The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2480: Articles

.. Rise of the Empire

"They will keep their hands in certain areas, such as the export of British military supplies to the empire. For example, when Japan will negotiate with the United States and Germany in the future, the Germans may not include the Russian issue in the negotiation. On the agenda. Even in the future, if our performance satisfies the Germans, they may also make some concessions on the Dutch East Indies. But if we do not act on the Siberian issue, or perform poorly , So that if Germany is disappointed, our situation will be very bad." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

"Germany will make concessions on the Dutch East Indies? How do I feel that this kind of statement is very talkative? Can the Germans still make the Americans give up the war? It's simply impossible." Yamamoto Quanhei sneered. In his view, Germany's influence on the United States on the Pacific issue is also very limited.

"The Germans have prepared for a long time, and they are very open. According to our intelligence, the German government and the US government mentioned one thing when discussing some issues in the Pacific War. That is, the future If Germany and the United States regain part of the territory of the former Dutch East Indies colony from Japan, should the disposal of these places be controlled by the Americans? Or return to the Dutch? Or independence? For this issue, the United States People did not give a positive answer, and the German solution is to temporarily shelve it!" Kato said.

"What then? Is there any problem with this?" Masaichi Temple asked.

"Although the Netherlands is a neutral country, it has given Germany a certain amount of help during the war. More than 30% of Germany's overseas materials are re-exported into Germany through the Netherlands. And Germany is preparing to establish a European Union with Germany and Austria as the core, so for these small countries Germany must consider the demands of Germany." Kato Gaoming paused for a while and then continued: "Although Germany will not fight us for the Netherlands, under certain special circumstances, I think the Germans will still consider the demands of the Netherlands. For example, as mentioned earlier, if the United States and Germany regain the colony that originally belonged to the Netherlands, then the ownership of the colony will be a problem."

"The Americans definitely want to bring them under their control or allow them to be independent, because the United States can easily control these areas, whether it is directly incorporated or in the form of a suzerainty. And it can build military facilities and deploy troops. As for giving it back to the Dutch? This is probably not what the Americans want to see. After all, this is equivalent to the Americans working in the Netherlands for nothing. And when there is a conflict between the United States and Germany, the Netherlands will definitely listen to Germany instead of listening. American." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

"Germany will not devote too much energy to the Netherlands, but this is a very good excuse. With this as an excuse, when the former German Pacific colony promised to the United States returns to the hands of the Americans, Germany can withdraw at any time. In this war, because the Dutch East Indies have nothing to do with the United States, Germany can explain that even after retaking these places from us, they should return it to the Netherlands instead of the United States! And the United States cannot accuse the Germans of breaching the contract at this time. Because there is no such content in the treaty."

"So, now the situation is very clear. The former German colonies we invaded at the beginning of the war must be returned to the Americans, but as for other places, it depends on the attitude of the Germans, and now, they have kept them. Backward, and ready to be sold at any time! Using the Netherlands as an excuse, the Germans can quickly withdraw from the war, and even mediate the three-nation conflict as a neutral party. Of course, there is a premise here, that is, we Some things I have done satisfy the Germans!" Said Gongwang Xiyuan Temple.

"It counts as one to beat the Russian fiercely. So are there other conditions?" Yamamoto Quanhei asked.

"Indemnity, indemnity that can't be bypassed! And the amount is definitely a lot." Xiyuan Temple Gongwang said with a sigh.

"Is this a benefit from both the plaintiff and the defendant at the same time? It's really enough." Temple Zhengyi gritted his teeth.

"However, the operability of this is very low. I understand Germany's confidence. They believe that with the strength of Germany and the U.S. Navy, they can kill us at any time, but how can the Germans guarantee that when they want to stop the war, The Americans will stop? If the Americans have the initiative on the battlefield, why should they stop? This kind of operation is also available to the Americans. They wanted to make the Germans hold their hands on the British through the exchange of interests. The Germans still cleanly swept the British fleet into the garbage dump of history!" said Gonbei Yamamoto.

"What you said has some truth, so I always think that the navy's actions on the island of Guinea are just to delay its opponents, rather than having to fight the US-German fleet. When the navy becomes unsupportable, I suggest that the fleet immediately withdraw to Kaliman. Dan Island. This is to buy time, not only to buy us time, but also to buy time for the Germans. If we can reach agreement with Germany on certain issues by then, plus on the battlefield, it’s OK Victory, then the empire will finally have a chance to withdraw from this war." Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said.

The so-called internal cause determines the development direction of things. External factors are nothing but an This statement still makes sense. For example, Britain before the end of the war. In fact, a few months before the end of the war, the British were defeated. Even if the British navy opened up, and the Germans would lose out in the Norwegian Sea battle, but what about?

The United Kingdom is still under the double strangulation of the German naval submarine force and the German land-based aviation force. If it drags on for a few months, the United Kingdom will collapse or collapse. In other words, when the defeat of the United Kingdom is irreversible, the Americans will provide help. There is no way to undo it. Even if the Americans and Germany are torn apart, it is impossible to start transfusions of blood to the British on American ships. The reason is simple. In addition to the lack of supplies, the population loss in the UK has reached its limit. It is no longer possible for the British government to fight the Germans because of the support of the United States, because that is to use the hope of tomorrow to continue the life today.

In the same way, this situation is also suitable for Japan. If in the end, the Americans feel that they can completely drive Japan out of the Dutch East Indies without paying too high a price, the Germans will also decisively abandon Japan. Just as the United States finally abandoned the United Kingdom a few months ago, countries pay attention to one interest in doing things. If the input is higher than the output, it will naturally not be done....

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