The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2508: The Bloody Sea

Of course, the quality is far worse. After all, at the end of the war, the German Army’s first-line armored units have generally been replaced with wolf tanks and rhino self-propelled artillery. Together with the Hu Feng assault guns left behind in the war, they constituted the German armored force. Main force. The American armored forces are wolf tanks and T1 tanks. Although the latter also has a 75MM howitzer, the defense is really poor! According to the German standard, the positioning is similar to the rhino self-propelled gun, but there is no rhino sharp 105MM gun!

According to the German standard, a complete armored attack group should have tanks for the frontal breakthrough task, assault guns or self-propelled cannons in the middle as fire support, and self-propelled howitzers or large-caliber mortars are pressed on the rear side as curved fire or used to destroy solids. Support point. Because of its limited industrial capabilities in wartime, Germany has strengthened the combat effectiveness of its armored forces, which is worse for infantry and lacks armored transport vehicles that can accompany tank assaults.

The Americans, on the contrary, strengthened the mobility of the infantry, but the armored spearhead was not forged sufficiently sharp. If it is a sports war, undoubtedly, the Americans tend to have the advantage of maneuverability, but when fighting tough battles, this kind of configuration that emphasizes maneuverability and weakens firepower is a problem. After all, tank guns can only solve part of the target. , Otherwise, why are the two armies on the western front equipped with so many guns?

"Boss, do you think our stuff is reliable?" the driver asked when Patton returned to his tank.

"Of course, we have the best tank, and have proven its power on the battlefield." Patton answered very simply.

"Yes, at least our ride is sturdy and reliable. As for the crispy skin on the back, it's hard to say. I heard that the French 13.4MM Hatchkiss large-caliber machine gun can penetrate the sides of the T1 tank?" the driver asked Tao.

"Ordinary bullets should not be able to penetrate beyond 200 yards, but if there are tungsten core bullets, then it is hard to say. Honestly, if I can, I would rather have a full set of German equipment. At least it feels very safe to stay inside. "Barton tells the truth. (Tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullets existed in World War I. The Germans called this bullet K-type bullets, and there were even records of matching a whole tungsten alloy armor-piercing bullet chain to machine gunners!)

The flat-bottomed landing ship sailed very smoothly in the Qianhai area. A few minutes later, a notification sounded in the landing module that it was about to beach. This means that at most 5 minutes later, the landing ship is about to beach, and then opened the hatch to release the tank. In this last period of time, Patton and his crew once again checked the equipment inside the car body and the telegraph device.

Damn it! With a sway, Patton could clearly feel the collision between the hull and the beach, and then the front hatch suddenly opened. The first wolf tank drove directly to the beach along the pedal, then the second and third. Vehicles! Patton's tank is the fourth.

"Unfold in a wedge formation! The heavy tanks are in the middle, and the light tanks are on the wings. After entering the battle, attack freely. Do not move forward. The light tanks cannot surpass the position of the heavy tanks!" Before rushing out of the hatch, Patton shouted again. The colleagues informed the battlefield discipline.

"Hum!" As the diesel engine turned from idling to full speed, the wolf tank roared out of the cabin. After a turbulence, Patton finally saw the smoke-filled landing field from the commander's tower on the top of the turret.

"The tank advances, over the sand wall in front! We need a wide range of shooting!" Patton commanded his tank to charge forward, while using the signal light located at the rear of the car to signal to follow forward! The subsequent tanks began to unfold, and the American offensive reached a climax after the first tank stepped onto the beach. However, at this moment, the roar of artillery from far away moved all the American troops with an inexplicable heart palpitation. ! This sound is too familiar to them, it is the roar of a long-range cannon! Some people can even see dark red fireballs flying out of the mountains in the middle of the island from the air! That is the howl of death! Today, the weapon that harvests their lives comes from faraway France!

boom! Along with the falling of the shells, a plume of smoke more than ten meters high rose into the air. The position of the first shell was very accurate. It almost fell close to the landing ship. It exploded less than 7 meters in front of the landing ship. A deep pit with a length of nearly 2 meters was exploded, and a T1 tank happened to pass by. This near-missing bomb directly smashed the fragile side steel plate of the tank. The high-temperature shrapnel ignited the rear part of the car. Ammunition, accompanied by a series of explosions, this T1 tank was blown into fragments in the sky.

"God, is the Japanese battleship coming?" The sudden heavy artillery attack made the U.S. troops who had landed a little confused. They began to move away from the place where they were bombarded. The entire battlefield was once very chaotic, but this is not over! A series of shells roared down, and the shells seemed to be aimed at the landing ship that had been parked on the beach!

"Well, the American large landing ship is over, and the rest is up to you." In a hidden castle not far away, a former British army officer put down his binoculars and said to the Japanese officer next to him.

The British finally told the Americans with They are still too young and naive! Have you seen the sand dams on the landing site? These sand dams are located in the most suitable places for the landing ship to flood the beach, and they also block the firing range of some flat-fire artillery. These things are all piled up by the Japanese. Do you really think these sand dams are just to prevent the tide?

Why do the Japanese pile up these things? Naturally, it is necessary for the US military to prepare some suitable places for large landing ships to flood the beach. The locations of these dams are all calibrated! According to the data collected in advance, the gunners of the GPF 194MM heavy cannon and the 220MM Saint King's gun hidden in the rear can hit the target with their eyes closed!

When the artillery group at the rear of the large rear fired the third round, the American landing ship was finally hit. The artillery shells fired from a distance hit the ship with a displacement of less than 2,000 tons at a great angle. Hundreds of kilograms of shells easily tore open at least three decks and successfully exploded at the bottom of the hull! The fragile bottom of a single-layer ship is quite fragile to heavy cruiser-class artillery! With the triggering of the fuze, a huge fireball rose from the hull. The shock wave generated by the explosive engulfed flames and shrapnel and swept everything inside the hull, whether it was personnel, equipment or the tank it was carrying!

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