The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2487: Su Xiong's Mission Three

Su Xiong fought against the Japanese navy, and more than once. Also fought overnight battles with the Japanese Navy. In general, Su Xiong's evaluation of the level of the Japanese navy is this, and the combat quality of the destroyer force is still good. The generals above the intermediate level do not say how smart they are, but they are on the basic line. And don’t forget that the Japanese and the British are allies. Before coming, Ruprecht reminded Su Xiong that this time the German fleet might encounter old friends in the Pacific, so let him be careful... Let's think about the combat quality of the US fleet... Su Xiong really understood the meaning of what Crown Prince Ruprecht said to him before he left. Let the US Navy jump first and talk about it afterwards. Su Xiong will first ensure the safety of the German fleet.

But no matter what, the cooperation between Su Xiong and Bensen has buried the hidden dangers of disharmony. Bensen specified the battle plan in a formulaic method taught by the academy. He hopes to control everything in his own hands and believes that A mediocre subordinate who is obedient is better than a smart subordinate who likes to make good opinions. If you have to use one word to describe it, it is rigid.

As for Su Xiong, he is a wolf! A wolf who has been wandering overseas for a long time and is accustomed to responding on the spot! In fact, not only him, but all the high-ranking generals of the German navy who led the naval battles alone, such as Hipper and Count Spey. They like to analyze intelligence by themselves, and then mobilize the fleet to fight according to their own ideas. Although Su Xiong is the smallest person in command of the fleet of all the German naval officers, don’t forget that they have also commanded battleships, destroyers and submarines. For the mixed fleet, speaking of the command and combat experience of the larger fleet, Earl Spey can taunt Su Xiong, and Thomas can barely, but in any case it is not the Americans' turn to taunt.

According to what Su Xiong thought before, the US auxiliary fleet was responsible for collecting intelligence, and then Su Xiong commanded the German fleet and the support fleet of eight battleships promised by Benson, and Su Xiong himself decided how to fight. In this case, Su Xiong can at least guarantee tactical flexibility. But it is a pity that Benson dismantled the fleet that was supposed to be used in one place and restricted the communication between the two, which was a little difficult to handle.

Of course, if you want to say that Benson has contempt for Su Xiong, this is impossible. After all, Benson has no reason to despise a man called Earl of Blood by the Japanese. People are brilliant. And in order to coordinate the command between himself and Su Xiong, Benson also asked Ma Jifen to be his chief of staff. After all, the latter also had actual combat experience and communicated more with the Germans.

There are many reasons for this result, but some are political issues and national face issues, and some are combat style issues. The combat style of the U.S. Navy, which has not experienced actual combat, is generally conservative, only fighting more. Some outstanding generals are more skinny, such as the general Halsey who was called the sea bull in the 2nd war in history! They are confident and capable, so they dare to make claims without authorization.

In fact, the combat style of the large fleet is more conservative. For example, Su Xiong can be more skinny and Earl Spey can be bolder, but whether it is Ruprecht or Scheer, they dare not make fun of the main force of the high seas fleet. They are all shot with more than 90% assurance. This can be regarded as the different positions of Benson and Su Xiong on the same issue.

"You don't have to worry about intelligence matters, and you don't have to worry about encountering the main force of the Japanese fleet and need support. We can solve these problems. You can only use the command fleet to hit the Japanese forehead." Benson said. .

"That is to say, we are just a long sword, we don't need to think about the problem with our own brains, just kill the enemy in front of you?" Su Xiong asked slightly dissatisfied.

"We do not underestimate your intentions with your heroic and vigorous fleet. This arrangement is entirely to avoid confusion. You know, our landing plan is very large this time, and there are many targets that need to be covered. In fact, it is not just the landing point. We also need to cover the transport fleet, temporary docks, various berths, and the main fleet ourselves. Sometimes our own chaos will be more terrifying than the enemy's offensive." Admiral Benson said very sincerely. He respected General Su Xiong as the guest army, but for various reasons, the Americans finally chose a more conservative approach at the tactical level.

So a very interesting scene in the history of war appeared. Strategically, the Americans were bold and directly hit the defensive core of the Japanese Navy. But tactically, the Americans were very careful. They tied the entire fleet near the landing site. . All that is required is that the army can successfully land and establish a complete forward base!

This seems difficult to understand, but in fact there are many in military history. For example, the airstrike on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese are undoubtedly very bold in strategy. However, in the execution stage of the final tactics, Nan Yun Tadaichi was attacking two. After the call, he finally chose to evacuate. Although there may not be the so-called exaggeration of the U.S. fleet after the third wave, the U.S. fleet was paralyzed for X month, but Nan Yun Zhongyi was obviously conservative in the final aspect of tactics. Even if the torpedo is thrown you still have bombs, you should clean up the oil depot and shipyard.

"Well, we are willing to obey the decision made by your country. We will do our best to do our best. You can rest assured." Su Xiong did not argue any more. He decided to look at the level of Americans first.

"I sincerely thank you for your cooperative attitude, and hope that the friendship between the German Empire and the United States of America will last." Benson let out a sigh. No matter what, the German opposite has already expressed his attitude. Perhaps now it is a virtue. There are some problems and contradictions, but on the issue of the ownership of the Bismarck Islands, the two countries are in agreement, that is, the Japanese must get out of the Bismarck Islands, the Americans are for their colonies, and the Germans are for their own face! So the Germans will definitely cooperate as much as possible.

After finishing the main business, the atmosphere of the talks between the two parties was very relaxed. In order to welcome the arrival of the German fleet, the Americans still made a lot of preparations and prepared floating docks and necessary supplies for all German warships. Food and supplies are distributed in accordance with the highest standards of the United States and China, and in order to express the disclosure of information to allies, Su Xiong and others can access all information and intelligence about the war. And Su Xiong was not polite, actively preparing for the upcoming war.

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