The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2365: Prime Minister and Admiral One

"Surely, but I also want to remind you that time is fair. During this period of time, you can remedy it, you can join forces, and so can we!" Ruprecht said.

At the same time, Prime Minister Holweger also came to the residence of Admiral Kreuk on behalf of the Kaiser. Yes, you read that right. The Kaiser is not only considering working with Bavaria against the parliamentary faction, he is also like Lulu. As Precht expected, he wanted to restore the glory of old Prussia all the time! Become the leader of the German Empire again! The easiest and most direct way is undoubtedly to contact Crook and use military means to oust the entire parliamentary faction!

"Your visit really surprised me a bit." Looking at Prime Minister Holweger who came to visit him, Admiral Crook said calmly.

"Since Old Prussia was split, I have never seen His Majesty the Emperor, His Excellency the Prime Minister, or any senior Prussian seniors, except at the celebration of the victory in the Norwegian Sea War. I have become accustomed to myself as a rag. Being thrown aside, I understand your thoughts. You think we are traitors and accomplices in the division of old Prussia." Admiral Crook leaned forward and said, "Well, your Prime Minister, now you are here. What is the purpose? I think my old bone is useful again?" Admiral Crook's words were very bad.

"It is difficult for me to understand why, as an old general who once accompanied the rise of Prussia, as an old soldier who participated in the Prussian-Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian Wars, and as one of the most trusted generals of His Majesty the Emperor, why do you hold so much for us? The hostility of you? You would rather cooperate with Bavaria than meet your old Prussian deceased. I am really a little hard to understand." Prime Minister Holweger said with a complex expression.

"From a personal point of view, I think that I can get to this position not by the promotion of some people, but by shooting it with one shot. I have accumulated my work to this level. I have a clear conscience. "Admiral Crook said.

"As for why we cooperate with Bavaria? From my personal point of view, first of all, His Royal Highness has given me enough respect. What he respects is not my power or my status. I am the commander of the army, in most cases When the generals on the western front would refer to my opinion, His Royal Highness would not treat me differently because of this. At the end of the war, our role was greatly reduced. When some people were going to use the opportunity of renovating Hindenburg to remedy me, His Royal Highness helped me overcome this difficulty. From this point, I respect him for life, whether he is the crown prince of Bavaria or a civilian. He said that we will be fine. This is a crown prince to me from a civilian background. He did his promise. It's that simple." Crook said.

"Well, I admit that at the end of the war, some people really wanted to disadvantage you. His Majesty didn’t do anything. I don’t want to refute anything, but even for personal reasons, your respect for the crown prince should not affect your country. The judgment of major events is that the individual is the individual, and the country is the country!” Prime Minister Holweger did not intend to entangle too much on this issue. The reason is simple. When the land war on the Western Front just ended, the Kaiser was because of Crook’s The neutral attitude really intends to deal with him, this can't be washed away.

"So good, let's talk about it, you are here, with my help, what can you do that is very beneficial to the empire?" Crook asked.

"Now there is an opportunity, an opportunity to regain the glory of old Prussia. We can rebuild the weakened central government! Under the leadership of His Majesty the Kaiser, Kaiser Prussia and Parliament Prussia will become one again, and our territory will be Switzerland extends to Minsk. The new Prussia will have more than 700,000 square kilometers of land. And a population of more than 60 million. This country will be the strongest country on the European continent, stronger than the Napoleonic Empire, and in Prussia Under the leadership of Bavaria, both Bavaria and other states will unite again, and we will become the core of this world." Prime Minister Holweger described his perfect empire blueprint to Crooker.

"Well, this blueprint is really fascinating. If things really develop like this, then it is really worthwhile for me to work on it. But there are some questions that I hope you can answer in advance, and they are considered a deal between us." Admiral Luke said.

"Please speak." Prime Minister Holweger said.

"If we do what you said, what can I get for me and my subordinates?" Admiral Crook said a very realistic question.

"You will become the new chief of staff of the empire, and your rights will be greater than the old Moqi. His Majesty the Emperor will give you sufficient support and trust. And all officers who participated in this operation will also be promoted and rewarded. You and those close to you will become the top presence in this empire. Your family and descendants will be born noble ~ ~ Prime Minister Holweger said.

"Does this count as a wish for the officer?" Admiral Crook asked.

"This is not a wish, but a promise made by His Majesty the Emperor. Like the promise made by Crown Prince Ruprecht, he will definitely fulfill it." Prime Minister Holweger said.

"If this is the case, then I can only say that this promise is really terrible." Crook shook his head and said: "If all officers will be promoted and rewarded, then I want to know how large the German Empire needs to be. Place so many people? Or is the future general already so cheap, more tanks than ours?"

"You have misunderstood what I meant, and my words can be understood as all officers will be properly placed." Prime Minister Holweger said immediately.

"Okay, I accept this explanation, so the next question is that the middle and high-level officers have been placed. What about the millions of low-level officers and ordinary soldiers? What do they do? And the disabled, their What about treatment and compensation? I am a step-by-step promotion from a commoner. My name does not have the word "Feng" which represents a prominent background. Even when I was most glorious, I respected quite a few so-called nobles, you It can be said that my structure is too small to get rid of the inferior roots of birth. But I must say that the Junker noble system is very problematic. They monopolize social resources and limit the upward channels. This is not good for the country. And I have a problem with those so-called health And noble is very disgusting!"

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