The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2492: 2 hands ready for five


And if you fight more unrestrainedly, you can consider taking advantage of the night or weather to attack the Japanese military facilities on New Britain Island. Destroy the support system of the Japanese Navy. In Su Xiong's view, if the situation permits, he can even touch the Japanese main fleet, without really hitting the sky, as long as the Japanese realize that continuing to defend the island is not worth the gain. After all, the Japanese navy may fight to the death for the defense of Kalimantan and the Virtue fleet, but it will definitely not have a premature showdown with Virtue in Guinea.

So, if you just let the Japanese Navy withdraw from the Bismarck Islands, it is not difficult for the Germans, as long as the benefits and risks are not proportional. Some people may have said that this tactic seems very simple, but why can't the Americans think of it?

The reason is simple and many. First, only the German fleet can do this. The current US fleet does not have this ability. After all, the German fleet can guarantee that it cannot run with a high speed of at least 26 knots. Can your US fleet be good? And if the capital ships in a fleet are all German warships, then it is not convenient for the Americans to continue to hold the command right?

Secondly, there is a question of choice. Letting the German fleet take the initiative is indeed a way to break the deadlock, but it will also weaken the sea power of the New Ireland Island. If at this time, in case the Japanese fleet does not trouble the Germans, it is If you find an opportunity to bite an American bitterly, then who will bear the responsibility? What if the loss is too great? To give a more vivid example, if the entire Japanese fleet finds a chance to tilt a cannonball crazy for 3 hours at an uncovered landing site, what will happen? How much will the army die?

Of course, as for the second point, this is a tactic that hurts both Japan and the United States. After all, while the Japanese stole the American landing field, the Japanese base in New Britain would also be hit hard. In fact, generally speaking, it’s more likely for Americans to make money. After all, Americans have a solid family base. If they are stolen, they can continue to fight, while the Japanese are stolen. Up.

Therefore, Benson may have thought that proactive attack is a good way to get rid of passivity, but he dare not make this decision lightly. On the one hand, it is a question of risk, and on the other hand, it is a question of command. At least before hitting a wall, Benson also wanted to do a good job with the U.S. Navy in control.

"But one thing, I think I need to remind your Excellency that you have somewhat underestimated the Japanese Navy’s determination to fight the Bismarck Islands. In my opinion, they may be more determined. Because if the Americans get the New Ireland, Then crossing the Strait of St. George is New Britain Island, and then crossing the Strait of the Warrior, that is New Guinea. These places are too close to each other. Once the Americans have survived the hardest time of the battle, then the remaining possibility It's just like a broken bamboo. Once you enter Guinea, then the Japanese navy is waiting for a thousand miles away. They can't stop the double attack of the land-based bombers and surface fleets of the US and German forces." Ryder thought for a while and said.

The overall strength of the U.S.-German coalition is there, and the start is difficult because it lacks a suitable forward base. Once a suitable forward base is obtained and a large number of bombers enter the airport, then with the cooperation of the fleet, it will have an overwhelming advantage over the surrounding waters. The Japanese fleet is simply unmatched.

And because several islands are very close, the Japanese Navy has only two options if it wants to completely offset the advantages of American aviation power. The first option is to use its own aviation power to be tough, and the second option is to reopen. distance. The first option is to find death. Will the Americans who take the posture be afraid of your consumption? As for the second point, it was a thousand miles retreat, directly from Guinea to Sulawesi... Sulawesi is probably the place where the U.S.-Germany forces and the Japanese will fight the final battle, because this is the last barrier of Kalimantan. It is lost and Kalimantan cannot be defended. After all, there is only a Makassar Strait between the two.

Therefore, in Riddle's view, there are only two stages in the maritime part of the entire war. The first stage is the Guinea stage, and the second stage goes directly to Le Kalimantan-Sulawesi. Of course, there will be a considerable period of rest between the two major war phases.

"What you said makes a lot of sense, but I don’t know what the Japanese should do to hold it back? In my opinion, if luck is good, the entire New Ireland campaign will not last long, 2 After the war of attrition of the month, we directly attacked the rear of the Japanese. At most 3 months, the Japanese fleet was at its limit. Even if there were a lot of warships retained, it had to retreat. After the sea was settled, all that was left was time. There is a problem." Su Xiong thought for a while and said.

"Not necessarily. This is a landing battle after all. In addition to sea battles, there are also battles on islands. If the U.S. Army is unable to gain a foothold on the islands and establish an airport and logistics system, the subsequent fleet will not be able to get through and the situation at sea will It is impossible to be completely clear."

"And What if the Japanese also engage in ocean-breaking operations? After all, there are thousands of kilometers from the continental United States to Hawaii, and there are almost no reliable transfer stations at such a long distance, and no aircraft can provide reconnaissance. In addition to early warning, the **** force is only destroyers, and a large number of personnel and equipment are all shipped by sea. If the Japanese fleet divides several warships to break the relationship, this is a very big trouble." Raidel said.

"It won't be too much trouble. If it's just a camouflage cruiser, the Americans have auxiliary cruisers and destroyers. It is not difficult to deal with those camouflaged cruisers that are based on merchant ships. If it is a submarine, it is also restrained by the destroyer. The loss will be in Within the allowed range." Su Xiong said disapprovingly.

"What about armored cruisers? Don't forget that the Japanese still have several predecessor battleships of Mainz-class armored cruisers. They played a huge role in the Philippine naval battle that year." Redel said.

"Those warships." Su Xiong remembered. "The time is a bit longer, but it should be considered as it has passed. The service period is almost 20 years, right? Although our Mainz-class armored cruiser has not been in service for a short time, it is second-rate in the Imperial Navy's combat sequence, and As cannon fodder. It seems that the Japanese are planning to use it like this."

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