The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2413: Finnish people

"In order to ensure the smooth flow of foreign support in future wars, the Russians will definitely re-plan their transportation routes, and St. Petersburg, a city destined to fall, will naturally be abandoned!" Ruprecht said. The words are full of confidence.

"Abandon St. Petersburg? Are you kidding? It is the capital of the Russians! It is not a problem to be close to the enemy country. After all, when Peter the Great built the city here, he was not far from the enemy Sweden!" Mannerheim was surprised. Said.

"Peter the Great established St. Petersburg because he was very confident in his own power. Now, in its heyday, Russia has been beaten to the ground with one hand by the empire. After losing its vast land and a large population, it has faced swelling 2 In the German Empire, where can the Russians have the confidence to defend St. Petersburg?"

"Furthermore, the value of St. Petersburg as a sea-land complex fortress has disappeared, and the Russian Baltic Fleet has become a historical term. In addition to the so-called political significance, St. Petersburg has no need to stick to it, and Lake Ladoga to the north of St. Petersburg. Once war begins , Three sides will be easily surrounded by us, and it is obviously very difficult for Russia to send supplies to St. Petersburg through Lake Ladoga, so the Russians will not stick to St. Petersburg. Of course, if they really stick to it, so too It doesn't matter, we just crush them directly." The crown prince said with a smile. He wished that the Russians and the Germans were just facing!

"For Russia, what is really important are the ports on the Arctic Ocean, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, and the railway system that extends south to the Russian Forte. Without external assistance, Russia would definitely not be able to beat the German Empire. They should understand this very well, and considering the new German-Russian border, I think that the Russian railway will extend to the southeast, as far as possible from the front line.” Ruprecht said.

"If it's like what you said, then we can breathe a sigh of relief." Mannerheim thought for a while and said with a smile, "If the Russians really consider giving up St. Petersburg at any time as you said, then The biggest conflict between us and Russia is gone. Russia will not launch aggression against us because they know that they can’t keep it. If a war does not benefit themselves, then there will be no war.”

Mannerheim thinks very clearly that if the Russians want to defend St. Petersburg desperately, then they naturally need strategic depth. It is impossible to ask the Germans for strategic depth, so they can only start with Finland. In history, In order to ensure the strategic depth and security of St. Petersburg, the Russians did use this as an excuse to launch a war against Finland! One of the important battle sites of the group is the Karelia Isthmus!

But now, if the Russians’ attitude towards St. Petersburg can be relinquished at any time, then in Mannerheim’s view, the Russians will naturally not go to war with Finland for a region doomed to abandon, except for the Karelia Isthmus. Mannerheim couldn't think of any reason why Finland and Russia must go to war! Ever since, Finns can go home and live their own little life again!

"You are really naive." Ruprecht walked to the map again with a hint of sarcasm, and clicked on the port of Oulu in western Finland, which is located in the Gulf of Bothnia. The port, then, the putter in the hands of the crown prince drew a straight line horizontally, and finally stopped on a railway line along the coast of the White Sea.

"Do you understand what I mean? Look at the straight-line distance between the port of Oulu and Murmansk railway, and then look at the distance between the border between Russia and Finland to this railway, you answer me, if you are For the Russians, your most important foreign railway is so close to a hostile country, what would you do?" The crown prince asked with a smile!

"His..." Mannerheim took a breath of air! He just wanted to understand why Ruprecht said so much to Murmansk just now! It turns out that the purpose is here! Finland and Russia can never talk of so-called friendship even if they do not fight! The Murmansk Railway from the border between the two countries is too close!

Of course, Finland will certainly not challenge Russia alone, but the Russians will think if Finland and Germany form an alliance. In other words, if Germany forces Finland to join the Confederate camp, then Russia, the most important railway line, is in danger of being cut off!

Of course, some people will say that Finland can sign a non-aggression treaty with Russia, and at the same time, they will never allow other countries to use Finnish territory to attack Russia. However, Finland said this, do you think the Russians dare to believe it? And to put it bluntly, if Germany has to use Finnish territory to launch an offensive against Russia, will Finland be able to refuse it? Looking at the performance of Norway at the end of the war, Finland knows that if the Germans really make up their minds, then the attitude of the Finnish government is not important!

Therefore, from the perspective of the Russians, it is naturally impossible for the Russians to pin their only line of communication on the commitment of the Finns! Therefore, UU reading www.uukanshu. According to the Russian thinking, how can com make the Murmansk railway safer? Naturally, some places were taken from Finland, and then the strategic depth of Murmansk railway line was increased!

And after thinking of this, combined with the attitude of the previous Crown Prince Ruprecht, Mannerheim suddenly realized that, without St. Petersburg, which may lead to the conflict between Finland and Russia, Finland still seems to be unable to hide from the Russians. .... The attitude of the Germans is also very clear. Unless the future Finland is willing to take on certain obligations during the German-Russian war, Germany will not provide direct military assistance because of Russia's separate war with Finland!

And to make matters worse, this time, the Finns are not defending the narrow Karelian Isthmus, but the broad front to the north! In this case, how do you make Finland, which has a population of less than 4 million, defend it? That point of troops can only spread on the long line of defense like sesame seeds, and then let the opponent easily break through! As soon as he thought of this, Mannerheim felt a cold air rushing from his tail bone directly to his forehead, and then turned into cold sweat! The line drawn by the crown prince with the putter was like a noose around Mannerheim's neck, making him shudder!

"Then how likely does your country think that Russia will launch an offensive in northern Finland?" Mannerheim asked with a cold sweat.

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