The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2522: The glory of France

"His Royal Highness, do we really want to invite French aircraft manufacturers to participate in this bidding?" After Henkel reported to Ruprecht about the preparations for this bidding, before leaving, he still wanted to ask Here is the Crown Prince's attitude towards this matter. After all, when the news spread within the government, the shock caused was quite large. Many people obviously expressed their dissatisfaction with the possibility that the French might participate in the bidding. On the one hand, it was because the two sides were fighting to the death and the life, and the speed of the enemy and the change. It's a bit fast. On the other hand, because the peers are enemies, no one wants to have other people join their dinner table.

"Do you have an opinion on this plan?" Ruprecht asked.

"How do you say this? I understand your original intention. I hope that the Imperial Air Force and airlines will have better aircraft. But we must take care of the feelings of domestic airlines. After all, we were once enemies. Moreover, it is related to the Imperial military. Or in key areas, if we use foreign aircraft, it is also a big issue for the safety of the empire. I am afraid that within the empire will be dissatisfied with the crown prince’s behavior, and political pressure must also be considered."

"The most important thing is that the French government may not agree to their aircraft manufacturer to join this bid. Although we have signed the agreement, according to my understanding of the French, their arrogance and stubbornness will prevent France and us. Closer." Henkel said carefully.

"I have considered the political issue, so this time, only racing planes, postal planes, transport planes and seaplanes are allowed to bid for French companies. Military-related fighter jets and bombers are not open to French companies." The crown prince said with a smile.

"Well, Your Highness, you have deep knowledge in technology, and I am an aeronautical designer, and I think we can talk a little bit more." Henkel said dumbfoundedly. To be honest, racing planes and fighter jets have some similarities. After all, before the end of the second war, the speed of the plane is one of the most important hardware indicators. And this time, the speed of the racing machine participating in the bidding is not only the flight speed, but also the climb speed, the dive limit speed and so on! This is simply a bidding fighter!

"I have already said that this statement is to deal with political troubles. It is good to have an excuse. What other people think is their business and has nothing to do with me." Ruprecht said with a smile.

"Henkel, I repeat it again. I am the future king. What I care about is that the Royal Air Force has the right aircraft, the civil aviation field can develop, and the domestic aviation industry can thrive in competition, except for these three Apart from the goal, I don’t care about anything else. I don’t care if the Bavarian aircraft manufacturer or a private factory in Germany is the one who got this order. Sometimes I don’t care about certain orders for the French to get. I need to give them. Pressure, even if they are a group of sheep, I have to release a wolf to make these sheep run faster!" Ruprecht is very firm on this issue!

"Have I completed your task? Do I ask you to select a few more advantageous airlines from the many airlines in France from time to time? How is the situation going now?" Ruprecht has already said that It’s all said, and in the face of the other famous German aircraft designer in history, the crown prince said it again, so good, now all that’s left is to execute the crown prince’s orders, understand, execute, don’t understand , Also execute! If you are willing, you must implement it, but if you are unwilling, you must implement it!

"We have carefully studied the French aircraft in World War I. Most of the products can only be described as satisfactory. Among the fighters, there are some relatively excellent products, such as SPAD's S.XIII fighters, which have better performance than the Fu The K-D fighter is easy to use. It is a kind of aircraft specially used for air combat, but the kingdom does not want to develop a pure air combat fighter. What we want is a multifunctional fighter like J6, so similar SPAD fighters are used for It is still possible to compete for the Austro-Hungarian fighter bidding work, but we do not need it."

"As for the bombers, due to the lack of industrial capabilities and technology of the French, they have never developed a bomber of the K6 level like us and the British. The only exception is the F60 bomber of Farmand. Of course, this is now. This aircraft was changed to a passenger aircraft. The performance of this aircraft is actually very average, the maximum take-off weight is only more than 5 tons, but the price is relatively high, it can carry 1 ton of cargo and fly 1,500 kilometers. From an economic point of view, it is good, and The ceiling is also high. And it uses only two 260-horsepower 9-cylinder air-cooled engines."

"From this point of view, if this aircraft is used as a postal aircraft, it should be pretty good, moderate in size, economical, and government subsidies are relatively small." Henkel said, although his decision to the crown prince is also somewhat He has some opinions, but he has done the essential work of being a technical consultant. He collected what information the senior needs, and the suggestions given are very pertinent, and there is no tendency to mix himself.

"Falman F60? Hehe, this is a famous machine. Sure enough, gold always shines." Ruprecht said in his heart. This aircraft is also very famous in history. In terms of size and performance, Farmang F60 is far inferior to V1500. It is actually worse than O-400. However, the poor performance of this aircraft was due to the poor engine at the beginning ~ ~ At the beginning, the F60 could only carry 1 ton of materials when using two 260 horsepower engines. The later model was changed to 450 horsepower. After the engine, the effective load increased to 1600 kg.

In history, this aircraft failed to catch up on the battlefield, but it became the world's first commercial passenger and transport aircraft. In April 1919, this aircraft carried 4 passengers and 1 ton of materials and flew 2050 kilometers without interruption. It took only 18 hours and 23 minutes to make a sensation in the world. Then, although the total production of this aircraft was only 60 However, it is equipped with many countries such as France, Belgium, Italy, the Soviet Union, Japan, Czechoslovakia and Poland. Somewhat well-known.

Moreover, this aircraft has also set a record for carrying 12 passengers to climb above 6000 meters in the air, and also broke the world record at the time. From this perspective, the aircraft's high-altitude performance is really good. This aircraft is compatible with the roles of passenger planes, bombers and transport planes!

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