The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2526: Marcel's Yidi

But then the MB162 bomber that the French modified based on the MB160 has very good performance. After the aircraft was replaced with four 1100 horsepower engines, its empty weight increased to nearly 12 tons, and its maximum landing weight was as high as 19 tons. (Because there is only one aircraft, tested, but not actually in service, so the maximum take-off weight is not clear.) And the fastest flight speed is as high as 550 kilometers per hour! (At first, the author was shocked when he saw this data, thinking that the wiki might have errors. After consulting the 2nd battle military aircraft published by armsandarmour, the above description of the speed of MB162 is also 550 kilometers per hour, even though Inaccurate due to test problems or too scarce data, but it is certain that this speed is also based on)

Well, let’s make a comparison. At the same time, what is the performance of the F200, a long-range patrol aircraft that the Germans also changed from a passenger plane? The empty weight is actually about the same as MB162, about 13 tons. (Attention, don’t trust the wiki for this. The data on the wiki is wrong. I have a German version of the F200 flight manual. Although I don’t understand German, after reading the chart, an empty weight of 17 tons is absolutely impossible. Yes!) The maximum take-off weight is 22.7 tons. The maximum flight speed is 450 kilometers per hour. When everyone's engine level is similar, the speed of F200C3 is exactly 100 kilometers slower than MB162! (Yes, this data is also wrong on the wiki, and I understand it clearly in my manual!)

In terms of performance, if MB162 can develop, it will become a better aircraft than F200. Even as a full-time bomber, it can actually be considered.

If you make a horizontal comparison, how do you compare with the B17 and Lancaster bombers? This is hard to say. But if you make a rough analysis, the general dimensions of the two aircraft are similar. The empty weight of the B17 is 4 tons heavier than the MB162, and the maximum landing weight is 5 tons. The B17G uses a 1200 horsepower engine, and the total power of the 4 sets is 400 horsepower higher. With a weight of 455,000 pounds, the maximum speed is 480 kilometers per hour. It should be noted that the weight of 455,000 pounds is only 20 tons, which is definitely not the weight of the B17 to perform the bombing mission!

If MB162 is willing to pay the price of speed reduction and make improvements, it should not be a big problem to obtain load data similar to B17. In fact, if it is really in service, the weight increase of MB162 is almost inevitable, because you have to add a lot of facilities, such as various self-defense cannons and turrets, which will increase weight and increase resistance. The speed reduction is inevitable. Of course, the engine power may also be improved, after all, MB162 was only a semi-finished product in history. After making improvements, we need to analyze specific things in detail!

As for the comparison with Lancaster? Unless you replace the engine that is very against the sky, don't think about speed. After all, what people use is the famous Moline XX engine, which is a liquid-cooled engine with drag reduction advantages, and the maximum output power is close to 1500 horsepower! This power system was completely top-notch configuration before the B29 class bomber was put into service! It can fly more than 500 kilometers under the weight of 620,000 pounds! This performance is really against the sky! You know, this 620,000 pounds can already be regarded as the weight of the aircraft during the mission!

So how does it compare with the German HE177? On paper, the data of DB610 is also good, but please, you can talk about it after solving the overheating and stability problems. As for the subsequent improvement of HE177 equipped with 4 BM801 engines? This is hard to say, after all, the number is very small. And the engine level is at least 2 grades higher than that of the MB162! How does this compare? !

So is there any larger mass-produced aircraft in German history? Naturally, there are, for example, the JU290. This aircraft is equipped with less than 70 aircraft, so it must not be linked to mass production. The maximum take-off weight of this aircraft is as high as 40 tons. It is generally used as an ocean patrol aircraft. Come up with a special bomber version. This aircraft is very good from the load point of view, and the speed is reasonable.

The only problem is that the engine requirements are relatively high, because this aircraft uses a BM801H engine with an output of up to 1,800 horsepower. Engine difficulty and overall cost are relatively high. Obviously it is not very suitable for use as the first-generation heavy bomber. After all, a stable working engine with 1800 horsepower is difficult to get. In history, the Japanese couldn't say that it was completely done at the end of World War II!

Generally speaking, the JU290 aircraft is a bit difficult to be the first-generation strategic bomber. After all, the 1,800-horsepower engine came out later and the cost is relatively high. The time point of appearance will be relatively late, but compared with real NB bombers, such as B29, it is far behind. Because the design of the latter is more mature, and the power system is more abundant!

Therefore, the safest route for the German strategic bomber should be to first develop a bomber of the B17 level, and then consider the B29 level. Aircraft with a weight between B17 and B29, such as the JU290, are a bit tasteless. Compared with the former, the JU290 came out later and cost more. And the latter ratio, the performance is not enough.

Maybe someone said, isn't this also inferred and gathered together? There is no way. The German four-engine heavy aircraft design in the 2nd World War 2 is a sad reminder. Especially at the beginning, there are no more mature models like B17 and Lancaster that can be copied directly. The F200 is a half-way product with comprehensive performance. It's not as good as MB162.

Although the HE177's follow-up 4-round version is out, the paper performance is also good, but it can be attributed to the miracle of the engine's vigorous efforts. The engine is already a bit difficult, and it is difficult to say whether it can catch up with the time point of the first-generation bomber development. After all, you can't let the aircraft design wait for the engine, right? When the war comes, it is the most important thing to develop a heavy bomber that can be mass-produced based on the existing subsystems!

So For Germany now, a safer way is to choose one of the four-engine models of the future French MB162 and his own historical HE177 (it may not be available at the beginning of 1800 The horsepower engine may only have 1500 horsepower at most, which will definitely cause performance degradation.) As your own first-generation strategic bomber! Of course, if Italy is also willing to participate, P108 can also be used as an alternative!

what? You mean JU290? If the HE177 class aircraft can be used with 1500 horsepower or even lower engines, then the wings of the JU290 with a length of more than 40 meters and a fuselage length of 28 meters will use a low-end engine, then the performance must be terrible! Using the BM801 engine, there is still only a top speed of 460 kilometers per hour (the specific weight conditions are not clear.), if you reduce the power, the top speed is afraid that it will drop to 300 kilometers level? This speed is unacceptably slow.

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