The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2387: The war has not gone far four

"Should 14-inch guns be exchanged for 16-inch guns? If this is the case, if the standard is 32,000 tons, the new fast battleship may only be equipped with six 16-inch guns. Moreover, other performances have to be greatly reduced, even in the tonnage problem. Fraud." Duff thought for a while and said.

"Well, we still have plenty of time to discuss this issue in the future. The Germans will not relax their control on us so quickly. Some things can be a general idea. Major General Hood, your main job in the next stage The focus must be on the new Japanese battleships. I don’t want our new first-class battleships to be inferior to the Germans of the same level.” Admiral Thomas said.

"Are you giving up the brand new Fury-class battleship?" Duff asked with some confusion.

"Well, I have discussed this matter privately with Major General Hood. We all think that the Fury-class battleship based on the Fuso-class battleship is a bit outdated in design. Although it is still advanced, the opponent we face in the future is For a new ship 10 years later, it is inevitable to prepare a new design. And even because of tonnage restrictions, we can only install six 16-inch guns on the battleship, which is still stronger than the previous rage.” Thomas said.

"Well, you have the final say on these things." Duff said lonely in his heart.

"In addition, does the representative of the Japanese Navy have any plans to purchase warships?" Thomas asked. According to the secret agreement reached between Britain and Germany, the British Navy can deal with the battleships that originally belonged to the Royal Navy in the name of disposing of "used warships." After harmless treatment, they will be sold to Japan. Of course, this number cannot exceed two, and the time must be before the war between the United States and Japan. In addition to capital ships, light cruisers, destroyers and submarines do not have many restrictions. For the British Navy, this is definitely a good opportunity to reduce bad assets!

Of course, although the British have the idea of ​​making money and the Germans have the idea of ​​pitting the United States, they can't do anything, and the Germans are also worried that the British will use this approach to maintain their naval warship research and development capabilities after the war. Therefore, once the United States and Japan officially start war, Germany will closely monitor the British naval facilities, so this window is not long.

"The Japanese do have some orders for submarines and destroyers. For battleships, they plan to buy our Fury-class battleship, but you know this is a bit difficult. We plan to sell them a battleship equipped with 343MM artillery. But Japan People don't want it." Major General Hood said.

"Okay, I know." Thomas didn't say much about this. He knew what the Japanese wanted, but the Fury-class battleship was not unsellable. After all, there are still 2 ships on the Royal Navy slipway. It is finished, and the British Empire also requisitioned a battleship originally belonging to Chile during the war... Regarding the remaining operations, it seems that your predecessors have already done it?

"I feel that I, and even the entire British Empire, are a little confused in their minds." Thomas couldn't help but lament in his heart. Now, the entire British senior management realizes that if they want to defeat Germany and regain the status of world hegemony someday in the future, they must get the support of the United States. But the prerequisite for the Americans to help Britain is that Britain loses its potential to become a hegemon. Do the British need Japanese funds to get through the current difficult period? They need Japanese sabers to maintain the stability of the Far East and South Asian colonies. But Japan and the United States are irreconcilable contradictions. Therefore, the entire British foreign and military policies operate under a very contradictory and entangled thinking. But there is no way to get out of it!

"Well, this question will come to an end, let's talk about your business, General Betty." Thomas said to Betty.

"We found the door to the new tactic, but we didn't find the key." Betty said. "We have always regarded aircraft carriers as an auxiliary force, mainly performing auxiliary tasks such as reconnaissance, anti-reconnaissance, anti-submarine, and providing air defense for the fleet. We never thought about using aircraft carriers to win a crucial naval battle. Therefore, our Sea-based aviation has never really become stronger, but our opponents are not like that."

"According to our intelligence, they have 5 aircraft carriers, all of which are more than 20,000 tons, and they are equipped with more than 450 carrier-based aircraft. In other words, there are an average of 90 carrier-based aircraft and backup aircraft on each aircraft carrier. A! And our 4 aircraft carriers have a total of more than 200 aircraft. Therefore, the German aircraft carriers can not only provide effective air defense for the fleet, but can even focus on attacking the large fleet. When the two battleships are at war, dozens The arrival of an attack aircraft carrying bombs and torpedoes is undoubtedly a nightmare for a battleship. An aircraft worth hundreds of thousands of pounds and the weapons they carry can severely damage or even damage a battleship worth more than 2 million pounds. Sinking!" Betty said.

"How can the German aircraft carrier carry so many planes? Their aircraft carrier is not much larger than General Hood said he did not understand.

"First of all, there are two types of German aircraft carrier hangars. The first is a double-layer hangar. In terms of area, their hangar area is much larger than a single-layer hangar, so they can accommodate more aircraft. The height of their hangar is also very large. Some aircraft can be hoisted on the top of the hangar, and it is very convenient to use the winch to lower it. Of course, the most important thing is that they have a large number of aircraft placed on the deck of their aircraft carrier. , There are at least about 30, so the German aircraft carrier will naturally have a large amount of aircraft.” Betty explained.

"Those aircraft on deck seem to be in a very bad situation," Major General Hood said.

"However, the Germans don’t care. For them, as long as they can win a critical naval battle, then this cost is not a big deal. Originally, we also had this condition, but our aviation power was consumed too much before. "Thomas on the side said.

"In terms of carrier-based aircraft, our number is much smaller than that of our opponents. This is even more so in terms of aircraft release capabilities. This is because our deck is relatively small and there are fewer aircraft that can be released. On the other hand, it is because of our The operating efficiency of carrier-based aircraft is very low." Betty said.

"Deck aspect? That has to do with the tonnage and volume of the warship itself, this seems to be unchangeable." Duff said.

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