The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2537: Talk about

"After the first batch of equipment we purchased is in place, we will use actual actions to prove that your country's decision is correct, and your country can send observers. Our counterattack will be launched soon." Denikin said.

"It seems that we have reached the most basic agreement." For Denikin's answer, Calypte was quite satisfied. At this stage, the Allies will not allow Denikin to enter their territory, so no matter whether Denikin is willing to fight or not, Budjoni on the opposite side will definitely do it anyway. As long as Budjoni discovers that the Allies are beginning to deliver a large amount of equipment to Denikin, he will definitely initiate an offensive. After all, if you delay, the opponent will be stronger.

"This is the first and second batch of materials and equipment we need." Denikin sent a list to Caliput.

"Look at it." Calipt took a look at the supplies and list Denikin needed, and then handed the document to von Seckert.

"A lot of light artillery, machine guns, and horses. To be honest, I was surprised to see these horses. Horses are not cheap." Von Sekt said after a glance.

"But this is necessary. We can't keep passively defending. We have to attack. The opponent has a huge military advantage, and if we want to win, we must use the mobile advantage. We cannot build the same country as yours. Fast armored forces, so we can only use cavalry." Denikin said.

"But horses are in short supply, and horses actually require very high logistical supplies. Horses consume very high food and forage. Are you sure that you can afford it now? It's not just a question of funding." Von Seckert said, after all, Denikin still has 300 tons of gold. To put it bluntly, the money is enough to be squandered. The real question is whether he has enough veterinarians, grooms, and logistics personnel to form a cavalry unit after these horses are given to Denikin. Don’t think he has 180,000 civilians, but at least half of them are nobles. , Capitalists, scholars, and their families, the labor and personnel available to them are actually not much.

"So, the third issue needs to be discussed here. We need to recruit people from Ukraine who are willing to fight for us," Denikin said.

"Ukraine is an independent country after all, and we respect their sovereignty, so we can't answer you on this point. But we will give you the horses you need." Von Sekt said.

"Then what about the Russian soldiers captured by your country on the battlefield? We can redeem them." Denikin asked again.

"Sorry, quite a few of them have decided to live in Germany or Austria-Hungary. They have become workers, farmers, or run some industries. They are already legal citizens of the two countries, so you still don't want to make similar conditions. "Calipte said.

"Are they already citizens of your country? They used to live under the double-headed eagle for decades, but now they suddenly become citizens of your country, and they have changed from captives to citizens. This thing really makes People can't help but sigh." Denikin felt very complicated when he said this. On the one hand, it was dissatisfaction with the opposition from Germany. After all, returning prisoners after the war was a common rule of war. But now, German and Austrian have directly detained the people, cutting off Denikin’s largest recruitment channel. As for another point, he does not think those prisoners of war are willing to serve German and Austrian, after all, they have been for decades. The Russian!

Someone may have said, Didn’t Germany and Austria not want to have too many other nations in the empire? So why not return the prisoners of war? What about the nearly one million Russian prisoners of war captured by Germany and Austria? In fact, Germany and Austria have already made arrangements for this issue. First of all, people who have the ability and skills need to stay, and talents are needed everywhere.

Secondly, for the Ukrainian nationality and other non-Russian personnel, the German and Austrian people handed them over to the newly formed Ukraine. In this way, the newly formed Ukraine has an army that can quickly form combat effectiveness, and because it is non-Russian. , Can ensure that they will not be affected by Russia.

Third, for Germany, after all, it has acquired a large number of colonies, and these colonies need to be reclaimed. Before reclaiming, people who are accustomed to the good European living environment are naturally reluctant to go. Therefore, these prisoners of war can become colonies. Labor force, of course, necessary treatment must be given.

Moreover, the two parties will also sign a related agreement. After five years of work, the German and Austrian government will give them citizenship and give them certain financial compensation. They can choose to live in the colony or return to Europe. And if they are in a colony, if their families are willing to go, then the imperial government will also give a certain amount of resettlement expenses. It can even shorten the time they spend working for the German government.

As for the fact that it does not transfer prisoners of war but directly serves labor, does it make sense in law? Naturally, it makes sense. After all, Russia does not have a unified government, the Allies have not recognized any party, and this kind of labor is paid. It is a certain degree of employment agreement. No one can say anything.

As for the fundamental purpose of this, it is naturally for the long-term stability of Germany’s key African colonies. After all, history tells Ruprecht that if in a certain area, the immigrant population and the local population cannot reach a ratio, then the immigrants will eventually Will fail. And lose control of the colony! And to be Africa does need European immigrants to develop. Otherwise, it is too inefficient to rely on the locals....

"Then we can always recruit people in the newly formed Ukraine? Even if we win the next phase of the war, it is still unrealistic to get a large number of soldiers. If you block our recruitment channels If it does, it doesn’t make sense to provide more arms. Instead of this, we should use the gold in our hands as money to buy roads, paving the way for me and my men to leave Russia. We will choose to go to other countries in Western Europe, or to the Americas. No one will continue to fight for a war that is destined to be impossible to win." After the Germans refused to return the prisoners, Denikin decided to showdown. At this moment, he really feels a little disheartened. He is a persevering person, but he is definitely not an elm-headed man. This negotiation itself is a matter of dying to survive. Survival is the first step, and then he can Talking about other things, if there is no hope of victory, Denikin can only retreat and find a way of living for himself and his subordinates!

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