The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2381: Plaintiff and Defendant Two

"This is the final decision you and the Kaiser have discussed? How do I feel like a verdict? We are guilty, but an abettor and a bystander ultimately determine our destiny?" Buhler put the document back in his hand. On the table, and this document is part of Ruprecht's post-meeting with the Kaiser. Among them, the disposal of parliamentary factions is the main one.

"With all due respect, your disposal plan is both legally and morally wrong. Your plan has not gone through legal procedures, and most importantly, you are the initiator of this matter!" Buhler made no secret of it. My anger towards Ruprecht!

"Rest assured, there is no legal problem with this plan in the end, and the procedure is absolutely correct. We will soon make it from a plan to a final judgment. As for the morality you said? And the accusation against Bavaria, I do not agree. And I need to point out that, at least, what I did made the result correct, and this is the most important thing!" Ruprecht said.

"His Royal Highness seems to be extremely tolerant of this man named Buhler." Since the meeting was in the private residence of the Crown Prince, it was not so formal. Crown Prince Christian and Duke Albrecht sat together and whispered to the latter. .

"Yes, it is very tolerant, or very appreciative. This person is capable and has his own ideas. He has a bottom line. It is not so extreme, and it is not smooth. The crown prince thinks he is a good partner." The Duke whispered. Said. "Of course the premise is to be able to convince the other party."

"As for the placement of veterans, you should be the clearest. You know, after Albert and others implement this law, what are waiting for the millions of retired and war-wounded personnel? They will fall to the edge of society. Well, you tell me, if according to your so-called legal and moral correctness, do you have other ways to solve this problem?" the crown prince asked.

"This..." Buhler couldn't answer for a while, because he knew that under Albert's policy, these people were the ones to bear! The harm of various policies or times will eventually fall on them!

"Think about it. During the war, you could start a civil war for your own benefit, and you said that Guangwei is righteous. That's good, answer me, where the millions of patriots who shed their blood for the country did it for their own sake. What's wrong with protesting against the government for interest? You set a precedent. Since you did the first year of junior high, naturally others can do the fifteenth. That's okay."

"Of course, the most important thing is that I do this, which will have a very positive effect on the final settlement of the placement of these personnel, and I also promised that we can help solve this matter. And the people who made these wrong policies also received Severe punishment, this is the so-called correct result."

"Okay, relax. Mr. Hasai can explain to you the relationship between the process and the procedure and the result. Let's not worry about these things. The reason why you can sit here instead of talking to Albert You have to face jail in the same way. The fundamental reason is that I think you are a person with ideals, ability, and willingness to do things. The empire now needs this kind of person. Perhaps a long time ago, Albert and Shedeman were born. Low-minded people have similar ideals and beliefs to you, but as their status improves, they change and are eventually eliminated. But you don’t, at least for now, keep it.” Ruprecht didn’t want to follow Buhler conducted a debate on the correctness of the procedure and the correct result. There are still many things to discuss today.

"We have completed the division of the war reparations between Britain and France, but in the colony ceded by the United Kingdom, there is the world's largest diamond mine, a large number of gold, copper and various non-ferrous metal minerals. The soldiers of the empire were exchanged for blood, so they should be enjoyed by the entire empire. Not certain individuals or groups.” Ruprecht said.

"So, what do you mean is that these minerals that have been developed should be nationalized, not resold to individuals? Then, should we assign them directly to the names of states like the distribution of compensation?" Hassai thought for a while. Asked.

Both the Kaiser Prussia and the Parliament Prussia have called for these minerals to be auctioned off. But in the end they were all overwhelmed by the Kaiser and Ruprecht. For the crown prince, it was undoubtedly a loss for the country to sell these minerals cheaply, and among them, gold and diamonds were hard-passed. Currency, and things like uranium ore are strategic materials. These things are naturally in the hands of the country, and the Kaiser also holds a similar view to the crown prince.

"This can certainly increase the country's control over rare minerals. Gold and diamond mines can be handled in this way, but copper and manganese mines are not necessary? After all, they are normal minerals. You know, generally. Said that the efficiency of capitalist enterprises is higher than that of state-owned enterprises." Hassai thought for a while and said.

"I have thought about this For the mature mining areas, we can adopt the professional broker system. The state hires managers through agreements, and there are regulatory agencies to monitor them. Managers’ salaries and mining properties For the mining areas that are in the development stage and newly discovered, we can adopt a shareholding system to manage them.” Ruprecht said.

"So how to supervise? The empire sets up a department to supervise it?" Hasai thinks this method is also feasible.

"The specific method can be discussed later, but one thing is certain is that professional brokers and the counterpart supervision team cannot come from a state. For example, the supervision team of the Kaiser Prussia is used to supervise the managers of Bavaria and parliament Prussia. The supervision originally belonged to the Prussian broker of the Parliament." The crown prince said.

"This is indeed a good way." Hassai said. "So how is the income as national assets distributed? How much of it is allocated to each state?"

"Most of it belongs to the central government. In the future, the main fiscal revenue of the central government should be shared by government-controlled industrial and mining enterprises and taxation, reducing the proportion of central taxation." The crown prince thought for a while and said. Before the war, the imperial central finances and Prussian finances were actually not much different. After all, Prussia is the main body of the empire, but it is different now. In the future, the central government may not always come from the Kaiser Prussia. Without a strong state to support the central finance as always, the role of the center will be marginalized. So what should we do? ?

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