You know, after passing the barrier zone of New Ireland Island, the destroyer forces are very likely to encounter the patrol ships of the Japanese combined fleet.

The so-called often walking along the river, there is no wet shoes, the destroyer squadrons of the two sides have actually fought several times. In less than 20 days, the destroyer squads of the two sides have fought four times, and the US destroyers sank ten , Five ships were hit hard, while the Japanese destroyer forces sank four ships and another six were hit hard.

Then, the Americans do the calculations for themselves, and feel that they are still making money by themselves now! This battle can continue! what? You said that Americans learn math from a physical education teacher? Please, the number of destroyers in the US Navy is at least three times that of the Japanese Navy! Now the battlefield exchange ratio is two for three. Tell me, who will be more dominant in the future if this fight continues?

And don’t forget, the American destroyers had to mine at the same time they passed by, but these mines really caused the Japanese to feel quite a headache! So far, according to the intelligence provided by the U.S. submarines, the mines laid by the U.S. Navy have killed at least double-digit Japanese transport ships! It also includes a troop carrier! These losses may not be a big deal to a real big country, but it is already very painful for Japan, and the most important thing is that because of the continuous mine-laying of American submarines and destroyer forces, the Japanese must continue to clear mines and also **** the possibility. In fact, there have been serious problems with the transportation of New Ireland. This can be seen from the assessment of the daily consumption of Japanese ammunition in the hands of Major General Kars! The consumption of large-caliber artillery shells has dropped significantly. Otherwise, even with the suppression of land-based long-range artillery, how could Pershing want to mobilize a large number of troops under the muzzle of the GPF so easily?

Of course, it is too early to conclude from this aspect that the Japanese navy must attack. The Japanese army has difficulties in supplying it, but it is not insurmountable. Therefore, in order to confirm whether this speculation is accurate, Su Xiong and others have to jump out of this to judge the Japanese army's behavior from a strategic level.

Benson and Pershing are concerned about the landing site and nearby waters, while Su Xiong and others are concerned about the Japanese joint fleet! No way, Su Xiong was born in the navy, and his various combat experiences exceeded three digits! I also did things to survive death. Therefore, after the baptism of the war, Su Xiong was unusually sensitive to changes in the navy!

After many aviation investigations, he obtained intelligence, and he found that the number of Japanese destroyers was very abnormal! Not to say more, but less! The U.S. reconnaissance aircraft unit has never given up on tracking the Japanese combined fleet. Although it has suffered great losses, it can provide some direct intelligence. In addition, through submarine reconnaissance, Su Xiong faintly felt that the patrol density of Japanese destroyers was declining. And the number of destroyers accompanying the main fleet is also declining! After accounting for battle damage and possible replacements, this number is still wrong, so now the question is, where did the Japanese destroyers go?

"If the American war report is correct, then with our submarines, in the month of the war, our two countries have killed at least 120,000 tons of Japanese transport ships, although this and the Imperial Navy killed 80 in a month. The record of more than 10,000 tons is incomparable, but it is definitely enough to make the Japanese feel unbearable. Therefore, I think that some of the destroyers in the Japanese combined fleet are going to perform **** missions." Raidel said the most critical sentence !

To put it simply, the US and Japanese fleets are on the front line, and the battle in the rear is not idle! The U.S.-German submarine force has made a deep hole in Japan's maritime communication line! The Japanese Navy, which finally couldn't help it, must rely on how to stop the leak!

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