The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2399: Italy One

Imagine that even more than one-third of Germany’s own food needs to be imported to meet the pre-war level and not decline. Then if Italy is added, then why does Germany feed the additional 14 million Italians? Even if it can feed, who will pay for the food? This does not count the supply of materials including coal, iron, rubber, copper and other ores.

"If Italy enters the war, then we are equivalent to spending 100 marks on a commission to hire a mercenary worth only 20 marks, and at the same time to feed their families! This business will be a loss anyway." Duke Albrecht said.

"But if we can take control of the Mediterranean Sea, we can end the war very quickly. After all, if Italy is on our side, the British and French coalition forces will not be able to provide effective reinforcements to the Balkan countries. Maybe we can take it in the first year. Lower Belgrade and Athens. There will be no more Turkish battles. After taking control of the Mediterranean Sea, our navy can quickly exit the Strait of Gibraltar and enter the Atlantic Ocean, and then advance the Norwegian naval battle planned by His Royal Highness Prince Ruprecht by 9 A month to a year.” Prince Albert said.

Prince Albert said as he sent his own deduction to the crown prince. The above detailed description of the war steps and timetable in the setting. It can be seen that Prince Albert is very careful about this. There are not only the army but also the air force and navy.

"Actually, it is very beneficial for us to have Britain and France fight with us in the Balkan countries! If I want to end the Balkan war as soon as possible, I can do it without Italy!" The crown prince said with a smile. "The situation of this war has undergone a very fundamental change. If the military forces directly used for combat on the battlefield in previous wars have determined more than 80% of the war, then in this war, the military forces that directly fought on the battlefield Power can only contribute 50% to war, and the other 50% is determined by overall national strength. Your thoughts are the same as Xiao Maoqi's original thoughts."

"We all know that the key to victory in the war lies on the Eastern and Western Front. Before the war, Marshal Little Mochi’s original plan was to use the high-speed mobility of domestic railways to quickly mobilize troops and kill them before the French were ready. Then concentrate on the Eastern Front and deal with the Russians. In this way, we can end the war at a lower cost."

"Unfortunately, this plan failed. The reason is very simple. The French can mobilize troops far more quickly than we imagined. Before we captured Belgium, the French were already ready to fight. Then, the result of the war will be yours. I know that it is difficult for the Prussian Army to make progress in the intensive defense situation of the British and French coalition forces with more than 7 armies. I can notarize that the Prussian Army has made the best choice under the conditions at the time, but unfortunately, it is still useless. "The crown prince said.

"But after the Bavarian Army entered the Western Front from the Eastern Front, we successfully shook the entire French line of defense, took a big step forward, and wiped out hundreds of thousands of British and French troops." Prince Albert said.

"Then something happened on the Eastern Front." Ruprecht made the rest of the prince's words choke in his throat!

"After this salon, you can pay a visit to Marshal Maoqi, and then spend a month to get a good understanding of the situation at the time. In fact, after the Bavarian Army entered the Western Front for the first time and achieved a big victory An in-depth analysis of the situation was carried out and several preliminary plans were put forward, but the results were rejected."

"One of the plans is naturally that the Bavarian Army stays on the Western Front and then kills France in one go. This plan cannot be implemented because the Bavarian Army was fighting continuously on the Eastern and Western Front at that time. The loss was very serious. If you want to continue to attack France, you need to At least 3 months or more of preparation time, but according to the French replenishment speed, 3 months is enough for them to restore millions of troops, and the British and the troops from various dominions can also quickly replenish them. After 3 months, The Anglo-French coalition forces we face will be stronger than before the war. And our replenishment speed at the time was not as fast as the British and French forces."

"Moreover, when we reply and supplement on the western front, the Russians can use this time to penetrate the defense line of the Krpathians, and then attack Hungary from multiple directions. Hungary is an important grain-producing area of ​​the Austro-Hungarian Empire. If we lose here, the battle will be unimaginable. Therefore, the final result is that if we continue to attack the Western Front, we cannot guarantee that we can collapse Britain and France, but the probability of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be greater. Therefore, in the end, the Bavarian Army will be heavy. Back to the Eastern Front, the Prussian Army entered a defensive posture on the Western Front. Then, you should be clear about the offensive of the British and French coalition forces. The defensive battle was very fierce. Although we have defensive advantages and preparations, the entire front still retreated 15 to 20 thousand. M!" Ruprecht said But what do you say have anything to do with the Mediterranean war we mentioned? "Prince Albert is a little confused.

"Of course there is a relationship. The situation on the eastern and western fronts fully illustrates a problem, that is, the key to victory in this war lies in whose national power can withstand the consumption of the battlefield, not the victory or defeat of a battle! In the past! Similar to the Franco-Prussian War, the history of defeating a country with very small casualties is over. The exchange ratio on the battlefield is of course very important, but more importantly, the opponent’s national power is consumed as much as possible through battles. One party died of exhaustion," the crown prince said.

"Okay, let me explain the rest to Albert. A quick fight is impossible, not only on the Western Front, but also on the Eastern Front. The Russians have a huge population advantage and a depth advantage. We once This heavy blow did leave unresolved scars on the Russian giant bear, but it will take a long time for us to finally defeat Russia. You should be aware that even if we eliminated it in the Polish Pocket Battle With a million Russian troops, the Russians can finally defeat the Hungarians in Ukraine! We have tried our best to shorten the duration of the war, but 20 months to defeat Russia is the limit, and it cannot be lower." Albrecht Said the duke.

"But if we move the troops in the Balkans to the east, we will have more troops and it will be easier to defeat the Russians. We can advance the time." Prince Albert said.

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