The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2442: Cruiser Planning Seven

Nowadays, the standard displacement of most destroyers in various countries is around 1,000 tons. A 2,000-ton destroyer can naturally be called a large destroyer, and in line with the French, your things are good, and Lao Tzu’s things are better. The increase in the tonnage of the French destroyers is also inevitable. Even when talking to Earl Spey, the French revealed their plans to build a 3000-ton destroyer.

"You know, both of us and the British act as leaders for the destroyer squadrons. After all, the destroyers are relatively small, with imperfect space and facilities, so there must be a larger warship as the command ship. Generally we can use light cruisers. Or a large destroyer. And the French may build some large destroyers in the future as the leader of the destroyer. If a large destroyer of 3000 tons or even 4000 tons is classified as a destroyer, it is not suitable, but if it is classified as a light cruiser , It's not good either." Count Spey said.

"Hold the grass, the fantasy class is coming out?" After hearing the earl's words, Ruprecht was also taken aback! In fact, the French's preference for large destroyers is indeed related to the Germans in history. After the defeat of Germany in history, the French were assigned a German destroyer S113, which is a 2000 equipped with a 150MM artillery. Ton-class destroyer, the French feel very good, and named it Admiral Senna. Another reason is that the Italians also began to build frigates, but the Italians gave them the name Scout Ship. Ok.

Actually, from a historical point of view, the increase in the tonnage of destroyers is a historical necessity. The Utopian class was called a super destroyer before World War II, but its standard tonnage was less than 2,600 tons, and its full load displacement was 3,300 tons. And the tonnage of the Akizuki-class empty destroyer built by the Japanese in World War II was already at the same level as utopian. So, to put it hard, a destroyer of more than 2,000 tons is the general standard for a 2 battle balanced destroyer, and if you want to strengthen air defense, then just go straight to 3,000 tons. For example, if you want to mount 8 100MM-class anti-aircraft guns, can the standard displacement not reach 2700?

Of course, up to now, the naval powers have not had this awareness. Anyway, the US Navy, which is currently preparing for war, is busy discharging dumpling flat destroyers, which are 1,000-ton class destroyers. Of course, if the Americans found that destroyers of this tonnage were not useful in the Pacific during the war, they would definitely expand.

And if after the Pacific War is over, the Americans find that the 2,000-ton destroyer is only useful, then in order to pursue the so-called asymmetric advantage, will larger destroyers come out early? This is really hard to say, and under the vicious tonnage competition, it is hard to say that there will be no destroyers with more than 3000 standard platoons or even higher!

"Damn, that's a good idea." Ruprecht praised Earl Spey's words, because this plan has a very high feasibility. For a powerful country of the Virtue level, Germany needs an air defense cruiser. The United States estimates it will also be needed. As for other countries, they are likely to create something similar to the leader of a destroyer, a super destroyer, or a leader of a lightning strike.

In fact, the Japanese Navy also has that kind of less serious light cruiser, such as the famous super lightning striker Oi, with 40 rounds of 610MM spear torpedoes installed on the 5000-ton hull before World War II... One side can shoot 20 torpedoes at a time. This TM is really scary! Of course, such spectacular scenes in actual combat never happened....

So, in terms of demand, the future naval powers of China, the United States, Germany, Britain and Japan will all have demand for the ton-class warships. France and Italy have the need to build super destroyers. So, in this case, shouldn't it be enough to specify a special ship? Anyway, the treaties are all negotiated by everyone. Since they all have something in common, they can naturally be discussed.

Of course, the same 5000-ton warships may be used by the Japanese to build super lightning strike ships, and the Germans may be used to build anti-aircraft cruisers. How to choose depends on their choice!

"Well, don't we have a batch of light cruisers that need to be decommissioned? The decommissioning work is temporarily suspended, and they can be converted into reserve ships or training ships, and then you can try to change them first. Let's get two first. 128MM artillery and 105MM artillery Try both." Ruprecht thought for a while and said. "I promise that in the future, these two experimental warships will not occupy the cruiser's tonnage."

"As you wish, Your Highness." Marshal Scheer nodded and said. The crown prince guaranteed the tonnage of the cruiser, so Scheer did not have much resistance to the so-called special empty cruiser. As for the cost of modifying the warship? The German navy is in stock. It doesn’t cost much to take out some sealed items from the warehouse and change them. As for the daily maintenance of the two experimental ships? Since it was in the name of a training ship, it was naturally approved.

So, the plan for the future German High Seas Fleet during the treaty period has been finalized. The heavy cruiser's tonnage is limited to 15,000 tons, the firepower is 8 inch artillery, the defensive power can resist the 8 inch gun, and the speed is about 33 knots.

The tonnage of the light cruiser is limited to 10,000 tons, and the firepower is 6-inch artillery. The defensive power is a limited defensive 8-inch gun. The speed is also around 33 tons. In addition to the original heavy cruisers and light cruisers, in the future, the crown prince also plans to add an air defense cruiser or auxiliary cruiser to the two light cruisers during the negotiation think of the Germans. The necessary anti-aircraft cruiser was also forced in!

As for how much tonnage of cruisers can be allocated to each country in the end? It depends on the situation, anyway, Germany is definitely the first class! At least equal to the size and tonnage of the US Navy! If the Americans dare to play a shipbuilding competition, then Germany and Austria, who have been slowing down after the war, will naturally accompany them to the end! Who is afraid of whom!

According to this process, the next step is to spend a few more days in Kiel Harbour, visit the navy base, and then recount the past with some old comrades, and the crown prince should go home. However, at this moment, a telegram from Berlin reached the port of Kiel. Let the crown prince's plan change again.

"What's the matter?" Marshal Schell looked at Crown Prince Ruprecht, who looked serious in front of him, and Earl Schelling, who was looking serious, and seemed to realize that something extraordinary had happened.

"The time to come is finally here," Ruprecht said. "You have something to do now."

"Is that so? It seems that you still need to stay in Port Kiel for a while." Scheer suddenly realized.

"Yeah, I didn't expect things to come so soon. Get ready, there will be new guests soon, and get the Second Battleship Unit ready." The crown prince thought for a while and said.

"I really envy you, General Su Xiong." Hipper said jokingly.

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