The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2351: Aspiration Two

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"This is indeed an important reason, but there are other more important reasons." Ruprecht said: "There are always deep reasons for the outbreak of war. In addition to the various contradictions between us and the Allies, the most The important internal reason is that the high level of the empire, whether they are officers, nobles, or the bourgeoisie, want war! The merchants of the empire need to use the sword of the empire to open up the market to obtain raw materials, and the factory owners can use the war to obtain higher profits. The landlords of Junkers Can get more land. And officers can use the war to increase the ranks. You said I’m right? War gives most of the empire a way to rise, but this must have a prerequisite, that is, we win. And to win in a short time."

"Although Ludendorff's talents are limited, one point he put forward is correct, that is, the future war is a total war, which is to gather the strength of a country, rely on a strong national will, and the great sacrifice of the people to win. . But it’s a pity that both the military and the bourgeoisie only regard war as a profit-making method, and they are not unwilling to pay too much. At least this is the case in Prussia, am I right? In my opinion In the coming years, Prussia has not really prepared for the long-term overall war in terms of material preparation, mobilization mechanism, and strategy and tactics!" Ruprecht said.

"Maybe the General Staff Department was a little ill-conceived when making plans?" Pinov said embarrassingly. If you say this to outsiders, you may believe it, but for the top leaders of the German Legion, this claim is not valid at all. If nothing else, Ruprecht has repeatedly reminded the Kaiser and the German General Staff that this war will last a long time. Time is an all-round contest from national strength to national spirit.

Think about it, with Ruprecht’s status and military talent, if there is no special reason, how could his words be ignored by the top German army? Even though the German military believes that a quick fight is good, Prussia should be as prepared as possible as Bavaria as a backup plan if the plan fails, but from the perspective of the war, Prussia is far less prepared than Bavaria. adequate!

"Preparation for a long-term war requires a lot of funds to hoard supplies, so good, where does this money come from? It can only increase taxes, and a considerable part of these taxes will fall on the Junker nobles and the bourgeoisie. They do not want to pay too much for the war. Many, look at the British. During the war, noble landlords needed to hand in more than 80% of their income, but how much do we have? Look at the production efficiency of Rheinmetall and Krupp, and then look at the production efficiency of Bavarian Southern Industries Group. If you look at the ratio of industrial scale and production capacity, Prussia's efficiency is not as good as that of Britain and France. Why is that? Don’t you have a bottom in your heart?” Crown Prince Ruprecht’s words contained anger!

In fact, in history, Germany was not only inefficient in World War II. Although the efficiency in World War I was higher than World War II, it was also relatively inefficient. And on this plane, Prussia’s efficiency has been improved, but the effect is average. The most fundamental reason why Germany can quickly win the Allied Powers is that the United States is inclined to Germany and the sudden emergence of the Bavarian Army, and these are all Rupleys. Hit's credit.

"Speaking harshly, quite a few nobles and capitalists want to benefit from the rise of the empire, but they are stingy in giving! They only want to take advantage and do not want to assume obligations. Therefore, the war of the empire always emphasizes quick battle and quick resolution. Therefore, The empire’s military preparations are not sufficient. Therefore, we have to win the war with a bunch of pig teammates! This problem cannot be solved when Prime Minister Bismarck is in power, and now, I cannot completely solve it! To be honest, I am The patience of these people has reached the limit!" The anger of the crown prince made Crook and the others tremble.

"The rise of the German Empire is still too fast. Let’s take a look at the leaders of the world. The Spanish Empire has dominated the world from the Battle of Lepanto. The glory of the French can also be traced back to the age of the Sun King, while the British dominated the sea. It started with the defeat of the Invincible Fleet. They have been a unified country for hundreds of years, while the German Empire is not. For hundreds of years, we have always been a mess, strong but not united, and serious self-interest from top to bottom. I am solving this problem, but there is still a long way to go." Ruprecht said after easing the atmosphere.

"Although the problem cannot be solved completely at once, then you should always have your own solution? If we need our help in the future, we will do our best." Crook said. At this moment, Admiral Crook is at least sincere, because as a relatively honest officer, he is also very annoyed by the high-level problems of the German Empire, but he has not been able to solve it, but now he has the opportunity to enter politics. (The crown prince can help them form their own party.) Then he naturally wants to realize his political ambitions.

"It's very simple. The first principle of my rule is that all social strata have their own upward channels ~ to benefit from the development and victory of the kingdom. A country can only be profitable by all strata Only by ensuring the stability and development of the country can we ensure that the entire society will not be divided."

"Bavaria is a positive example. My country is very lucky. The aristocracy did not have much power within the empire. In the beginning, Bavaria was dominated by industry and agriculture, and the bourgeoisie was not very strong. Therefore, my policy can be The top-down implementation is more efficient. The development of capitalists and nobles is supported by the state, but within a certain limit, the empire will leave enough room for the civilian class of society to rise, and they can receive universal education. Promote themselves, and then rise to the top of society, they can join the army, and then rely on military service to improve, because there is no resistance from the noble army, so they will have a high ceiling for promotion. The state controls the economic lifeline and can efficiently regulate the economy, thus avoiding production Chaotic."

"All strata of the country have benefited from the development of the kingdom. Even if the people at the bottom, as long as they work hard and have a certain ability, they can also get a good life. So the Kingdom of Bavaria can go to this day and get such a rich Reward, and this return will promote the better development of all classes! Bavaria has formed a large and cohesive middle class. They are rich, knowledgeable and care about the country because of the benefits from the development of the country. These talents are Truly stay with the country, because they developed with this country!" said the crown prince.

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