The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2494: Forgotten Battleship II

The first point is that the Russian Navy quickly expanded its navy with the support of Britain and France after the end of the war to cope with the expansion of the German navy. Among them, new battleships such as the Gangut-class battleship and the Izmail-class fast battleship quickly appeared on the berth. Therefore, from this perspective, the Russian Navy can supplement a large number of new battleships in a short period of time, so it is a bit outdated. There is no need for the Rurik-class battleship to come back. Those warships that had participated in the Japanese-Russian naval battle that returned to the Baltic Sea were subsequently retired because of the poor performance of these warships. This shows that the Russian Baltic Fleet does not lack ships.

The second point is that in this plane, Turkey rejected the request of the Russian fleet to pass through the Black Sea. With the support of Germany, Turkey rejected any Russian warships to enter and exit the Dardanelles at any time. Therefore, 4 Rurik-class armored cruisers The plan to return to the Black Sea fell through. When signing the battleship purchase agreement with Germany before, there was an additional clause, that is, 4 Rurik-class battleships cannot be deployed in the Baltic Sea. Although Russia is on the side of the British, Germany and Russia are already considered potential The enemy is now, but the Russian government does not need to irritate the Russians too much for the 4 outdated warships. Anyway, Russia has time to wait for the launch of the new ship.

Taking into account that the Russian Pacific Fleet still needs some warships to act as a facade, the 4 Rurik-class fast battleships remained in the Far East in the end. As for why these warships did not participate in military operations in the Indian Ocean in World War I? This reason is a bit embarrassing, because before the war, the power systems of these four warships were being replaced and repaired, including replacement of new boilers, and replacement of inefficient vertical steam engines with efficient steam turbines.

However, after the outbreak of the war, Russia's resources were tight, so replacement and maintenance work became protracted. Therefore, most of these warships were in ports or in berths during World War I. They did not participate in the war and died. What is immortal is that after the collapse of the Normanov dynasty, the Japanese occupied the Russian Far East, and the whereabouts of these warships are also unknown. I don't know if they sank, destroyed, or encountered other things...

"Now things are a little troublesome. The Russians were preparing to modify these guys before the outbreak of the war, including replacing the dual secondary main guns with a single-mounted 12-inch gun. I don’t know if so long has passed, and the project is on schedule. To what extent, if the Japanese can still use it for one repair, it is really not good news for us. It is equivalent to four more sub-level dreadnoughts out of thin air, and the speed is still very fast." Frowned and said.

"If I remember correctly, the Rurik-class warship ran a speed of 22 knots or more in the previous trial. If the steam turbine and a new boiler are replaced, there is still potential for speed improvement. The maximum speed is hard to say. , But certainly faster than the American iron tortoises. Only us and the Americans’ new armored cruisers can catch up with them, and the latter is estimated to be unable to defeat these guys. More importantly, the Japanese have up to 4 such ships in their hands. Battleship. If it is completely repaired, whether it is a frontal battlefield or a broken battlefield, it will cause us a certain amount of trouble." Raidel said sternly.

"I think we need to remind the Americans." Su Xiong said.

"Yes." Raidel nodded and said. "It seems that we are 70% likely to find these Japanese warships in the vast Pacific in the future. Just like Thomas was looking for us."

"It's really troublesome." Su Xiong finally sighed. However, what Su Xiong did not expect was that they had overlooked not only battleships, but other battleships!

And just when the Germans realized that the old ships of the Russian Far East Fleet might bring themselves a lot of trouble, in the berth of the distant Japanese Kawasaki Shipyard, this trouble is turning into reality! In the Kawasaki Shipyard's No. 4 and No. 5 berths, two huge warships are undergoing final outfitting.

"Looking at this battleship, I seem to have a feeling of traveling through time and space." Yamamoto Fifty-Six looked at the former enemy and said with emotion. Ten years ago, in the decisive battle of the Japanese-Russian naval battle, the armored cruiser Asahi, where Yamamoto 56 was located, was destroyed by the two battleships in front of him. There were more than 800 people on the ship. In the end, it only survived 150 people, and he is one of them. But now, time has passed. When Russia collapsed, the two German-built Russian warships that once made the Japanese navy feared finally came to the Japanese berth. What makes people feel that fate is so tricky is that Yamamoto Fifty-Six will become the captain of one of the battleships after he is promoted to colonel!

"Although it's a bit old, it's still sharp and sharp. After repairs, they will ride on the sea again." Gu Hefeng said on the side. This guy is the reserve captain of another warship. And if nothing else, Yamamoto Fifty-Six and Koga Mimeichi will be integrated into a team, and Yamamoto Fifty-Six will be the team commander!

"Do you know how the above will arrange for us in the future?" Gu Hefeng asked.

"How would I know? The main force of the Japanese combined fleet has gone south, and almost all the high-level military has passed, and we are still in the homeland. How could I know the military arrangements for us." Yamamoto Fifty-Six frowned and frowned. Yue said There is a reason why Fengyi Koga asked this way, because Yamamoto 56 has a very NB adoptive father named Yamamoto Gonhei...

The well-deserved boss in the Japanese Navy! Yamamoto Fifty-Six was originally called Takano Fifty-Six, and he took over from the Takano family to the Yamamoto family, and Yamamoto Fifty-Six can now be the captain of this battleship because of family origin. After all, these two battleships It can also be called a battleship. Before, Yamamoto 56 was just a lieutenant colonel. Now he is about to be promoted to colonel, and he will directly serve as the battleship captain and temporary commander of the squadron. This is actually a bit too high. So Koga Minichi thought that Yamamoto Fifty-Six might get some inside information, right? (In history, Yamamoto Fifty-Six was a major at the same time. However, it is unlikely that a major will be the captain of the capital ship, and even the lieutenant colonel is suspended, so here needs to be raised. Um.)

"Then guess it, I remember the hammock number of the predecessor is very high." Gu Hefeng said with a smile.

"It stands to reason that we will be incorporated into the main fleet, because our capital ships are somewhat small. Although Rurik is outdated, the speed is good or the defense is barely reasonable. The addition of 4 Rurik-class battleships will help. To make up for the shortcomings of our battleship detachment. But the actual situation is not like this." Yamamoto Fifty-Six thought for a while and said.

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