The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2552: Attrition II

As for the aviation force? Well, using sea-based aviation with hard steel and land-based aviation itself is a very courageous thing.... From the beginning of the war to the present, the carrier-based aircraft of the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier squadron suddenly dropped from its peak of 500 to less than 350! Then it rose back to 420, and then fluctuated on this number, and now it continues to fall to around 400. So far, the US sea-based aviation force has lost nearly 300 aircraft and 260 crews! Naturally, however, the newly arrived crew cannot compare with the original elite of the US Navy.

But if the U.S. military still maintains this combat effectiveness, Benson is still not afraid to head-on with the main force of the Japanese joint fleet! The two most powerful Nagato-class battleships of the Japanese Navy are not yet in service. The core main forces are 6 Fuso-class battleships, 3 Kongo-class battlecruisers and 1 fast battleship.

And Su Xiong promised that if a large-scale fleet battle breaks out, his fleet will be able to withstand any 5 Japanese battleships. Even if they face 5 Fuso-class battleships in the fight, Su Xiong said that they can at least draw a tie. And what remains is the 8 super fearless in the hands of Benson, plus the number of auxiliary warships of the US Navy, how can this not be lost!

Of course, the premise of everything is that the fleet state is preserved intact. If more than 2,000 rounds of artillery shells are fired, then the situation of the battle may not be so optimistic. Perhaps after a battle is fought, the US fleet exchange ratio will be very bad.

So, don’t look at Pershing’s already cruel preparations for a lawsuit with Benson after the war, but Benson is not scared! How could Pershing be able to admit it with just a few scares? So, on this issue related to the entire battle, do you want Benson to admit it? quite tough.

"If, even if you threaten with a military court, General Benson will not give in, what are you going to do?" Marshall leaned over and said in Pershing's ear.

"Grass the grass!" Pershing was furious, but at his level, the string of reason was still very strong. Therefore, he immediately understood the meaning of Marshall’s words. If Pershing really used the military court as a threat, then the two sides have actually torn their faces, and after the tears, how can an admiral of his army treat an admiral? ? The answer is that nature can't do anything. Therefore, Marshall advised Pershing in a very tactful way. This kind of effect is not very effective, and it is best not to do things that may even completely smash the relationship between the two parties. After all, this is cross-service combat.

"We have to think of a way, you know? On this **** battlefield, we have more than 1,000 casualties every day! More than 5,000 people died in the battle, more than 8,000 were severely disabled, **** it, those Japanese actually used Every time I see those big scars, my heart is bleeding, we brought them to the battlefield, and what we can give them may be just a cemetery or scars all over my body." Pan He said with a sigh. Then he wanted to go to a shelter, Marshall closely followed, while other personnel patrolled outside, no idlers were allowed in!

"You know? It won't work like this. It doesn't mean that our equipment and ammunition are out of supply. In fact, anything of a material nature is not a problem for the US military. The key is casualties and the international pressure facing the United States. "Pershing finally told Marshall.

Material supply problem? It may exist for the US Navy, after all, some repairs and maintenance must be returned to Pearl Harbor. And battleships are not as easy to build as army tank artillery. But for the Army, there is really no shortage of the United States. Look at it now. Although the battle on the front line is a mess, it is in the hospital behind. All rear personnel can get unlimited fresh water, food and medicines, and even newspapers, magazines, ice cream and coffee can be distributed on demand! The frontline troops take turns to fight, and when they reach the rear, they can treat injuries and relax their spirits, so now the morale of the army is still acceptable. As for the ammunition needed, that is not a problem. Anyway, it is easy to change the gun barrels of the land artillery. Pershing can ensure that each 155MM cannon can have 4 spare barrels and at least 3 ammunition for battle! And more ammunition and accessories are on the transport ship at sea!

For the United States, this consumption of the Army is actually nothing. Maybe when a large-scale land war occurs on the island of Guinea in the future, the US industry may feel a little pressure from the war. Anyway, now, whether it is Benson or the frontline. Soldiers, they will not worry about the quantity of supplies.

Of course, it needs to be explained that the American soldiers are still very dissatisfied with the food. The various flour and fat mixtures called Spam make them almost to the brink of endurance! Although the supply of fresh water is okay, it definitely does not include enough fresh water to wash, so Bull thinks that a brand-new military uniform and a five-port snack are more tempting than $200!

What really hurts the US government is the huge casualties and the slow progress of the war! According to the original plan of the US military, the US military should take the New Ireland Island in one month to one and a half months. And to control the casualties of the war to 15,000, and the death toll to less than 4,000! After all, during the American Civil War, how many people were killed or injured by the double shot? The result is not bad now. The war has been fought for 2 weeks. The US army is still dangling near the landing field. The deepest line of the army's attack is only about 8 kilometers from the coastline! It is almost impossible to win the entire New Ireland Island in a month and a half! The casualties surpassed expectations earlier!

Is this a lot of casualties? You have to say that 20,000 casualties were killed and injured in a battle on the Western Front, so it’s nothing. After all, it’s a group army-level melee. But, up to now, on a small island, the US military has suffered more than 20,000 casualties. It's very embarrassing. A total of 5 divisions landed. After more than 20 days of fighting, your casualties were close to 20,000. Isn't it funny?

It is true that there are too many objective factors in this. For example, the geographical advantage of defense is too great. After all, it is the first large-scale landing operation for the US military and lack of experience. The Japanese army received a large amount of military supplies and war instructions from the British. But politics only talks about results and not process.

Why did the Americans start this war? In addition to the conflict of interest with Japan, another very important factor is to reshape the majesty of the American power! Well, this majesty does not depend on how much money you have and how much industrial output value you have, but how much you can fight!

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