The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2517: Aviation 3 giant one

Just as the fire was in the Pacific, in the remote Bavarian palace, Prince Ruprecht was busy with another thing. Just a few days ago, the crown prince was manufacturing aircraft in the German Empire in his own name. The merchant issued an invitation letter. The content of the invitation letter is to talk about the future development of the aviation industry. It is an informal seminar in form. However, both the organizer and the invitee undoubtedly attach great importance to it, because except for Ruprecht In addition to the representative kingdom of Bavaria, Prince Esterhazy, who has been promoted to the Minister of Transport of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also participated. This meeting is set in an empire and a kingdom. So who can underestimate it?

Therefore, before this meeting was officially held, the presidents of the three famous German aircraft manufacturers who were invited arrived in Munich ahead of schedule, and they were preparing to have a meeting with Ernst Heinrich Henkel, the technical consultant of the Bavarian Aviation Administration. communicate with. Before contacting the officials, these famous aviation giants first conducted an internal closed-door consultation.

"Sorry, you two, keep you waiting for a long time." With the heavy oak door being opened, the founder of Junker Aircraft Factory, a pioneer of the German aviation industry, once served as the famous technical consultant of Earl Zeppelin and established Hugo Junkers, who had passed the first wind tunnel in Germany, appeared at the door. At this time, in the meeting room, Fokker's founder Anthony Fokker and Dornier's founder Claude . Dornier has been waiting for a long time. For the latter two, Hugo Junkers, who was born in 1859, is a true predecessor, and the first German wind tunnel he designed and built has also benefited Two companies.

Of course, there is another point. Junkers is more NB than two people. They are not only the director of the aircraft factory, but also the director of the engine factory! The JUMO series engine produced by Junkers Engine Manufacturing Company is one of the three major engines in Germany. The other two are the DB series engine of Daimler Company and the BM series engine of the Bavarian Aircraft Factory!

"It's not the appointed time yet, so you don't have to apologize." Claude Dounier said with a smile.

"You can take a look at this first. This is the meeting memorandum provided to us by Bavaria. The main content of this discussion is the future civil aviation industry, covering passenger aircraft, cargo aircraft, and seaplanes. Of course, it will definitely involve The contents of the military transport aircraft." Junkers said.

"Is it a large civil aircraft? This is where the two are good at. Junkers has produced transport aircraft, while Dornier is good at seaplanes, and my Fokker company is just a small company that produces single-engine fighters. My identity is a bit embarrassing." Anthony Fogg smiled bitterly.

From the perspective of professional counterparts, Junkers and Dornier have produced at least twin-engine aircraft, and during the war, the two aircraft manufacturers also produced many aircraft designed by the Bavarian Aircraft Manufacturing Plant. They are experienced, and both of them are native Germans.

And Anthony Fokker? He is a Dutch. Although he helped Germany produce fighter jets during the war, he was a little scrupulous because of his Dutch identity. In addition, the German government asked Fokker to change his nationality. However, with the Japanese aggression against the Dutch East Indies, which caused Germany and the Netherlands to get closer, this matter was only given up, but no matter what, in the aviation field, Fu K's identity is indeed a bit awkward.

"Anthony, you think too much. At least in Bavaria, no one will trouble you because of your Dutch identity. As a Bavarian, I have great confidence in my king and government. They are willing to accept everything. A capable person. In the past, the brilliant commission of the Bavarian Ship Design Bureau, Count Leo Cuniberti, is an example. Maybe you will become the second one.” Claude Dornier said with a smile. .

"In general, I think the situation is not good for the current private companies, because the war is over and the overall demand for aircraft will drop significantly. As for some items mentioned in the document, such as postal aircraft, Cargo planes can be replaced with retired bombers. K8 and K6 are very good transport planes. For passenger planes, I think I would prefer to take a car or train if it is not necessary." Dornier smiled bitterly.

Although he is engaged in seaplanes and plans to engage in passenger planes, how should I say, the comfort of current planes is really bad. If the seal is not good, what is the temperature outside, what is the temperature inside the airplane, if you fly higher, you need to prepare your own cold-proof clothing. The failure rate is high. Taking an airplane once is also a challenge to the courage of passengers, and the economy is not good. Wooden Although the aircraft is simple to make and is nothing as a war consumable, it is very cumbersome if you consider civilian maintenance. It can even be said that if there is no government to pay for it, civil aviation will almost lose money!

(This is indeed a fact. Historically, by the end of the 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s, there were more than 100 routes in the world, but the average lifespan of these routes was only a little over one year, and before the arrival of the DC2 class passenger aircraft, the aircraft Personnel transportation is not profitable!)

"In terms of economics, it is really not worthwhile. If it is long-distance transportation, the economic benefits of airplanes are not as good as airships. But you and I know that with the development of science and technology in the future, it will be a historical necessity for airplanes to replace airships. And our crown prince I think so too and His Highness expressed his willingness to help us through this darkest moment before dawn." Junkers said.

"The government will give us financial support or subsidies? So what kind of subsidies will be in the form? Is it directly to aircraft manufacturers? Or to airlines?" Fokker asked.

"There may be all of them, or they may be given to airlines, but the possibility of directly giving to factories is not high. Our crown prince likes full competition. He hopes that companies can come up with the best products they design, and then give us back through orders. ." Junkers said.

"If this is the case, I think we can divide each other's business scope, Junkers company can be a transport aircraft, Mr. Dornier's company can be a seaplane, and I want to try the civil aviation industry." Anthony Fokker Said with a smile.

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