The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2466: Japanese final preparation four

2466 1

And historically, when the Japanese were designing Yamato-class battleships, the required goal was to be able to defeat the American South Dakota-class battleships in a 1:1.5 situation. You know, the tonnage of Yamato-class battleships is much higher than that of American battleships! Therefore, when Hayao Shimamura said that it could be 10V18, Kenbei Yamamoto didn't believe it...

As for why Ruprecht was able to make an amazing record with a huge gap in the number of battles in the Norwegian Sea? There are many accidental factors in this thing. What do you say? Details determine success or failure. Although most of the time, a horseshoe will not lose a country, but some details are controlled, which is definitely a huge effect!

For example, the camouflage paintings of battleships, for example, the 4 armored cruisers that act as cannon fodder, and Ruprecht's strongman who broke his wrist when necessary, let Hipper lift the tank... Some of these conditions cannot be replicated, such as camouflage camouflage. After all, after this kind of thing appears once, the other party will definitely consider how to deal with it. It is not a particularly high-tech thing in itself. And if there are too many of these things, there will be no psychological shock added....

"Uh, ah, how should I put it, the Americans have relatively poor tactical literacy, and we can choose the time and location of the battle with the US fleet. In fact, if we all attack, even if the German fleet is there, there is enough air. There is still a chance to evacuate under cover. After all, it is impossible for the Germans to use 4 fast battleships to chase our 12 battleships." Hayao Shimura said with some embarrassment.

"It is understandable that the newcomers are a little swollen, but if you old people are swollen, you won't be able to write. Sometimes you need to be quiet." Yamamoto Quanhei said.

"From my personal point of view, I am opposed to a fleet decisive battle with the Americans, no matter what the circumstances. Even if we can start a decisive battle with the Americans at night, in a sea area that we are familiar with, it will not work. After all, the US-German fleet has 26 capital ships, and auxiliary ships are even more of a crushing level. It is impossible to lock the victory through a naval battle like the previous war! We must gradually accumulate through small-scale harassment operations. The advantage is only possible," said Gonhei Yamamoto.

Of course, considering the supply situation and anchorage conditions of both sides, the Americans cannot always keep the 26 battleships in a group. It may be possible at the beginning, but there will soon be some problems with attendance. There are always some warships that will rotate for one reason or another. And this is the opportunity for the Japanese fleet. Of course, Americans need to consider logistical issues, and Japanese also need to consider. It's just better. But no matter what, it is impossible for the Japanese to achieve victory through a decisive battle, taking advantage of part of the American warships to return.

The reason is simple. First, Americans are not stupid. They will try to avoid this happening. Second, the US-German Navy has too many "strategic reserves"! Even if the Japanese win once? The Germans don't want to fight seriously now. If they are serious and the Virtue fleet is overwhelmed, Japan will be dead! Gonbei Yamamoto knew the outcome of the war was divided into political and military factors. Cìjī Germans that cannot be overstated. After all, Germans also want face and lee!

What's the use of slapped Germans in the face of military victory? People can send all the Great British Empire fleet into the sea, but they really think it can't help the Japanese joint fleet? Therefore, in this war, how to not touch the bottom line of the Germans when fighting the Americans is one of the issues that really needs to be considered!

"How about the hángkōng mothership?" Yamamoto Quanhei asked.

"With the addition of one ship provided by the British, we have assembled four hángkōng motherships. They are Fengxiang, Ryuxiang, Longfeng and Chitose. Among them, the Chitose provided by the British has the best performance. The design standard of the warship is also large, close to 20,000 tons. If we moored some aircraft on the deck, there would be no problem with carrying more than 70 aircraft. As for the remaining three hángkōng motherships, we can provide us with There are more than 150 aircraft, if they are all fighter jets, the number may be more. The speed of these hángkōng motherships is above 22 knots. It is enough to be responsible for air cover. The ones we now have can take off and land on the hángkōng mothership The number of pilots of carrier-based aircraft is about 330 crews. The number is not enough. Can not withstand the war of attrition." Shimura said.

"Then how many hángkōng motherships do the Americans have?" Yamamoto Kenbei asked.

"This, we really don’t know, but according to the data held by our intelligence agencies in Hawaii, after receiving reinforcements from a hángkōng mothership of the German Navy, the Americans have at least 6 fleet hángkōng motherships with a total capacity of aircraft. It is about 500. As for the other hángkōng motherships hidden in the United States, or under construction, we don’t know. After all, you know, the hángkōng mothership is not very different from civilian ships in terms of hull structure. And the tonnage is not particularly high. Before outfitting, it is difficult for us to distinguish. In addition, the United States has a large territory and many shipyards..." Shimura Yasuo explained patiently.

"So in terms of hángkōng mothership tactics, do we have any breakthroughs?" Yamamoto Quanhei asked.

"We only have theory and training. As for actual combat, we still lack a lot. Fortunately, the same is true for the US hángkōng mother ship detachment. They also lack actual combat experience." Shimura said.

"It is said that the British General Betty is coming over? Does he have any comments?" Gonbei Yamamoto asked fact, we have already started some simulations and training in Malaya. General Betty has seen our performance, but he is very dissatisfied with our performance, from the most basic training to the final actual combat exercise is almost useless in his eyes. "Sao Shimura said embarrassingly.

"Interesting, do you think what he said makes sense?" Yamamoto Kenbei frowned slightly, but then quickly loosened it again. On the surface, there was no dissatisfaction. Of course, although I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, I have to say that the Japanese navy in this period is far from being as arrogant and arrogant as later!

To be honest, the Japanese navy at this time still has a lot of meaning of "respecting the teacher and respecting the moral", at least for the naval personnel recruited from outside. For example, before the Sino-Japanese War of Jiawu in history, the Japanese actually learned from the French. Even the construction and design of the liánzhàn ship was required by the French. For example, the designer of the famous Three Views ship in history is the French designer Bai Laoyi.

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[End of this chapter]