The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 250: 1 imperial dowry

"What are you kidding me?" Prince Ruprecht found that the content they discussed today is getting less and less reliable. His Royal Highness is talking and laughing with many big people! Like Tirpitz and others, in the eyes of the current prince, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are little brothers. I chatted with Bismarck, talked with William, and bargained with Frederick III. It is said that there is no one in the world that can make the prince feel tricky, but what the cousin said today really made him feel It's terrifying!

"Tell Prussia and become emperor yourself." His Royal Highness also thought about it after drinking too much, but let alone the fact that the power gap between the two sides is too large now, the good Austro-Hungarian Empire was defeated by the North German Federation led by Prussia. How can Bavaria have this ability now? Moreover, the current situation is that everyone will benefit from cooperation, and we will die if we divide. Once you make an infighting, you will destroy yourself!

"It's not necessarily. I want to thank you for telling me the truth. If you say that the Austro-Hungarian Empire will also overcome this difficulty, then I will be happy first, but soon I realize that you are just comforting me or It's fooling me." Princess Mary smiled slyly. "But now, your honesty makes me very satisfied, and your arrangement for me also makes me feel a kind of warmth at home. So I decided to tell you my thoughts."

"I have been thinking that if the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is inevitable, then no matter whether the Habsburg dynasty can continue to exist as a royal family in the future, I think instead of cheapening Ferdinand, why not cheap my future husband What?" Princess Mary said with a playful smile.

With a clatter, the prince’s teacup fell on the ground. The black tea in the cup contaminated the high-quality Turkish carpets on the ground. The prince looked at his sister with an unbelievable look. For the first time, he discovered that a woman is such a terrifying creature, you can't see through it, you can't figure it out!

"Have you ever thought of inheriting the legacy of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire? Even if Hungary is removed, if the entire Austria can be taken over, then Bavaria is enough to fight Prussia." Princess Mary's words were full of temptation.

"The German population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is about 12 million or more, which does not include other ethnic groups. The population of Bavaria is only 7 million. Austria has an area of ​​about 300,000 square kilometers, while Bavaria has only 87,000! I really want to know how this is. Is Bavaria annexing Austria or Austria annexing Bavaria? And Prussia will never allow this to happen." Prince Ruprecht said.

"I still have this idea after seeing you, otherwise, based on your personality, you would never waste so much time and energy explaining this to me." Princess Mary's smile grew stronger. "In addition, I have a question that I haven't understood. Why do you never mention the biggest obstacle in Austria-Hungary, Crown Prince Ferdinand? Have you already thought of a way to deal with him?"

"Cousin, you are too self-righteous. Your plan is not feasible at all, and as a princess of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is not ridiculous to discuss the future of the Austrian Kingdom with a Bavarian prince?" His Royal Highness said with a deep face.

Regardless of whether the prince fights Austrianism or not, Ferdinand will not pose a threat. After all, this guy died under the assassination. Not only him, but even the last Austrian Karl I will not pose any threat. This guy has a level and IQ. Too limited, quite the king of Hungary. The final result was exile until he died of old age!

"Is it ridiculous? I have more blood in the Wittelsbach family than in the Habsburg royal family. Both my grandmother and mother were born in the Bavarian royal family. For me, the most important thing is that I can wear it. The crown of the queen, and my son can inherit a country. The bigger the country, the better. When the Austro-Hungarian Empire cannot be maintained, a stronger Bavarian kingdom is more in my interest."

"The difficulties are great, but because of these difficulties, my role is irreplaceable. If the situation really gets to that point, your army and strength plus my prestige are completely hopeful of gaining the Germans in Austria. Support. As for Ferdinand? He has become a scapegoat! The crown finally returned to the bloodline of Fritz. Isn't this a good result?" Princess Mary asked with a smile.

"How do you know that the situation will be as high as you imagined? How can you ensure that the Austrians support your decision? You know, even in Austria, the proportion of Germans is not half." To say that the prince is willing to be a thousand-year-old In the second word, that is definitely a lie, but at the same time he is also very aware of the difficulty of the upper ranks. If nothing else, it is difficult to achieve this simple snake-tuning elephant! Not only from the inside of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but more importantly, the Prussian attitude! The latter is more deadly!

Prussia can give Bavaria quite favorable conditions, and can share economy and power with Bavaria, but it will never allow Germany to become a dual empire! This will be a devastating blow to the system of the empire! Unless one day Prussia splits, or the kingship is gone!

"How to do that is your I don’t care, but I heard some news recently. You can be more interested. My father is the emperor of Austria-Hungary and your grandfather is the regent of Bavaria. Wang, the relationship has been very close recently. They plan to renew the relationship between the two royal families. As the Austro-Hungarian side, I am the only suitable choice, and only you are equal to me." Princess Mary jokingly With a smile, he looked at the stunned prince before him.

"Is this an arranged marriage or is it sold for a good price?" At this time, the prince seemed to have 10,000 horses running wild!

"Why, you don't want to?" Seeing his cousin's constantly changing face, a layer of frost gradually hung on Princess Mary's face.

"I just can't accept this rumor." The prince said with a gloomy face. To be honest, he is not very disgusted with his cousin, even after knowing the situation of the other party, at some point, he regards her as a fully trustworthy partner, but when it comes to marriage or marriage, this It seems to be farther...

In other words, it's more dissatisfaction with your cousin's overpoweringness. Who are you? He is the head of the second largest family in Germany in the future. But if my wife has a deeper background than me, the pressure is a little bit heavy.

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