The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 186: Three Correct Ways of Yin People

If everything is in accordance with the Japanese thoughts, with the cooperation of the British, it is really possible for Japan to succumb to the enemy without a fight. If nothing else, at least it is possible for the United States and Japan to occupy together. As long as they do not fight, then together Can be discussed. Americans are not stupid, knowing that they can't do it at certain times. For example, in Samoa, the two sides have been entangled for more than ten years. But this result is unacceptable to Prince Ruprecht! How can you make enemies if you don't fight?

So, this thing cannot be done, the Japanese must be defeated, and the Americans must also feel that they have a chance! So the delivery date of these two warships must be postponed! If the Japanese Navy has only 2 second-class battleships and 2 10,000-ton armored cruisers, then they will face the US fleet? Still not on it?

Naturally is the former! At this time, what else can you hold back? The Japanese will definitely come! And after learning that the Spanish-American War broke out, their actions may be faster than the Americans! Japan has troops stationed in Tainan. How long does it take to travel from Taiwan to the Philippines? And Dewey at least has to wait for domestic telegrams. And this time the starting point of the US fleet is likely to be Samoa instead of Hong Kong!

What will the Americans do when the Japanese take the lead? Ruprecht is not easy to infer about this. After all, this incident has never happened in history, and Japan can dispatch a large number of army to the island in the first time by relying on its geographical advantages, and then create established facts. It's really hard to say what the Americans do at this time, but considering that the Japanese fleet has not yet got the two most important chips, the confidence may not be very strong. In the case of lack of confidence but not a disadvantage, the Japanese may take the risk.

Maybe the Japanese government will calm down a bit, but radio is still not popular in this era. When the news reaches Japan and the Japanese cabinet holds a meeting, the day lily will be cold. The Japanese fleet may be desperate, after all, the strength of the two sides is roughly equal. Whoever shots at this time has the advantage! Americans also have unbearable reasons. After all, in history, the American army came only three months after the Battle of Manila... If this were allowed to be occupied by the Japanese, the Americans would not have to come over after three months!

So both sides have a reason to fight, and the situation is that the first action has the advantage, in this case. His Royal Highness really couldn't guess who would do it first! Of course, it doesn't matter who does it first, as long as the fight can be done at the end! When both sides are bound to gain, the possibility of peaceful coexistence is even smaller.

After all, if the mouth cannot be solved, it must be solved with fists. Japan, which has a geographical advantage, will definitely station troops on the main islands of the Philippines. And the Americans must stop all of this, so well, wiping off guns will become inevitable! Because sometimes this thing is not sensible controllable, and you can’t expect the entire fleet of thousands of people to be sensible, right?

Of course, these two warships will eventually be sent to the Japanese. Japan wants to enmity with the United States. So what kind of hatred cannot be solved for the United States? Naturally, all Spanish colonies in the East fell into the hands of Japan. Therefore, the script arranged by His Royal Highness for Japan is like this: the process is tortuous, and the result is certain. The Philippines must be Japanese!

So, according to this script. His Royal Highness intends to deliver the two warships later. When will it be difficult to say, if everything is the same in history, Ruprecht intends to deliver it in early April, and it will be April after the Japanese and British have arranged. It’s mid-day, and even counting the return time, I’m afraid it will be delayed until around May before returning to Japan. At that time, it was estimated that the United States and Japan had already engaged in war. And what if it is different from history? It really depends on the situation. There is no better way for the prince.

As for delay, this is too simple, such as a minor engineering accident. The warship was slightly tilted, or a certain part was in short supply, or it was simply said that it was not completed. On the surface, the ship was bought by Brazil anyway. Brazil is not in a hurry, it is really impossible to lose some money, it is really no big deal for Bavaria. And if it is really dragged to the time when the United States and the West start war, maybe the United States and Spain will really snap up! At this time, His Royal Highness believed that with the strength of Americans, the price doubled and still bought! after all. At this time there is no more suitable warship in the whole world! If Japan is acquainted, don't bluff!

The script has been written, everything is ready, just wait for the actors from all sides to arrive, and then start acting! See how many countries are involved, Japan, Britain, the United States, Spain! Ok. Wait, it seems that there may be one missing important actor. Thinking of this, Ruprecht set his sights on the north side of the map, that huge country that accounts for almost one-sixth of the world!

"Russia! And the Russians! They may also take action. Especially when things drag on, the more likely the Russians will do it!" Ruprecht said to himself. What country is Russia? Wherever they can, they will always use all kinds of opportunities to fight for benefits, not to mention, Russia's biggest enemy in the Far East and the United States have opened films, and it is strange that the Russians can sit still! At least we must threaten with force!

His Royal Highness remembered what he said when he scared the Russians back They should be nervous now? Even the Nakimonov, a slightly old warship, was sent there, but at any rate this ship also has a displacement of 8,500 tons, as well as 6 8-inch guns and 5 6-inch guns. It's still very bluff on paper! If there is only the Russian family, it may not dare to confront the Japanese navy after the strengthening, but if Japan and Spain go to war, and the United States at the same time, it is not necessarily. If Russia enters the war, what attitude will Britain have? This is intriguing.

Regarding the attitude of Russia, the prince is very difficult to grasp, but now it is obvious that the Russians intend to restore relations... Although there is no intention to purchase new battleships, there are still many preferential treatments in terms of grain exports and army equipment. For example, the grain sold to Bavaria is about 8% cheaper than the grain sold to other parts of Germany.

As His Royal Highness gradually refined the layout of the future Spanish-American War, the Japanese personnel in charge of receiving ships had already set off from Japan. I don't know if it was deliberate by Japan, or by coincidence, the two people who picked up the ship this time were still old acquaintances of the prince, one was Togo Heihachiro and the other was Uemura Hikoyuki. Acquaintances! We fought in the Far East, and your boat was sunk by brother!

Thanks to the book friends Duyou Zhang Fei, Daqin’s Ethics, Yuan Ying Shui’s rewards~~~, and the book friends saly2005, yhl001, Happy Heroes, Qianguyi, First Guards Tank Brigade’s monthly support~~ ~.