The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2375: Opening of the show

The most important thing is that once it is passed in legal form, it does not need to pass the Federal Assembly when it is implemented again, and it is directly implemented by the imperial government. This is just like the navy bill. Once passed, the annual appropriation is a rule Follow! Now that the empire states have added a lot of territory, who can guarantee that nothing will happen in their own country? It is too easy for the central government to make small things bigger.

"However, this incident fully proved that this is a social democratic government action. If we only target individuals, then the result can only be a temporary solution instead of a permanent cure." The Kaiser frowned slightly and said.

"Social Democrats are not monolithic, and some of them do not agree with this matter. For example, Buhler and Hasai, etc., Buhler had told General Crook about the relevant matters before, so it is simple to apply it all. The method is not good." Crown Prince Ruprecht said.

"It seems that we have differences on this issue, so let's put it aside for now and discuss the next issue, how about the distribution of compensation for the Allied Powers?" The Kaiser said with a smile. In the face of today's situation, the Kaiser has a plan, at least for now, it is not much different from what he expected!

"The Kingdom of Prussia takes 35%, and other Prussian states except Bavaria and Parliamentary Prussia take 15%. The rest goes to Bavaria, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Prussian Federation. Depending on the current political issue of Parliamentary Prussia, we can organize an institution. Come to assign, Ruprecht, you can be the supervisor, and then find about half of the staff from the states and the Austro-Hungarian Empire." The Kaiser announced his plan.

This is to tell the crown prince that the remaining 50% will be under your control, and you can arrange whatever you like! Whatever you want! This concession is huge to outsiders! If it's an average person, I'm afraid they will accept it immediately! After all, this is a 50% allocation! But Ruprecht could not accept such an arrangement!

"Your Majesty, don't you think the Kingdom of Prussia has taken too much?" Ruprecht glanced at the Kaiser, who was sitting on the main seat, jokingly. "You see, here, there is the empire's wartime prime minister, the empire's wartime chief of staff, the empire's army commander on the western front, and me, the commander-in-chief of the eastern front. If we want, we can be clear. Calculate how much the German Emperor Prussia made in the war! I don’t think that the Prussian Kingdom, which covers an area of ​​only 180,000 square kilometers, has contributed more to this war than Bavaria and Austro-Hungary combined. ."

"Ruprecht, your words are a bit too much!" The Kaiser said with a grim expression. He originally wanted to say that the crown prince was presumptuous, but at the last moment, he changed a more soothing word.

"I have always believed that war reparations are based on the contribution made in the war. We will only take what we deserve, not others. I always think that in this war, Bavaria and Austro-Hungary The effort made is enough to take away one third, so Bavaria takes 15%, Austro-Hungary takes 20%, and other states take 15%. Finally, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Prussian Federation take 50%. In terms of your Majesty’s ratio, I can only say that the parliamentary faction has received too little. What do you let those people do? They paid so much for the war, and only took away a small amount of compensation. At any time, I think we The most basic justice should be taken into account," Ruprecht said.

Ruprecht obviously turned away the cake sent by the Kaiser, because this cake is poisonous! I preside over the remaining 50% of the distribution by myself. If only 15% is given to Parliament Prussia, then the relationship between Parliament Prussia and Ruprecht will become very tense! After all, this is about tens of billions of marks! This is very unfavorable for Ruprecht's overall strategy in the future.

"Federal Prussia and the Kingdom of Prussia take 50% together. As for the specific distribution, you decide on your own." Ruprecht thought for a while and said. The crown prince has the same idea as the Kaiser. After determining his share, he throws the question of distribution to others!

"This is almost unacceptable! Ruprecht, you should know that we can talk to you today, and we can also talk to the parliament. We won't tell you, and the choice is much better than you." The Kaiser threatened.

"No, it's not the same. The first point, our allies and I can individually negate all the unfavorable provisions in the Bundestag. The second point is that we are different from you. Bavaria has no ambitions for the internal affairs of the central government, but no matter what It is you or the Social Democratic Party, you are all determined to win the central government, and on this basis, the alliance between you is unreliable." Ruprecht said disapprovingly.

"It seems that the future imperial government is also one of the content of our negotiations? I want to say that the imperial government is now controlled by us, and will be controlled by us in the future. This is certain." The Kaiser said.

"The premise is that we are neutral. The Prime Minister of the Empire is responsible to the Federal Assembly. Although he was elected by the upper and lower houses of the Imperial Assembly, he still must be approved by the Federal Assembly. Moreover, the noble house in the Imperial Assembly cannot be covered by your majesty. . This is especially true for the Party House.” Ruprecht said quietly So, are you using the imperial power to make transactions? "The German Emperor said with a ugly expression.

"I just want to get back what belongs to us in the first place, and I won't preempt others. We have shown enough kindness in the internal affairs of the empire, but whether this kindness can become reality depends on the Emperor. Meaning." Ruprecht said.

"In the future, the Bavarian and Southern states will reach an agreement with the imperial government on a series of issues such as transportation, postal services, taxation, and financial subsidies. Some major projects and basic livelihood facilities can be built under the leadership of relevant imperial departments. "The crown prince said his conditions.

"It's not just about internal affairs and economic construction. I think that with regard to the imperial army, the number of troops in each state during peacetime should be kept at a low level, so that it can deal with domestic security. Our funds should be pooled, and then It is used in the army, navy and strategic air force directly under the center of the empire, and the command of this force should be in the hands of the general staff of the empire." The Kaiser said immediately.

"I also think that the imperial army is now too dispersed, and there are problems of inconvenience in command and duplication of construction. If we re-divide the ratio of imperial army and state army, reduce the number of the latter, and concentrate manpower and financial resources to build an army directly under the empire. It will be better." Xiao Maoqi on the side also expressed support.

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