The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2520: Challenge from abroad one

Dornier has calculated that if he is going to build a large aircraft like the K8, then the cost of building the aircraft will be more than 800,000 marks, which is about 40,000 before the war, excluding R&D investment and blowholes. GBP! If you want to take the whole process aside, Counting the previous research and development and the construction and test flight of several test aircraft, if you want to build an aircraft like K8 by yourself, the cost will be at least 8 million marks! This R&D cost is difficult for private individuals to bear except for the state!

Moreover, the most important thing is that you may not be able to win the bid after you get it out! If you fail, then the loss will be great. Even if you have gone through all the hardships and finally got this aircraft out and won the bid, what then? According to the current production capacity of the three factories, none of them are capable of mass production. If it is a war period, a large amount of funds and resources from the state can naturally be supported, but in peacetime? Let's wash and sleep. This is impossible!

As a result, a problem now arises. It is very difficult for all private companies to obtain the opportunity to develop large aircraft, and it is naturally impossible to accumulate experience from this. But the market for large aircraft is indeed very attractive, because only after you develop it yourself and gain experience, can you make breakthroughs in large passenger aircraft, transport aircraft, and bombers. However, the third method of cooperation gives all private aircraft manufacturers the opportunity to participate in the design and manufacture of large aircraft!

"This is an opportunity for us, an opportunity for ourselves to develop and grow in peacetime. With this opportunity, perhaps one day, we can stand side by side with the Bavarian Aircraft Factory or the Prussian Aircraft Factory." Hu Ge Junkers said.

"It looks like a good idea." Fokker thought for a while and said.

"I think so too. From a technical point of view, I don't think there is a domestic aircraft manufacturing company that can surpass me, and the Bavarian aircraft manufacturing plant is the same." Dornier said.

"Well, everyone, now the good news has been told to everyone. We know that we will have a relatively level playing field in the future and can obtain sufficient financial support. Mr. Henkel hinted to me that all three ways of cooperation can be It’s up to us to choose. But at the same time, for some of us, this kind of fair competition is also a problem, because it also lowers the threshold for others to enter. If other companies are willing to join the aviation industry, they The barrier to entry will be very low," Junkers said.

"It doesn't matter, our efforts over the past ten years are enough for us to build a high enough barrier. Our efficient technical team, rich experience and perfect facilities are enough to give us the full advantage." Fokker is at least superficially Easy.

"However, all of this is also suitable for foreigners, not only German companies, and companies that used to work for Germany, but also suitable for French companies such as Breguet, Farmand, Loire-Newport and Romano." Juncker Said.

"God, what are you kidding? I now really believe that our Royal Highness is really a little pro-law. This is not just a political need." Dornier said with some surprise.

"It seems that there is no free lunch in this world. The fierce competition is about to begin now." Fokker said with some depression.

If you talk about this plane, who is higher in the aviation level of the French and the Germans? The answer is naturally the Germans, but the root cause of this high level is that the engines in the hands of the Germans are more NB. It's not that the design has the advantage of rolling. The French also have high-level bombers and fighter jets. If you change them to a German engine, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to directly exceed some German first-tier aircraft in terms of performance! But now, everyone is mainly competing for design, and the engine must be the best. In this way, apart from Dornier, who is really confident in the seaplane, is relatively calm, both Fokker and Junkers actually feel a lot of pressure.

"Will the French government agree? Are those French aircraft manufacturers really ready to participate?" Fokker said with some worry. If one of the three companies has suffered the most impact, it is naturally Fokker. His main brand is single-engine fighters, but do you really think the French single-engine fighters are not good? What do you think?

For example, the historical SPAD airline's S.XIII fighter uses an engine with a maximum output of only 220 horsepower, and can fly at a high speed of 218 kilometers per hour! Of course, this kind of aircraft is also problematic. The idea is basically the same as that of the Russian aircraft of World War II. The flight performance can be improved by lightening the weight and reducing the range.

For example, this aircraft has an empty weight of only 566KG and a maximum take-off weight of only 856KG, which is not comparable to the J6 aircraft produced by the Bavarian Aircraft Factory. But this is not a reason that Fokker can ridicule. The type of aircraft is also a routine! And the performance is not good! A 180 horsepower engine is used, but the speed is only 189... The speed difference is 30 kilometers! The 30 kilometers difference in speed in this era is not a joke. To a certain extent, the French aerospace design level is actually first-line.

"It seems that when we go back this time, we are a bit busy again. I originally thought that after the war, I would not have to face the Frenchman's plane, but now it doesn't seem to be the case." Fokker said depressed.

"This time there will be a lot of aircraft research and development plans, and if we choose the third type, there is no risk. Therefore, except for some areas where our company has an advantage ~ ~ I also want to do other Give it a try. The result of standing still is regression and destruction. Believe me, this bidding is an opportunity and a challenge for us." Junkers said.

"Well, I will contact my technical team now, I need them to immediately take out some of the previously sealed items." Fokker said. When the war is about to end, the country will appropriately reduce its armaments for future economic development and recovery. In the same way, aircraft manufacturers will also seal up some designs when the future is not too good. For example, Fokker.

What makes Fokker take a share of the huge performance advantages of the J4 and J6 aircraft produced by the Bavarian Aircraft Factory? It is not the so-called relationship, but because of the misalignment of the R&D direction between each other. For example, the J6 aircraft produced by the Bavarian Aircraft Factory is a multi-purpose aircraft that uses high-end engines. It is not only air combat, but also a A ground attack aircraft with powerful firepower and versatility.

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