The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2444: It's windy for two

"Why Solomon Islands instead of Rabaul? The forefront of the American offensive is in the eastern part of the Micronesia Islands. The distance from Rabaul to Solomon Islands is actually the same." Su Xiong said.

"But the Solomon Islands will offset the entire battlefield by hundreds of kilometers to the east. This will form a very favorable situation for us. After all, the main output of the Japanese is battleships, and their naval guns are very sensitive to distance." Said.

"You mean that if there is a large-scale night battle, the eastward shift of the battlefield will greatly shorten the time window for Japan to attack, so that we can respond more easily? As long as the Japanese are not careful, they will be in the daytime. Will be exposed to our superior fleet?" Su Xiong said.

"That's what it means." The crown prince nodded and said. "If we set up the first base in the Solomon Islands, then the main force of the Japanese navy will have to set up an anchorage in the area west of Rabaul. This is out of the defense range of the Japanese before. If we go directly to Rabaul. , We may have to face a very tragic battle. If it is not particularly advantageous, do not use carrier-based aircraft and land-based aircraft to fight."

The Crown Prince’s idea is naturally the safest, but the price is that time may be delayed a bit. The Americans obviously don't want the war to be delayed for too long. The American government needs a clean victory to end this war, whether it is politically or militarily!

"However, this time, it is not that we decide the entire strategy. We are just mercenaries. Everything depends on the Americans. There is only one piece of advice I give you, and that is to put forward your own opinions. When the other party disagrees, don't force it. Hold him, let him, wait until they hit a wall and then see him," the crown prince said with a smile.

"This..." Su Xiong was stunned. He really didn't expect the crown prince to say that. "But, it really makes sense, it's very dark-bellied, I like it." After a long while, Su Xiong said embarrassingly.

To be honest, it is not clear how the crown prince was fought in this war. After all, there was no such large-scale war in the Pacific during the First World War. There is no experience at all. How can we learn from it? what? You say 2 battles? The level of warfare 2 technology is 20 years ahead of the current level. Many things are different. After all, the airplanes of this era are still air bookshelves. In this era, some of the main forces of the US fleet still burn coal.... No radar, no mature sonar, let alone guided weapons. The mode of warfare is on the eve of change, and the original tactics and future tactics will not work. I can only find out how to fight, but the price is blood and fire!

Ma Jifen is here, plus Sims who has been dangling in Kiel Harbour recently. A delegation of two American generals began to formally discuss the war with the German Navy. The German representatives attending this meeting are also three people, Crown Prince Ruprecht, Chief of Naval Staff Count Spey, and Su Xiong, commander of the German Pacific Fleet. Hipper will take the fleet to prepare for an ocean cruise. Scheer is the commander of the navy and needs to deal with some things. Besides, there is the crown prince, and the presence or absence of Scheer has little effect....

"I don't know which battleships are the first batch of battleships that your country finally decided to send?" After a simple polite set, Ma Jifen immediately cut to the topic.

"We plan to send a second battleship squadron consisting of Hesse. Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, and Weimar consist of four Bavarian-class battleships. We decided to send Zeppelin to the aircraft carrier. This ship was originally It was modified from the Chicago USS of your country. You should be familiar with its performance.” Ruprecht said.

"Four Bavarian-class battleships?" Ma Jifen was also taken aback. He really did not expect the Germans to be so generous with this aid issue. After all, he is aware of the various contradictions between the United States and Germany. After the end of the war, conflicts in the relationship between the United States and Germany have emerged. At this time, the Germans are still willing to send the 4 strongest battleships in the first batch is already a rare show of sincerity.

"On behalf of the United States of America and the U.S. Navy, I would like to express my gratitude to your country for your generous support, and I also hope that the friendship between the two countries will continue." Majifen said.

"Thank you. I also hope that the friendship between the two countries will last forever. I also hope that you can inform the US government of our goodwill, so as to avoid some unnecessary troubles. This time, we will face to some extent than the United Kingdom People still have troublesome opponents. I hope that we can cooperate sincerely and don't adversely affect the war because of certain political or presumptions." The crown prince said.

In the end, Germany decided to send 4 Bavarian-class battleships. In addition to the "sincerity" of the Americans, there is another important factor that is that the Helgoland-class battleships and the Mochi-class battlecruisers are already a bit outdated. You know, the Japanese have 6 Fuso-class fast battleships and Nagato-class fast battleships equipped with 16-inch guns, which are equivalent to an enhanced version of the Fury-class battleship and The queen who has replaced the new armor-piercing projectile is not always good, let alone face the Fuso-class battleship?

The first batch of the main force of the German High Seas Fleet consisted of only 4 ships, and even the main force of the entire US-German fleet only had 4 fast battleships. Su Xiong can't rely on others, he can only rely on himself! At the beginning of the war, the navies of the two sides were the strongest. At this time, it is natural to use strong ships to top the first wave. If you go to 4 Helgoland-class battleships, if 2 ships are destroyed in World War I. That would be embarrassing...

"Now let me talk about our strategy. The forefront of our attack is the eastern part of the Micronesia Islands. Here we have built airports, temporary docks, and anchorages. We have also deployed submarines and aviation double-layer security nets. The core of the outermost line of defense of the Japanese Navy is in the eastern part of the island of Guinea. They have deployed a large number of aviation forces and army on the main island of the island of Guinea. And our first target is the Rabaul area of ​​New Britain! Here it is! We will take the first step, and then as a springboard to challenge the Japanese Navy's New Guinea line of defense!" Majifen said.

"Sure enough." Su Xiong looked at the crown prince, and he could feel the entanglement in his heart. Although the crown prince told Su Xiong to bear him, let him say this, but this is after all related to the life of the German Pacific Fleet. And the reputation of the German High Seas Fleet! So naturally it will not be as easy as oral.

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