The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2369: showdown

"King Wilhelm II has finally grown up." After sending off the Grand Duke of Baden, Ruprecht said while looking at the pure gold invitation with the mark of the German royal family.

"It seems that His Majesty the Emperor is only thinking about discussing the handling of this incident with you. It seems that there are other more important things. Otherwise, His Majesty will not call Marshal Little Mochi and Duke Albrecht. Bavaria , Kaiser Prussia, the Kingdom of Württemberg, the Grand Duchy of Baden, plus their respective vassals, this can basically determine the internal affairs of Germany." Count Schelling said.

"Well, and this meeting is rare and fair. The Kaiser and the Grand Duke of Baden are in the same group. We and Duke Albrecht represent South Germany. Prime Minister Holweger and the upcoming Chief of Staff of the Empire Marshal Little Mochi stood on the empire level in name (Mackensen lost the support of the Kaiser because of the rejection of the last banquet, and naturally could not serve as the chief of staff of the empire.), but in fact, they did not have much say. William The second generation really bothered." Ruprecht said with some emotion.

At any time, people are a kind of creatures that talk about atmosphere, especially in negotiations. If one party has too many people and one party has too few people, then the lesser party will definitely be dissatisfied. It would be fine if the strong side suppressed it completely, but if the two sides are actually evenly matched, then before the negotiation, the other side will have extremely serious rebellious psychology. Therefore, before the negotiation, it may have collapsed.

So, the Kaiser took the Grand Duke of Baden, opposed by Crown Prince Ruprecht and Duke Albrecht. This is the equilibrium. As for why the representatives of the Kingdom of Saxony are not invited, on the one hand, the Kaiser does not want to see the three kingdoms facing him face him. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Saxony has previously stated that it will not actively participate in anything unrelated to South Germany. Because Saxony is a bit weak, apart from the king's name, it is no better than Baden.

"To write back to William II, it is said that Prince Frederick Christian, Crown Prince of Saxony, is in Berlin. It is rude not to tell him this kind of thing, and it is against imperial practices. After all, Saxony is a kingdom. We must give enough. Of course, as a counterpoint principle, the Grand Duke of Oldenburg and His Excellency Friedrich can also participate." Ruprecht thought for a while and said.

William II deliberately weakened the status of the Kingdom of Saxony. In fact, 80% of the influence of the Kingdom of Saxony on the overall situation of the empire was only a few votes in the Bundestag, which was very limited, but Ruprecht, the leader of the southern German states The reason why Wilhelm II cannot be allowed to do this is very simple. You can say that Saxony is not strong enough, but with his status as an ally of Bavaria and the status of the kingdom, he must be given due respect! And this is the case when the crown prince is in Berlin, you are not invited, if this spreads out, it will not only be ashamed of the Kingdom of Saxony, but also Bavaria!

Of course, as a counterpoint, William II can also invite his sons and daughters and relatives. After all, Friedrich is the current Grand Duke, and his status is no worse than that of Crown Prince Christian, who has not yet ascended the throne, so this is very fair and reasonable. what? You mean Prime Minister Holweger and Little Mochi?

How should I say that these two people, Ruprecht is temporarily ignored, Prime Minister Holweger will not say anything, except for Bismarck, any prime minister of the German Empire has very little influence at the level of the Bundestag. . After all, even if a cow is like Bismarck, he is only granted the right of immunity after speaking in the Federal Parliament... Bismarck is like this, let alone Holweger now?

As for Xiao Maoqi? The influence is definitely not low, not only in the German Emperor Prussia, but also in the German military. After all, he has been the chief of staff for more than ten years, and his uncle's face. But the crown prince believes that Xiao Maoqi will uphold neutrality. After all, Xiao Maoqi is a loyal believer of his uncle, and soldiers should stay away from politics!

"Okay, Your Highness," Count Schelling said.

"It seems that this time, the Kaiser has planned a lot." Ruprecht said with emotion. He felt that the current William II had so little meaning as a real emperor! At least the vision and strategy are much more experienced than before! Ruprecht did not think that this time the Kaiser asked him to talk about the turmoil in Prussia, war reparations and cooperation between the two sides. Because these things are only temporary benefits!

Why did the German emperor bring over half of the top-ranked state representatives in the German Empire? This is actually a kind of conspiracy. The Kaiser wants to divide the political ecology within Germany with Ruprecht under the witness of various states!

Yes, it is division! Why is the Kaiser eager to do this now? Because the Kaiser understands a truth, in the future, the gap between his Kaiser, Prussia and Bavaria will increase... There are many reasons. For example, Bavaria has a better foundation. Other than that, the kingdom and southern Bohemia-Moravia have become a whole, and they can get the full support of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, such as their own abilities. Limited, and domestic disputes continue For example, my own age is not enough to consume the opposite side, and my own son is ineffective. And so on.

Therefore, what the Kaiser is thinking about now is to reach an agreement with Ruprecht that is not bad for him by taking advantage of the current gap and even some advantages. This is not a secret agreement, because there are many people as witnesses. Although politics and fraud are inseparable, Ruprecht has always had a very good political reputation. Ruprecht has a very low chance of repentance, because of good politics. Reputation itself is a very powerful resource, which is the fundamental reason why Crook and others are willing to cooperate with the crown prince! It is irrational to consume such resources without authorization.

And now, something has happened within the parliament of Prussia, and the reputation of the Social Democratic Party is greatly reduced. It is naturally very easy to kick them off at this time. As for afterwards, will the Social Democrats follow their own example and come to this place? The possibility is not high, after all, how can the reputation be restored so quickly? And there is no proper reason, let alone Bavaria, even the Kingdom of Württemberg and Saxony will not give the Prussian Federation face! And now, the Kaiser has the best reason, the distribution of compensation and the disposal of the Prussian Federation!

"Also, if things in the next ten years can be resolved more transparently, that would be a good thing. After all, I can't stay in Berlin forever." Ruprecht said to himself.

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