The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2393: salon

"His Royal Highness, this is a letter from the palace." Earl Schelling sent a gilded letter to Ruprecht. After checking and confirming that no one opened it, the attendant helped the crown prince take out the letter.

"Interesting." After reading the letter, Ruprecht rejected the others first, and then handed the letter to Earl Schelling.

"Prince Albert and Prince Baden wanted me to attend a salon before leaving Berlin. They also invited the Duke of Albrecht and the Crown Prince of Saxony. The theme of this salon is Europe," the crown prince said.

"Europe?" Count Schelling frowned slightly. "His Royal Highness, when we finally signed the treaty with the Allied Powers, I suddenly felt a sense of loss. If we have been thinking about how to deal with the British, French and Russians for more than ten years. Then now , The old enemy has fallen, and looking around the whole Europe, there is no opponent worthy of a German battle. I am a little at a loss."

"Hehe, do you feel that we have lost our goal? It is very good to have this kind of thought, at least better than those arrogant people. The empire is now full of impetuous emotions. This emotion is very bad, but fortunately This time, the Kaiser seemed to realize something. He allowed Prince Albert and Prince Baden to invite me to participate in this salon, which shows that his thinking is different from that of most hot-headed people. Like our crown prince, he is addicted all day long. In victory and enjoyment, I despise it," Ruprecht said.

"His Royal Highness, this is what I am worried about. This time the salon, the heirs of the major nations have arrived. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a formal meeting. However, the crown prince alone is missing, as well as the crown prince’s in-laws. The Den Bosch family, the meaning of this is very abnormal," said Earl Schelling.

"This is not something we can care about now. If there is no accident, the Kaiser can stay on the throne for more than 20 years. Now is not the time to discuss this issue." The crown prince said.

"Then are you going or not?" Earl Schelling asked.

"Of course I went, and I wrote a letter to Prince Albert, saying that if I can, I hope Mr. Buhler can participate this time." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

"This, I don't think anyone in the meeting has a good impression of him except you. His Majesty the Emperor may not be satisfied." Earl Schelling thought for a while and said.

"However, it saves us a lot of trouble." Ruprecht said with a smile. How should I put it, in the German aristocratic circle, many things are discussed in similar salons or gatherings. Maybe the Kaiser let Prince Albert preside over this salon may have a special purpose, maybe no purpose. However, a group of top aristocrats in the German Empire gathered together, and instead they excluded the crown prince. The crown prince said, this salon did not talk about anything, does Prince William believe it? I definitely don't believe it, the crown prince would definitely wonder if such a group of people intend to consider something extraordinary? Did they reach an agreement? Or is it possible that his father might send a signal to beat himself?

There are many things that come out of suspicion, and Ruprecht is also worried that this time William II will seek his own opinions on some sensitive issues. Although the crown prince has many problems with his personal ability and character. But who knows what Prince Albert is like? The crown prince did not have much contact with him, and there is not much description of him in history. Therefore, Ruprecht doesn’t know who they will come to power to benefit him and the empire. This is troublesome. Therefore, Ruprecht must set a limit so that they will not discuss this in this salon. Sensitive issues! At this time, pulling in an outsider is naturally the best solution! As long as Buhler is present, the Kaiser will certainly not talk about this sensitive issue!

As for saying, I have escaped this time, what should I do next time? There will be no next time. After this meeting, Ruprecht will go to Kiel Harbour again, and then return to Munich. After telling some things to his dad, he should go to Vienna, because now he His father is still the king of Bavaria, so Ruprecht does not need to be based in Munich. The residence I chose before was also after I became the king. After all, it is not a problem for the king of Bavaria to reside in Vienna... At that time, the main figures of other countries will also return to their respective countries. If the Kaiser wants to open a similar salon again, there will be no chance!

"In addition, I think this is also an opportunity, an opportunity for the main factions within the empire to sit together and discuss the future. Although there are various contradictions and conflicts between us, we are all on a ship called Germany. On. For our common future, we need a unified thinking. Therefore, the participation of parliamentarians is essential. Compared with Hasai and others, I personally feel that Buhler is still a person acceptable to ~ Ruprecht said.

"The theme of this salon proposed by the Kaiser is still very good, Europe! This shows a problem, Wilhelm II realized that the problems in Europe have not been completely resolved. We need a comprehensive European strategic issue, and we have to distinguish who is Allies, who are friends, who are neutrals, and who are enemies, how can we draw in those potential allies and isolate the enemy!" said the crown prince.

"His Royal Highness, you really are foresight." Earl Schelling complimented. "What about the Americans?"

"The American issue will be discussed later, at least we are still allies with the Americans now." Ruprecht said with a smile. "Well, I personally write a reply to the Kaiser. You send it out as soon as possible."

That evening, when the Kaiser was having dinner with the Grand Duke of Baden and Prince Albert, Ruprecht’s reply was almost delivered to the court minister with the meal, and the Kaiser didn’t mind what was about to begin. For dinner, I decided to look at the content first.

The letter from the crown prince was not long. The Kaiser had read it in just a few minutes, and then the Kaiser gave the letter to the Grand Duke of Baden, and then Prince Albert.

"His Royal Highness Ruprecht seems to value the former army colonel very much. It is a bit of a surprise that such a high-standard salon would invite such a person. You know, even the entourage around us is more honorable than an army colonel. That's too much." After reading it, Grand Duke Baden frowned slightly. In the eyes of Grand Duke Baden, it was like putting a pheasant in a group of phoenixes, making people uncomfortable!

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