The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2439: Cruiser Planning IV

And if you use this level of hull to change the aircraft carrier, then the combat effectiveness of this level of aircraft carrier should be no less than that of Japan's Yunlong class! One of the most direct indicators of the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier is the size of the flight deck. So how big can the flight deck of such a first-class cruiser be? You can refer to the relationship between the hull size and deck of the independent class aircraft carrier in history.

Historically, the length of the hull of the Cleveland-class cruiser was 180 meters, but after being changed to an independent-class aircraft carrier, the length of the flight deck is only 165 meters. And if the aircraft carrier is designed with reference to the hull of the German heavy cruiser, how can the length of the flight deck be 200 meters up and down after changing to an aircraft carrier?

Do you feel that the length of the flight deck is not much different? In fact, there is a huge gap in the ability to release aircraft. After all, a certain take-off distance is required when the aircraft takes off. For example, if the take-off distance of a fighter is 90 meters, then only 75 meters are left on the deck of an independent class aircraft carrier. The distance can be set up! So good, referring to the length of the 2nd fighter aircraft, 75 meters can fit 8 rows of aircraft!

But what if the length of the flight deck is expanded to 200 meters? Then, excluding the distance used for take-off, the length of the back that can be used to swing the plane reaches 110 meters! And the length of 110 meters is not too much for 12 to 13 rows of planes, right? This is more than 50% higher than the independent class aircraft carrier's release capability!

And this is just a matter of calculating the length of the aircraft carrier. If the width is calculated, the difference will be even greater. You must know that the width of the deck of the German heavy cruiser is 5 meters wider than that of the independent. Then since the hull is wider, the flight deck is naturally also It can be made wider, so if the independent flight deck can hold 3 to 4 planes per row. (3 in a row and 4 in a row.) So the aircraft carrier of this German heavy cruiser is not too much to put 4 to 5, right? So, how many more planes are there in this calculation?

These are just the most superficial calculations, and if the calculations are more careful, for example, if the two aircraft carriers release the ability of attack aircraft, then the gap will be even greater. After all, the takeoff distance required by the attack aircraft carrying bombs and torpedoes If the limit is in meters, for example, if you calculate according to the above principles, you can find that the independent-class aircraft carrier, without the use of catapults, can release half of the attack aircraft as the German aircraft carrier. That's great!

What if you want to calculate the effect of the catapult? How do you say this? First of all, the catapult must also need a certain running distance, so the above calculation rules still work, and secondly, the release speed is slow! After all, in the WWII environment, the aircraft’s direct taxiing and take-off speed must be much faster than after the ejection is completed, the catapult returns, then hooks, and then accumulates ejection.

On the whole, the aircraft carrier of this class of Germany, which will be modified with heavy cruiser hull in the future, has the same deck size as the Japanese Flying Dragon class aircraft carrier, and even exceeds it. Although the length of the flight deck is shorter, the width will definitely be larger. Big cut. The release capability can barely be called the main aircraft carrier of the fleet in history. Although it is estimated that it is far from the real Big Mac on this plane, the victory lies in its ease of construction and short construction period. It is an important supplement to the main aircraft carrier.

"As for light cruisers? I think the future restrictions may be mainly artillery. The restrictions on tonnage will not be very large. After all, we and the Americans need to add extra tonnage in order to ensure the endurance of light cruisers, but other countries do not use the same. To build more light cruisers, so countries such as France, Italy, and Japan will definitely accept the restrictions on the caliber of artillery without being too entangled in displacement."

"Before, based on the design standards of future ocean-going light cruisers mentioned by Admiral Su Xiong, I think there are still merits. The displacement of 10,000 tons, equipped with 10 to 12 6-inch guns, and taking into account certain soft targets. "Hippel said.

On the issue of light cruisers, the high-level German high seas fleet is quite consistent. Have a correct understanding of the tonnage and armament of the light cruiser. According to Scheer’s previous assumptions, after the heavy cruiser was negotiated, the light cruiser was a matter of minutes. However, at this time, Rod Huck finally spoke, and his first sentence made Hipper a little uncomfortable. .

"As the commander of the aircraft carrier squadron of the High Seas Fleet, I think the aircraft carrier squadron also needs to be assigned to an independent cruiser force, and the cruisers assigned to the aircraft carrier squadron must also have super air defense capabilities. These warships also need to squeeze a portion of the cruiser construction share. "Rod Huck said.

"If this were the case, our cruiser might be very nervous," Hipper said with a frown. The current rights of the High Seas Fleet and the allocation of fleet resources are like this. Marshal Scheer is the commander-in-chief of the Navy's High Seas Fleet. He is responsible for commanding the main force of the High Seas Fleet! These include most battleships, almost all cruisers, destroyers, submarine units, and auxiliary ships without assignments. And Earl Spey is the chief of staff of the German High Seas He is responsible for assisting Schell to manage the entire High Seas Fleet.

The fast fleet commanded by Marshal Hipper is also the highest level of combat readiness in the high seas fleet. In addition to performing combat readiness duties, he also serves as the fleet's ocean cruise and handling emergencies. Generally speaking, his fleet has 5 Up to 6 battleships may have an aircraft carrier. There are independent light cruiser units and ocean-going destroyer units.

Su Xiong was the first commander of the German aid to the US fleet. Once the United States and Germany reached an intention to start war, he said he would take the first main fleet to the US. His fleet only has battleships, and all other auxiliary battleships are provided by the US military. Of course, the US Navy also has a German submarine force, but these submarines are not under Su Xiong's control, after all, Su Xiong does not understand submarine warfare... At some point, Su Xiong and Hipper may switch positions. After all, Su Xiong's experience in ocean warfare must be Hipperdo. And Hipper is better than Su Xiong in the mid-size fleet decisive battle...

As for why not let Hipper be the first commander of the German aid to the US fleet? This is partly because Su Xiong and the Japanese navy have fought against each other many times and they are more experienced. On the other hand, it is to avoid embarrassment. For example, when the German fleet and the American fleet meet in the Pacific, then whoever blasts each other first How about the salute? The highest commander of the US Navy is Admiral Benson. Hipper is the marshal... However, Hipper was the guest army, and Admiral Benson was the supreme commander of the combined US-German fleet, so this matter was embarrassing.

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