The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2174: New partner one

"Teacher, an urgent telegram forwarded in China." Count Luknar walked to Count Spey with a telegram in his hand, and then delivered it to his old boss and teacher.

"The Americans are also coming to blend in." Earl Spey said meaningfully. "Let's take a look, we will have a new partner in the future." After speaking, Earl Spey sent the telegram to Earl Luknar.

"The Americans want to participate? If they really wanted to consolidate their traditional friendship with the empire, as the telegram said, they should have joined the war long ago. If the Americans were on our side, the war would have ended a year ago." Count Luknar scoffed at the American rhetoric in the telegram.

"The reason is not important. It is a matter for politicians and kings, and has nothing to do with us. What is important is that we have to consider what the Americans can bring us." Earl Spey said.

"On the surface, they will bring us an aircraft carrier named Independence and 12 1,000-ton destroyers, plus a supply fleet of 4 to 5 supply ships and a large amount of supplies on it." Lukner Earl said. "But to be honest, their help did make up for our insufficient number of destroyers and insufficient air defense reconnaissance capabilities."

Although the Americans did not send battleships over this time, whether it was an aircraft carrier or a destroyer, it was also in the middle of the U.S. Navy. what? Why did you say that the U.S. Navy did not send light cruisers? The reason is simple. Just like in history, the Americans were working hard to produce battleships, destroyers, and cruiser-class battleships in the early stage. Almost all pre-war armored cruisers, and the new generation of light cruisers are still on the berth!

Take the aircraft carrier Independence as an example. This is an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 17,000 tons. It has a single-story open hangar that can accommodate 72 various aircraft. At the same time, there is also a 4-inch inclined armor protection at the waterline. The ammunition depot and the power compartment have 2 to 3-inch horizontal armor. It has a maximum speed of 26 knots and full fuel power. Unlike the New Mexico-class battleships newly served by the Americans using electric propulsion, Independence is more conservative and still uses the same propulsion method as the German battleships.

Generally speaking, it is slightly smaller than Wittelsbach's aircraft carrier, and its performance is also worse. But it is definitely a lot higher than the current British aircraft carrier on intelligence. After all, where is the number of carrier aircraft? The number of aircraft on the British aircraft carrier is limited by the number of aircraft, hulls and usage habits, so the number of aircraft on board is estimated to be only about 40.

"With this aircraft carrier, our seaplane carrier and carrier-based seaplane can be fully engaged in reconnaissance, corrective shooting, and anti-submarine missions. When necessary, this aircraft carrier can even provide us with a certain output." Count Spey said.

"I hope these American pilots have better skills than American artillery." Count Luknar said jokingly. The discourse is obviously full of distrust of the combat effectiveness of the US Navy. This is really not to blame for the earl’s talking cold words, because since the beginning of the pre-fearless era, the performance of the U.S. Navy in previous battles and conflicts has been poor. If the performance of individual tactics is fair, (for example, in the Philippine naval battle Zhong Ma Jifen led the remnants of the American fleet to avoid the pursuit of Japanese armored cruisers.) Then the technical and tactical level is very poor, and the British Navy in history has mocked the artillery of the US Navy. And on this plane, the German gunners who performed better in actual combat are naturally very disdainful of the Americans’ shotgun art. It’s not that the Americans have poor fire control, but they are not good at fighting!

"Can we replace some American pilots with Germans? As you know, our navy has sufficient reserve pilots." Count Luknar said.

"I'm afraid this is not so good? But I can talk to the Crown Prince about this." After hesitating for a while, Earl Spey still felt that whether his air defense network was strong was more important than the so-called diplomatic face.

The importance of aircraft carriers to the Spey fleet is undoubtedly important, and destroyers are equally important. What surprised the Germans is that this American destroyer, dubbed by the German navy as a flat destroyer, has much more than the same level of British and German destroyers. Firepower. Coupled with the production of hundreds of ships, it gives a simple and rude feeling!

Take the U.S. Navy’s largest number of Wiggis-type destroyers as an example. This destroyer has a displacement of only 1100 tons, a maximum output of 24,000 horsepower, and a maximum speed of 35 knots. This performance is quite satisfactory, but there are 4 doors on such a small destroyer. 4 inch artillery, 1 3 inch artillery, 2 1 pound rapid-fire guns and up to 12 533MM torpedo tubes! And this ship has a good range, with a range of 2500 nautical miles at a speed of 20 knots.

what is this concept? Taking the British destroyers of the same tonnage during the same period as an example, the British S-type destroyer had only three 4-inch guns, one 2-pounder gun and four 533MM torpedo tubes. The German Navy H166 destroyer is also inferior to the American flat The latter has only 3 105MM artillery and 6 500MM torpedo tubes. The only thing that can save some face is that it can carry 24 rounds. Mine. However, the performance of power and speed is not as good as that of the American flat boat. The German can reach a high speed of 34 knots with an output of 26,000 horsepower, and when sailing at a speed of 20 knots, the range is only 1,650 nautical miles.

The superior performance is one aspect, and what made the two German naval commanders valued was the number of destroyers that could almost be described as massive! It can be seen from the information held by the two that the production cycle and cost of this destroyer are simply terrible! In the words of Earl Spey, the Americans almost use the way of producing sausages to produce destroyers!

"To some extent, the naval system established by Prince Ruprecht is more suitable for wars that took more than ten years or even decades to prepare before the war, while the American production system is more suitable for wartime. There is no disrespect for the crown prince or doubts about his abilities, I am just stating a fact." Earl Spey said to his student.

"The Americans’ ideas are still very good. They are not like us and the British who have designed a large number of destroyers with different tonnages and different models. They adopt a unified standard, make choices on performance, and then take into account the maximum extent. In terms of performance, strike a balance, and then produce a few types of warships, which is very good in terms of cost and industry." Count Luckner nodded and said.

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