The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2454: The best infantry artillery II

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General Kaliput once discussed with Crown Prince Ruprecht about the situation of infantry battles in the future when there was a conflict with the Russian army. The crown prince believes that in the future, when the infantry battalion-level battles, the most important thing to pay attention to is the Russian mortar fire. Mortars are definitely the favorite weapon of the weaker party. They have simple structure and fierce firepower. You don’t need too much technology to produce a lot like sausages.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the German army can gain an advantage at the battalion level in the future, the German Army needs a weapon that can also be mass-produced, but has a huge advantage in range! And this M1 type 75MM light artillery is very suitable for the needs of the German army.

For the range of various mortars, the German army has done very detailed estimates. For example, the 80MM mortar can shoot a round of more than 3 kilograms of shells about 3 kilometers. A 100MM-level mortar can shoot a round of about 8KG shells for about 6 kilometers, while a 120MM-level mortar does not have a long range, but the shells may be twice as heavy! As for mortars with larger calibers, such as 160MM heavy mortars. Although the weight of the shell may exceed 40KG, the range is difficult to increase at 6000 meters. This is the structural limitation of the mortar.

There is no weapon in the world that can have an advantage in all areas at a relatively low cost. The same is true for mortars. In fact, at the level of 160MM mortars, I am afraid that in addition to the convenience of production, they are very bad in terms of weight, projection capacity and range. What do you say precision? This problem is definitely very bad for mortars.

Take the 1943 type 160MM heavy mortar of the Russians in history. The weight of this gun is as high as 1080 kg! And the barrel length reaches 3 meters! What's more pitted is that the artillery is still in muzzle state, so the problem comes. If you want to reload, you need to put the propellant and the 40 kg shell from the muzzle with a vertical height of about 2 meters... . Therefore, at this level, the rate of fire of the mortar is very bad, far inferior to the level of barrel artillery! The burst rate of fire is 3 rounds per minute, and the continuous rate of fire is 1 round per minute...

Moreover, in order to offset the strong recoil of the artillery, a buffer device was added between the barrel and the cutting board, which increased the complexity of the artillery. And this gun itself is not easy to disassemble. Therefore, in Ruprecht's view, in general, in addition to the special heavy mortar, 160MM is really the limit of the infantry mortar. And this weight is no longer suitable for battalion-level maneuvering.

And what if the German Army is equipped with a large number of 75MM light infantry guns? At least in terms of range, it is much longer than all the Russian conventional mortars. The weight of the shell is similar to that of the Russian 100MM mortar. The mortars used to suppress the Russians were not problematic. And when necessary, it can also be used to flat-fire targets such as bunker or bunkers. Of course, if necessary, it is also possible to use armor-piercing shells to attack the side of the tank at close range. According to the historical data of the M66 armor-piercing projectile used by this artillery, it seems that it can penetrate 60MM steel plates, and it is considered to have a certain degree of anti-armor capability.

In addition to mortars, German infantry units also need to face the Russian infantry artillery. To be honest, in history, although the Russian infantry artillery is much worse than the American M1 75MM light howitzer, it is really Much better than the IG18 infantry artillery in German history!

In German history, the IG18 75MM infantry gun is definitely not a good thing. This is a weapon that weighs 400KG, but can only shoot 5.45KG shells out of 3.8 kilometers. Let’s compare the infantry artillery of other countries in the same period longitudinally. Take Italy’s 65MM infantry artillery as an example. This artillery has a heavier weight of 560KG. The weight of the shell is also smaller, only 4.3 kg. But the range is as high as 6.8 kilometers! In the same period, the Japanese Type 92 infantry artillery weighed only 212KG, the shell weighed 3.8 kg, and the range was about 2.8 kilometers.

And in history, what is the performance of the German IG18 relative to the Russian infantry gun? Take the historical Russian M1927 76.2MM artillery as an example. This artillery weighs 900 kg and has an effective range of 8550 meters. The weight of the subsequent M1943 76.2MM infantry gun dropped to 780KG, and the effective range remained unchanged. In terms of performance, the German IG18 can be described as bad.

The American M1 75MM light howitzer has a range at least similar to that of the Russian infantry gun, and it has a lower weight. This has a certain mobility advantage. So this is the reason why General Calipute admires this artillery very much, because from the current point of view, no matter whether it is currently owned by the German army or of the same level artillery under development, there is no better than this artillery!

Of course, this time Calypte and his party came to the United States not just to visit the US Army equipment. The general himself might just come and leave. But the remaining German officers had to train the first-round American troops. Ever since, Major General Karls and Major General Marshall immediately devoted themselves to the training of some US troops.

Before training, first of all, the United States and Germany must first set the enemy's situation and the environment of engagement. However, on this issue, the United States and Germany have some differences.

"In my opinion, the Japanese army has a huge scale but is very backward in terms of equipment. They lack automatic weapons, heavy artillery, not to mention armored units. What our boys need to face most is the Japanese. Trenches, bunkers, and By the way, there are Japanese bayonets. They seem to have an unusual paranoia about bayonets. Therefore, we have to strengthen melee combat capabilities. As for possible armored targets? Just Japan. Industrial capacity, I don't think they can produce any decent goods." Marshall said.

"But the Japanese have taken over a lot of British goods, not to mention tanks and heavy artillery. I think at least they will have a lot of machine guns. During the war, the Japanese were changing and imitating British weapons one after another. Lewis machine guns are very appreciated. At the same time, the Japanese also imitated a large number of field guns. IMHO, at present, your country’s tanks don’t have to face 15-pound and 18-pound guns. The better-performing naval 6-pound guns can be easily fired. Wear it," Major General Karls said.

"It took your country several years to develop crickets, rhinos and wolf tanks, and we don’t have that long to prepare for all of them. They are all very powerful guys, very good war machines. But unfortunately they are not suitable for us. , They are too heavy and too difficult to maintain. And some are not useful. At least those big guys think so. We just buy some weapons as spares. Well, that’s it. And as a front-line general, we can only Use the guy at hand to win the war." Marshall said.

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(End of this chapter)