The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2550: battlefield

In the entire Western Europe, both the Allies and the Allies were enjoying the peace after the war. On the remote island of New Ireland, the fighting between the United States and Japan has been going on for three weeks. The fighting has never stopped. The island of New Ireland, which was sparsely populated and lush with trees, was completely turned into a **** of blood and fire. From the air, the smoke and burnt woods are like scars on the island of New Ireland. .

The cross of the scope aimed at a helmet that emerged from the opposite trench. It was 600 yards visually, the wind was north to east, level 2, and the air humidity was high. Lieutenant Burr carefully adjusted his scope. He didn't care that the morning dew had wet the disguise covering him. This clammy feeling did not make him feel uncomfortable at all, because at this moment, all his energy was concentrated on the opposite target!

Take a deep breath, and immediately before exhaling, Bool decisively arouses! The 7.62mm*63mm bullet whistled and flew towards the distant target with the greetings of the **** of death. In less than 1.5 seconds, the helmet-worn head in the distance spouted a burst of blood. It is clearly visible in the sun.

"35!" Lieutenant Burr made a notch on his butt, representing a new record! In the morning light, Lieutenant Bull looked at his watch. It was almost 6 o’clock. This morning’s hunt was over. Based on the two results obtained today, he could get a bonus of 200 dollars. Of course, here, these dollars. It's not as good as a clean new military uniform and extra meals beyond 5 shares.

A few minutes later, there was a rumble of artillery from our position, and the routine shelling started this morning again. These shellings generally targeted predetermined Japanese military installations and toilets, yes, they were toilets! According to the Germans’ experience on the Western Front, every morning at dawn, the toilets in the trenches have the highest utilization rate. At this time, there is a great probability of firing a gun to kill a few unlucky ones. At the same time, the US snipers responsible for doing "morning classes" can also take the opportunity to withdraw from the front-line positions. For Lieutenant Bull, this is undoubtedly the ringtone of "get out of class", which makes people feel relaxed and cordial!

"Bull, you did a great job, today you killed 2 more. If you can reach 40, you can go back to the rear and become an instructor." Observer Robert said to Bull. He hides in a place less than 10 meters away from Boolean, responsible for covering, observing the enemy's situation and helping Boolean confirm his record.

"Impossible, you know, John died yesterday and was hit by a 7.7mm bullet through his chest. The bullet was a small hole when it was shot from the front, and when it came out from the back, it was bigger than your lunch box. The big wound, half of the lung was shattered." Lieutenant Bull said blankly. "In our hunter company, there are only 3 people who have achieved more than 20 records. We have to teach newcomers. There is no way to go back, and I don't want to go back."

"Dum bullets? Did the Japanese use dum bullets?" John's face changed slightly.

"Yes, I saw the deformed bullet with my own eyes. Damn Japanese, **** British." Bull cursed and looked away. It seems that today there is another big mobilization. The offense is about to start again? Bull said in his heart.

At the same time, the black old man Pershing is inspecting a position. At this moment, you can't see the difference between an American general and the soldiers next to him. The leather boots walked through the muddy water, and the lower body of the walker was covered with mud. And some unidentified dirt, Pershing wore a helmet and looked sullenly at the Japanese position in the distance. This is a position backed by hills and woods and must be occupied by the US military. Occupying here, the US military can transport a large number of artillery from the beachhead to this relatively flat hilly area, and then use the cover of the mountain to attack the rear of the Japanese army. position. Therefore, both the U.S. military and the Japanese military are bound to win here!

"How is the Navy? How much support do we need, how much can they provide?" Pershing said to Marshall next to him.

"In terms of supplies, the Navy stated that they can provide 120% of the ammunition we need, 115% of food and medicine, and 110% of special equipment. But in terms of fire support, the Navy can only guarantee 85% of the ammunition projected. Taking into account the problem of equipment loss, the Navy believes that they can only guarantee at most 70% of the attack missions. In addition, the Air Force can only guarantee air superiority over the offensive forces, and ground attacks cannot be guaranteed." Marshall said .

"Damn it, when did the navy degenerate into a transport fleet?" Pershing said impatiently. "Didn't you tell them that this is the minimum requirement for our offensive? How to destroy those solid firepower points without large-caliber naval guns? Is it exploded with explosives?"

"Uh, we did think about using explosives to explode. For this reason, we even planned to dig a tunnel under the Japanese However, the groundwater level was too low and the soil quality was not good, so we finally failed. "Marshall said helplessly.

"I don't care, you go back and immediately issue an ultimatum to Benson on behalf of the U.S. Army! During the offensive three days later, the Navy must complete the mission we requested! Otherwise, let him pray that I will die in this war! If I can return to the United States alive! I will definitely take him to a military court!" Pershing said word by word.

"In addition, Marshall, if I am gone, then you have to shoulder your responsibility! Take Benson and Sims to court! For the 5745 American soldiers who have died in this war and at least Four times as many injured people. That's it!" Pershing's next sentence made Marshall's heart beat suddenly.

"It seems that the boss is really anxious." Marshall said in his heart. Is the US Navy now capable of providing the fire support requested by Pershing? Naturally it is capable of providing it, but it is only 2,100 rounds of 14-inch high explosive or semi-armor-piercing rounds, and 1,800 rounds of 12-inch rounds. For the US Navy, which has more than 3 dozen battleships of various kinds, this amount of ammunition delivered is nothing compared to the huge ammunition depot of the US fleet!

But why did the US Navy not agree? Marshall, who is familiar with the situation, knows that this is not Benson's pot! First of all, the U.S. Navy has been providing fire support to the Army, from the first day of the battle! Even after paying the price of more than 1,600 troops in the beach landing, the US Army gained a firm foothold and established its own ground artillery positions. The naval destroyers and cruisers still played in the counterattack to repel the Japanese. Has a huge effect!

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