The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2435: Kiel Harbour

"The Kiel Harbor is a bit deserted now." Ruprecht once again stood on the deck of the battleship Bavaria. The welcoming ceremony was not solemn. After all, this time was not a public office, a purely private visit. Although there were some issues to be discussed, it seemed that Ruprecht came to see the comrades who had fought together before returning to Bavaria. So there is no need for any grand ceremonies, sometimes the various rituals and understanding are really uncomfortable!

"Yes, in the Norwegian Sea Battle, almost all the armored cruiser squadrons were sunk, and there were 5 battleship-class battleships sunk and decommissioned. Now the number of battleships in the High Seas Fleet is only 18. In addition, your Highness, in order to maintain The number of fleets, can we temporarily change the two warships that were severely damaged in the naval battle into storage?" Hipper said suddenly.

Although in the document finally reported to the German government, it was mentioned that the German High Seas Fleet had lost a total of 5 capital ships, but 2 of them were badly damaged. It does not mean that they sunk directly. They must be brought back, and then necessary maintenance and maintenance. , And to be honest, the situation of these two warships is better than that of Cedric in history, and it can be used for a repair. Therefore, in the end, although these two warships were removed from the combat sequence, they were still maintained and maintained to a certain extent, and then sealed up.

"Leave the battleship first. You can keep the staffing. If the economy is under pressure, you can ask Earl Schelling to help solve it." The crown prince thought for a while and said. Hipper is a Bavarian after all, and has always stood firmly on the side of the crown prince. As long as his request is not excessive, let's show some face.

The daily cost of battleship service includes the personnel used on the battleship and the personnel on it. It is somewhat difficult for Hipper to completely unseal the two battleships. After all, the unsealing of the two battleships requires a lot of financial support, and the problem of money It's relatively easy to solve. The biggest problem is political. The crown prince has expressed no interest in the power of the central government, and it is obvious that the government must pass the government if he wants to unseal the warship. This is a little troublesome.

Therefore, the crown prince is a face to Hipper, the warship cannot be unsealed, but I can keep the staffing for you, even if there is no funding for the time being, we can also give it to you, and if necessary, you can get the Bavarian military status! Of course, the so-called reserved establishment does not mean that there are thousands of people on a battleship. In fact, it is the main technical personnel, such as chefs and stove cooks, which are not reserved. The latter can be found anyway...

"How is the fleet?" the crown prince continued to ask.

"Normal training is still underway, and the aircraft carrier squadron is disassembled. There are 5 aircraft carriers, 3 of which are formed into the main fleet. One is responsible for training, and the other is assigned to the ocean-going fleet to perform ocean-going cruise missions in turn. Among the 18 main ships , We will take turns to transfer 4 capital ships for ocean cruises. After all, the imperial colonies need to be patrolled, and the imperial navy will also go to oceans. However, once we and the Americans go to war against the Japanese, the tasks of daily combat preparation and training will be a bit tight Now.” Earl Spey is now the chief of staff of the Navy, so he arranges the specific daily work.

"According to the previous agreement, in terms of capital ships, we provide Americans with 6 to 8 battleships and 1 aircraft carrier. These battleships can take turns to perform ocean-going deployment tasks. There are about 10 capital ships left. Only two battleship squadrons can really fight at any time in the maintenance and improvement. Our light cruisers have lost a lot, and this time it is impossible for our fleet to send light cruiser squads to follow, right? So, in actual deployment, the fleet does have some It's stretched," Hipper said.

"The British shouldn't worry. According to the treaty, some of their warships must be transferred overseas, and the remaining warship maintenance cycle will be very long. We always have an absolute advantage. Even in the most difficult conditions before. We all held on, and now we are still afraid that the British will not be successful?" Ruprecht said with a smile, and his words were neither soft nor hard.

The German Navy still wants to expand the fleet size, um, that’s it. However, a good relationship is a good relationship, but it cannot be without principles. So Ruprecht can't be too indulgent. Now the core issue in Germany is farming and development, so the army must endure it! But to be honest, the current port of Kiel is indeed a bit deserted. The destroyers originally used for offshore operations have been sunk and decommissioned, and a lot of submarines have gone. Coupled with the fleet that went out for training, it is indeed a little lonely.

"We are here today to discuss the plans for the future German naval cruiser, General Hipper, as the commander of the High Seas Fleet Reconnaissance Fleet, you have the most say in this regard. I hope to make some suggestions in the next meeting. Valuable point of view." Marshal Scheer saw that the situation was wrong and said. Before the talks, the result of the negotiation between Scheer and others was that if they were able to fight, they would naturally fight for some. So, it's time to discuss business.

This time the Navy attended the meeting as follows. Marshal Scheer, as the commander of the High Seas Fleet, will naturally attend. Hipper was the commander of the fast fleet of the German High Seas Fleet. Considering that after the Norwegian Sea battle, the German battlecruiser squadron had little left, so some of the Bavarian-class fast battleships were assigned to Hipper. After all, for a long time in the future, it is estimated that the German fleet will not run into an opponent that needs 12 Bavarians to gather to resolve! Earl Spey served as chief of staff of the High Seas Fleet and was one of the candidates for the next commander of the German High Seas Fleet. Admiral Su Xiong is the appointed commander of the German aid to the US fleet.

In addition to these four bigwigs, there was another person in the venue, that is, Admiral Rod Huck of the aircraft carrier squadron. Such a person who was originally not related to the gunboat appeared here, and Hipper and others felt very much. accident. But after Scheer explained that it was the crown prince's request, Hipper and others were relieved. In their opinion, since the crown prince did so, it definitely made sense!

The crown prince does have his own considerations, but he has not said it before. If he said it, it may make Scheer and other officers from the main fleet feel uncomfortable or even dissatisfied, because Rodhak’s aircraft carrier detachment will get a drink. soup!

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