The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 199: Don't be persuaded, one wave!

"The Americans want to increase their troops, and the Spanish want to increase their troops? This is really a difficult thing." Ito Hirofumi said while sitting on the main seat, looking at the intelligence in his hand.

"The Americans may have realized that we have thoughts about the Philippines. The Americans are not satisfied with the occupation of Cuba, and they want to reach out to the east. This is absolutely not allowed by the empire. The Spanish should be for the defense of the United States." Wei analyzed.

"I have a question now. Will the empire's attitude towards the United States and the Philippines change? Will we retreat under the intervention of the United States, and will occupy the Philippines alone become a share of the Philippines, or simply give up?" While talking, staring at Ito Hirobumi, there was a trace of cruelty and determination in his sharp eyes.

"Spain is a sheep, and the United States is a tiger. If you retreat, you will make him better. For this kind of enemy, we can only exclude it from the sphere of influence of the empire! Now there is no American industry. Transformed into military power, their base system is not enough to support a huge fleet in the Far East. If we do not act at this time, we will miss the last chance to dominate the Far East! The Russians are a paper tiger, and the British are our friends. The United States is a terrible enemy, and we will not retreat in the face of such an enemy!" Ito Hirofumi has already said very clearly, no matter what kind of difficulties it faces, Japan must bring the Philippines into its control. in!

Japan really has no way out this time! In order to win the Philippines, the Japanese government invested a lot of money and manpower in 3 years! Among other things, just 4 super armored cruisers, the Japanese government spent nearly 5 million pounds! If you change to silver, it will be more than 30 million taels! In order to occupy and control the Philippines, the Japanese Army also drew 3 divisions from the country! A total of more than 70,000 troops! This is another huge military expenditure. The replacement of army equipment and the salaries of personnel plus other sums are no less than 3 million pounds! In order to ensure that such a force can be transported there, the Japanese government has to deploy tens of thousands of tons of merchant ships.

These expenses are huge enough, but this is only to give Japan the ability to war. In order to meet the war support, the Japanese government raised another 6 million pounds in war expenses! More than 90% of this comes from bonds sold in the UK and the US! You read that right, many Americans have also bought Japanese bonds!

Although the Japanese government is vigorously developing industry, commerce and national industries, if there is no other input, the immediate debt is enough to crush Japan. Japan needs a colonial market and raw materials. Under such circumstances, abruptly suspending the plan is undoubtedly tantamount to making previous preparations. To waste! For the current Japan, there is still a way to survive. It can rely on selling the properties and privileges of the colony in exchange for funds. And if you don’t fight, it’s a dead end. In this case, the Japanese government can naturally make a decision.

"Haha, it's not the US Navy. They are used to being kings in America and they feel invincible. Do they think that Japan today is the Japan of the Shogunate? The hatred of the Black Ship incident should also be liquidated today. If we Occupy the Philippines, if the Americans don't take action, then forget it. If they want to do it, then I don't mind teaching them a lesson." Yamamoto Gonbei said with a smile.

"Because of the Spanish intervention, we intend to revise the plan. The original plan to defeat the Spanish fleet and create established facts is difficult. The Americans have strengthened their fleet in the Far East. Before Asami and Yakumo return, we The strength of the fleet cannot deal with the Spaniards and the Americans at the same time, so for the sake of safety, we will wait for the return of the two warships before we act!" Kawayama Ziji on the side took out the revised combat plan and gave it to Hirobumi Ito etc. People look at it.

"If the United States and Spain do things first, will we be more passive in diplomacy?" Saiyuan Temple Gongwang said with some concern.

"Before the return of Asami and Yakumo, any mistake will result in irreparable losses. The British have made it clear that they will remain neutral during the war, and they will not provide us with new warships. Diplomatically passive It's better than military passiveness. And I don't think the American army will land so quickly. It is the actual occupation that can truly swear sovereignty." Saixiang Congdao said.

"In the military's plan, the Navy intends to defeat its opponents after the US fleet enters the waters around Luzon. So have you ever thought about the situation if the US fleet is stationed in Samoa and then waiting for domestic reinforcements? If the Americans realize that their strength is insufficient , If their four battleships are transferred to the Far East, how should the navy cope with the entire US naval power? And this time the Germans seem to intend to help the United States?" Ito Hirobumi asked.

"This.... The American fleet should stay in the homeland to deal with the Spanish fleet stationed in the West Indies? They can't transfer all the warships over, right?" Yamamoto Kenbei never thought about the United States. What if people don't come! The navy's plan is to revolve around the Americans, and then how do we compete with each other in the Philippines, the final battle is determined to win or lose. And if the Americans don’t come, doesn’t everything change?

"I have already thought about it for you. If the Americans do not take action after all our armored cruisers are in place, then we will take the initiative! With 4 Asami-class armored cruisers in hand, we can easily defeat the Spanish fleet~www. dispatched an army to occupy the Philippines to create an established fact."

"Under such circumstances, the United States is likely to take military action to seize the southern islands of the Philippines. In this case, we must completely wipe out the US fleet in the Far East in one go! Not just drive them away! We even have to fight them all at once. Go to American Samoa! Japan will be safe only if this fleet is completely defeated!" Hirobumi Ito said in an extremely plain tone that everyone in the room felt a cold sweat!

"You are going to have an antagonism with the Americans! Use force to force the other party to submit." Saiyuanji Gongwang said with a sigh. If Japan preempts the occupation of the Philippines and the United States does not act, then diplomacy will fall into a passive position. When the main islands of the Philippines are occupied, the cost of acquiring the Philippines will rise sharply.

So if the Americans really intend to take the Philippines, then 80% will immediately seize the southern islands. In this case, conflict between the two sides is certain! This is Japan forcing the Americans to make a decision, and if the Americans decide to fight, then the Japanese fleet must completely defeat the opponent!

First of all, the author has to apologize, the chapter number of the previous chapter is wrong, but the content is correct, you can rest assured to read~~~

Thanks to the book friends First Tank Guard Brigade, Ye Zhong 2015, Zhicheng, and bighill1982 for their rewards~~~, as well as the book friends hotbed, fat apes, wolves, and youbo’s monthly pass support~~~. It seems that the subscription is terrible today--!