The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 189: Precaution

"Our current environment is very bad. If we do something to Spain, will Japan take advantage of it and enter Hawaii?" Simpson looked at Roosevelt anxiously. Japan on this plane is not the same as in history. At this time, the strength of the Japanese navy is much stronger than in history. In 1898, 4 10,000-ton battleships could be produced, and the main fleet had a speed of 19 knots or more. Steadyly suppressed the American cruiser fleet.

"The Far East is not only Japan, but Spain. Spain sent their two most elite armored cruisers, the Cologne and Madrid, to the Far East. There may be additional troops in the future. They seem to be aware of our plan, so they gave up the distance from us. The West Indies are very close. With the Philippines focused on the Far East, Dewey’s fleet seems unable to face such a powerful opponent. Especially when there is a potential opponent." Simpson thought for a while and added.

"It seems that we need to change the deployment of our fleet. Spain has dispersed their fleet to strengthen the defense of the Far East, and we must also make changes to strengthen the Far East fleet, at least to defeat Spain and deter the Japanese." Roosevelt thought for a while and said.

"The scale is probably quite large, and we don't have a suitable port in the Far East, and we can only maintain a small fleet in Samoyed. The Far East fleet uses Hong Kong as its home port for the most part. If we mobilize more capital ships, Logistic supplies and support may be a problem." Simpson raised his concerns.

"But this is necessary, isn't it?" Roosevelt shook his head and said. "Because it is necessary, we have no choice. In that case, let's work hard. Acquiring the West Indies is just a secondary goal of ours. Compared to Cuba, the Philippines is even more important. It is our springboard to the Far East. The guarantee of our entry into the Qing market."

"The two armored cruisers Brooklyn and New York are going, and two Columbia-class defensive cruisers are going. Although their firepower is very weak, they have great endurance. The fuel they carry is enough for combat. It can greatly reduce logistical pressure. Coupled with Dewey’s flagship Olympia, we have 5 warships over 5,000 tons."

"But this is not enough. We should send another battleship. The new battleship Iowa is not bad. He is the most elite battleship in our fleet and has a higher speed. The maximum speed of 17 knots is slower than that of the cruiser. Some, but barely enough." Roosevelt thought for a while to add.

"This change is a bit big. If 6 large warships are to rely on British supplies, it will be difficult. With other warships, it will take more than 10,000 tons of coal to fill the coal bunker of all warships! And these coal must be high-quality coal, otherwise coal ash will be a very troublesome thing in wartime." Simpson's face changed slightly.

"This is frightening? If it were not that the number of battleships in our hands was too small, I would also like to send two more. Now the 6 battleships can only be equalized at most, and we still have a slight disadvantage. We are in Spain and Spain. After the battle of the fleet, the gap with the Japanese fleet may be even greater, so I suggest adding two more 4000-ton protective cruisers." Roosevelt said with a smile.

"This logistical pressure is too great, even if the British help us, it is difficult to achieve. I don't agree with this plan." If Simpson was just hesitant at first, and when Roosevelt proposed a plan to further expand the Far East Fleet, he was obviously opposed to it. Attitude.

"If we can't maintain even this strength in the Far East, then don't talk about occupying the Philippines. Don't you think that our enemy in the Far East is only Spain?" Roosevelt sneered. "Let the Philadelphia and San Francisco go. These two 4000-ton cruisers have 12 6-inch guns. Although the protection is a little worse, the firepower is also fierce. In this case, we have 8 in the Far East. A warship of more than 4,000 tons. If we are lucky, we can deter Japan."

"What do you mean?" Simpson asked.

"It should be what we mean, me and the people behind me, the organization, etc. When the war breaks out, it is irreversible, and the sooner the better, the longer the time is, the lower our chances of winning will be. The Spaniards have also begun to expand. "Roosevelt said.

"Then do you think the Japanese dare to do it?" Simpson said with some worry.

"I don't think they dare. We have a good relationship with the British, and from the historical experience, the Japanese intimidation is also useful for weak countries. We have won several confrontations in Hawaii. The time has become an enemy, and there is France and Germany behind Russia, and the Japanese should not have extra branches at this time." Roosevelt said carefully after a moment of contemplation.

"I always feel that what you say is the truth." Lieutenant General Simpson said. "If you think Japan dare not do anything, it won't make such a major adjustment to the navy. In fact, you are ready for battle, right?"

"If I really want to prepare for battle, then I will concentrate the fleet in Hawaii, and then wait until we solve the West Indies and then kill to the Far East!" Roosevelt's expression changed slightly.

"But we cannot support all of our fleet in the Far East. We don’t even know how long it takes for a battleship formation to travel from the East Coast to the Far East. I think our only chance of victory is to create established facts. When we declare war on Spain, immediately To occupy the Philippines, it is best to start this war before the two Japanese warships return home!" Simpson said.

"This is impossible. It was too hasty. The earliest time was the first half of 1898. The Iowa has just entered service, and if the crew is familiar with battleships to form combat effectiveness, then it will be deployed to the Far East. It will take at least half a year before considering other things. Time is very tight for the preparation of the work and the consensus of Congress." Roosevelt shook his head and said. "Look at the attitude of the British first. If the British are willing to restrict Japan, we can avoid this conflict."

"This can only be done first. I hope the British can see the situation clearly." Simpson said with a sigh. "In addition, it is said that when you came back, what did the Bavarian prince say to you?"

"That's it, he said, sooner or later we will regret the matter of helping Japan buy a ship. I have regretted it now. Who would have thought that there would be a conflict between the two sides in Hawaii this year! I just hope this thing I regret That's it." Roosevelt said with a sigh.

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