The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 191: Angry american

"Then have your country asked France and Russia? Are they willing to let your country use their ports? If so, why can't your fleet be stationed separately? Some of them are in Hong Kong, and other fleets can also go to the northern Qing or French Annan." Salisbury asked.

"We are a fleet after all. It is not good to separate. We may send a squadron to visit other countries, but the navy wants to be stationed in Hong Kong as a temporary home port. We will abide by the laws of your country, but only want to station temporarily." Yi begged.

"It is difficult. The Russians are expanding their forces in the Far East very fast. In order to ensure the stability of the Far East, the Imperial Navy will move from Singapore to Hong Kong in two months to deter the Russian Navy. Hong Kong cannot accommodate two large fleets. Yes, although Shanghai is prosperous, it is not a suitable naval base, so within the sphere of influence of the United Kingdom, there is really nothing that can be done." Salisbury bit his mouth.

The British are very good at playing with retreat as an advance. You can come here, and I can also provide some help. If you dismantle the fleet, it’s okay. But it is impossible to be stationed here. Regardless of whether the Russians really have any intentions in the Far East, in a word, the British think they have an intention, so the Far East fleet will go north. If it goes north, it will not be able to accept the American fleet. You see, how good the reason is. ?

Hay finally realized that such negotiations would be fruitless. Although he did not know much about military affairs, he knew that the British would never let go this time. In desperation, some Haye who couldn't understand the matter decided to leave, but before he left, a promise from Salisbury made Haye relax.

"I have very clear concerns about your country. The British Empire will warn Japan and let them end the confrontation in Hawaii. What do you think of me as an act of goodwill towards your country?" Salisbury said before the end of the talks. , The tone is so sincere. But Hay, who didn't know the specific situation, was actually quite happy!

"Hay, this idiot! I'm happy to be tricked!" Roosevelt threw the telegram sent by Hay to the ground in a desperate way, and he almost stepped on a few feet. Day and Simpson on the side were equally ashamed. Hay’s telegram has made them understand two things. The first thing is that the British do not agree to help the US Far East Fleet. And another thing has gradually surfaced, that is, in addition to the United States, Japan also has a lot of ideas about the Philippines!

As a lawyer, Day interpreted the relevant documents word by word, and then came to his own opinion: "The British emphasize the balance of the Far East, and this so-called balance is not to maintain the status quo, but to prevent the intervention of new forces. Their theory is very close to our Monroe Doctrine, that is, East Asian affairs should be handled by all parties in East Asia. And their attitude towards us is neutral."

"They seem to be indifferent to the fate of the Spaniards, but that does not mean that they will allow any powerful country to take the Philippines. Even according to the British, they still want to contain the influence of the Russian navy in the Far East. In early 1898 The transfer of the East Asian fleet to Hong Kong is an obvious move. They are also very wary of the Germans and the French. Then think about the British behavior on the German warships. In fact, they have acquiesced to Japan to take action against the Philippines. "Roosevelt said with a gloomy face.

"Japan's ambitions towards the Philippines are just a speculation, and cannot be equated with acts of war." Day persuaded. In fact, although he agreed to use force against Spain and hoped to bring the Philippines into his control, he did not prepare to fight a country with a strong navy on the other side of the ocean. The United States is in a period of ascendancy, and the failure of a battle will be a serious blow to the will and people of this country. Therefore, he would rather choose a conservative strategy than take risks.

"The so-called neutrality of the British is actually a support for the Japanese. Japan has the right to station troops in southern Taiwan. They can set up their fleet base in Tainan. The distance from Tainan to Manila is very close, and if our fleet cannot obtain With the support of other powers, we can only choose Samoa. As if we are doing it at the same time, we will definitely suffer, and we simply do not have a strong enough base in the Far East to support the operation of the fleet. The strength of the fleet is not dominant. If so, I am very optimistic about this war."

General Simpson also hesitated. If Day is concerned about politics, then Simpson is thinking about issues from the military. He is not optimistic about this battle. Now he hesitated a bit, and even considered that if Japan first takes action against the Philippines, should the United States give up?

"We must never give up. Even if we fail, we must never give up. It is absolutely impossible to retreat and make concessions without the courage of the First World War! This will make other powers feel that the United States is weak and weak! We have not experienced it. Failure. In 1812, the U.S. Navy dared to challenge the powerful British fleet with several warships. The British destroyed our naval bases in the Great Lakes and our presidential mansion, but we did not give in. The United States of America is still tenacious to this day. ! What is the Japanese? It's just a dog of the British! We are not afraid of Britain, are we afraid of a dog?"

Theodore Roosevelt’s words are full of In his view, he can tolerate failure. The United States is a big country, so what about losing? The big deal is dormant for a few years and then comes back. The US industry is already the world's largest. Warships, artillery and troops can be produced continuously. The US is like a strong man. Although he lacks experience and means, he has a strong body and high fighting spirit! Other countries are weak old people. Perhaps their previous glory makes them look terrible. Perhaps the opponent may have an advantage in a battle, but the Americans can come again if they lose, while other countries lose this opportunity. !

"We can fail, but we must not lose our heart to pursue victory! I will not let the young men of the United States die in the Far East in vain. The Far East is not the British in charge! Britain and Japan also have enemies in the Far East!" Roosevelt said.

"You mean joining hands with Russia!" Dayy thought of this equally large and powerful country for the first time.

"No, not only Russia, but also France, Germany, all countries willing to stand on our side, we have to completely change the order of East Asia, they think they can stop the United States of America's footsteps without cooperation, that is impossible! "Roosevelt sneered.

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