The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2362: Enemy and Friends One

"From the perspective of state governance, I think Bavaria is a successful example. We have jumped from a small European country with an area of ​​less than 78,000 square kilometers and a population of less than 10 million to the present level. After a few years, I believe that Bavaria Will become a stronger existence than France, our rise is also very rare in European history. And the winner will inevitably have his successful experience, do you agree with this?" said the crown prince.

"Listen with good ears. You are indeed a genius on the issue of governance, and we have never been a party behind closed doors. I hope that one day we can do better." Hasai said.

"First point, I will always tell myself that I am a king! I am the future ruler of this country, and I am the agent of the interests of the entire country, not the agent of a certain group! Nobles, capitalists, middle class and Common people are the four pillars that support this country. Any lame leg is bad for the country. Can you realize the difference between me, your party and the Kaiser?" Ruprecht said.

"I understand what you mean. You mean that the German Emperor relied too much on the nobles and capitalists close to the royal family, and we relied on capitalists. The power system within the country lacked checks and balances. Over time, we, who should have been leaders, became agents behind the scenes. The puppets, we are manipulated in every move, and we will be abandoned if we are dissatisfied?" Hasai thought for a while and said.

The German Emperor was the object of allegiance and patron of the Junker nobles, and the leader of the army. However, during the civil strife, a considerable part of the army and the Junker nobles were betrayal or neutral, and the civilian officers promoted during the war chose to support the Parliament because of their dissatisfaction with the policies of the Kaiser. And for the same reason, the current parliamentary faction is to satisfy the appetite of the capital giants under the situation of tight funds to please the latter, otherwise there may be moths in the next election within the Social Democratic Party!

"Yes, so, the first point of my governance is balance and my own detached status. I only need to consider two issues. First, how to develop this country, and second, how to make all strata benefit from the development of the country. If these two points are achieved, the country will at least be stable."

"So now I will start to talk about the second point. I am not a person who likes infighting, or rather than cutting cakes, I prefer to discuss with a group of like-minded people how to make this cake bigger! Infighting It’s just some necessary means, not the only way to obtain benefits. This is also the essential difference between me and you. Of course, the prerequisite for this is the first point I just said, the distribution of benefits within the country. Balance, and the ruler's high degree of control over the state!" the crown prince continued.

After crossing, one of Ruprecht's most personal feelings about the world is that it is so difficult to lead a pig teammate... For example, when fighting on the Eastern Front, Bavaria needs to always consider whether the Austro-Hungarian Army standing next to him will collapse. The Crown Prince must spend at least half of the time thinking about how to help the Austro-Hungarian Army save the field... This is the Austro-Hungarian Empire strengthened by the Crown Prince! Ruprecht really admired how his uncle, Prince Leopold, brought Russia to the ground with the Austro-Hungarian Empire in history!

Look at Germany now, and combine it with the country on the other side of the ocean in history that has the potential to be against the sky. Although Germany has won now, the crown prince is still under great pressure! Thinking about the future, I might have to lead the entire German and Austro-Hungarian Empire against the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom. The crown prince will feel Alexander! Therefore, Ruprecht really hopes that his teammates can be stronger, don't engage in nest fighting all day long, after all, the future will be team battles, just like the high-end LOL game, no master can be a good one. Pick five!

The reason why Ruprecht said so much to Hassell today is to gradually influence the leader of the Social Democratic centrist, so that he will at least not be dragged down in the future! what? Why don't you ask Albert? The reason is very simple, he is already selected by the Crown Prince! Even the right wing of the entire Social Democratic Party will have to pay a heavy price in this "war"!

"Do you know why some people like infighting?" the crown prince asked.

"It's very simple, because in some cases, it is easier to grab the interests of other classes in the country than directly grabbing the interests of foreigners. Especially for the party in power, a simple decree can make countless people fall into hell, and it can also make a small number of people. Ascend to heaven, and the cost may only be some exchange of political benefits, empty promises or even deception." Hasai said with a sigh. People who can mix up to his level naturally know a lot of inside information, and from his personal and the party behind them, their attitude is relatively neutral. They don't like the radicalism of the left, and the right wing is too dependent on capital giants, and Hasai is also opposing.

"However, this is not a long-term solution after A country is like a family. Some people eat more all day long and become obese and lazy. They think that bullying their family is more cost-effective than going out to fight. The internal contradiction is caused by some other people. Because they eat less, they are weak and complain. This leads to a decline in the overall domestic combat effectiveness. When it comes to the need to use war or other means to transfer the internal conflicts, let a group of fat people and A malnourished person enters the battlefield, isn't that going to die?" the crown prince said.

"You are a great man, a person who really considers the empire." After a moment of silence, Hasai said very sincerely.

"So, to be honest, I really hope that all the states within the German Empire can become stronger, and then we can deal with foreign enemies together to obtain more benefits and greater development. For some of them, it may cause the empire I will get rid of the severely hurt black sheep. For example, the current Albert, he has become the spokesperson of the capital tycoon, and this is very unfavorable for the empire. And you and the German emperor before. The compensation distribution plan is just another version of the cake-sharing event, pure nest fighting!" Ruprecht said.

The German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are really both prosperous now, and the two sides can now report to the group for warmth, making it like two hedgehogs. Is it really good to be close to each other while calculating each other? Even if it is as strong as the Americans and still pulls a bunch of allies, why does Germany think it can single out all its enemies?

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!

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