The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 181: Far East Conspiracy

"Hiss!" Mutsuzomi took a deep breath, "I see, I know why the empire should buy the Kasuga and Nissin at any cost! If our enemy is Spain, then we can't let these two warships In the hands of the Spanish! So no matter how high the price is, we have to buy it too!" Mutsuzongguang suddenly realized, excited and happy that made his pale face appear sickly ruddy.

"Wait! This is impossible! You can't predict that the Russians will cancel the order in advance! Therefore, the plan to buy these two warships is temporarily launched! You must have other preparations. Tell me if there is no Russia to cancel the order. As far as the matter is concerned, how are you going to solve this problem? As far as I know, the Empire did not order new large warships from the UK after the war." Mutsuzong certainly deserves to be the most outstanding Japanese talent in this era. He soon discovered another A loophole!

"We did not order warships from the UK. The fundamental reason is that the UK cannot provide the Empire with a warship that meets the requirements within the stipulated time, so we can only think of other ways."

"Our requirements are simple. On the one hand, the warships we ordered must be able to suppress the Munich-class armored cruisers purchased by Spain! If not, what use do we want these warships? Second, time! From the design of the warship to the final service, it must It was completed at the beginning of 1898! Because over time, the Spaniards' armaments will also increase, and at the same time, occupying the Philippines one day earlier means gaining one day earlier, so we cannot delay it for too long,” explained Ito Hirobumi.

"Some of the actions of the Americans also aroused your vigilance? I once read a document that the Americans intend to strengthen their Far East fleet. The newly built armored cruiser Brooklyn may be sent to the Far East. The Americans also have ideas about the Philippines. , So in addition to defeating the Spanish fleet, we must also maintain a deterrent to the American fleet?" Mutsu Sumitsu added.

"Yes, time is too tight. The British cannot complete the design and construction of a powerful cruiser in less than three years. This is not a question of capacity, but a question of focus. The British's own naval construction plan is very heavy. , Our conditions are so harsh, so no shipyard and designer are willing to accept this order. Three years to get a more powerful warship than the Munich class? The British shipyard with sufficient business does not care about this order. So We did not order warships from the UK." Ito Hirobumi said.

"This thing is really difficult to complete. So far. The ones that can stabilize the Munich-class armored cruisers are the Nijin and Izumo we bought. It is said that when the Munich-class armored cruisers were being built, the Bavarians began to design days. They have entered, and their shipyard is really fast to build... Wait! You didn't order the warship from a German shipyard, right? According to an agreement between Bavaria and Russia, they refused to sell us the warship! The agreement was abandoned after Russia first broke the agreement, so..." Mutsuzongguang was messed up again! For the first time, he found that his brain was not enough!

"So. We need the help of the British. Do you remember how the Izumi came to Japan? Our operating methods are exactly the same as the last time. It's just a bit bigger!" Ito Hirobumi's expression on his face became more serious. Up!

History always has great inertia. For example, Japan must have won the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War. For example, during the war, Japan in this plane still purchased the cruiser Izumi from Chile through the third country, Ecuador. And the success of this purchase has inspired the Japanese! Since Daigou can avoid the neutral clause, it can also avoid the agreement between Bavaria and Russia!

From the perspective of performance and time, Bavaria’s new battleship is definitely the best choice. In terms of performance, the stabilized Munich-class armored cruiser is too late. So the Japanese decisively decided to acquire these two warships through purchasing agents!

of course. The idea is very good, but it does not mean it is easy to do. These are two 12,000-ton armored cruisers! How can the average country need such a powerful warship? Let the powers of Europe buy on behalf of others? Without this possibility, it is impossible for Britain and France to buy it. Russia cannot help the enemy. Spain may or may not buy it from Japan. As for Austria, Hungary and Italy? People and Germany are allies. If this matter is stabbed out, it might be a loss of wealth and wealth!

I want to find a stronger one. It is not easy to be worthy of the identity of this class of warship, and at the same time to be able to obey the country that guarantees delivery. Chile and Argentina are possible, but watching the two countries may be able to pilot at any time. The Japanese worry that one day these two countries will directly make real purchases! And I bought it with Japanese money, so wouldn't I lose a lot when I came to Japan?

The Japanese called a tangled back then! At this time, we have to rely on the British father, the shrewd British found a suitable country, this country is Brazil! Brazil is big enough and rich enough, so there is. Can support the economy of buying these two warships. And Chile and Argentina in South America are engaged in an arms race. It is understandable for Brazil to purchase new warships in order to ensure its own safety. The most important thing is that Brazil is actually very safe, and the possibility of intercepting these two warships is not high. In addition, the British government said it could persuade Brazil to do Japan a favor, UU reading www. So finally Japan decided to purchase through Brazil!

The two armored cruisers originally named Brazil and Rio de Janeiro have Japanese names. In a list known by no more than 10 people, these two battleships are called Asama and Yakumo! The two battleships were planned to be completed by the end of 1897. When the two warships arrive in the UK, the Japanese naval officers and soldiers waiting in the UK will take over the two warships! Then back to Japan, when they return to Japan, it is when the Japanese fleet launches an offensive!

"Yes, if there are Asami and Yakumo, our two second-class battleships and two super armored cruisers, plus one first-class protective cruiser and two second-class protective cruisers, will stabilize Spain. The Navy! And even if there are changes in other countries, we are absolutely not afraid of him! We can maintain the lowest shock in the face of the Russian fleet, and the US fleet is not to be feared!" Mutsu Sumitsu carefully analyzed everything, the more he thought about it, the more he felt The subtle and terrifying of this plan!

"And when everything went smoothly, the Russians unexpectedly terminated the contract with Bavaria, which put the whole plan in crisis. If the Spaniards get the Nikkei and Izumo, then our advantage will be wiped out, so We must buy it! Understood?" Ito Hirobumi said with a smile on his face.

Thank you Book Friends War 2004, Domired, First Guards Tank Brigade, hukaikaka, bighill1982 for their rewards~~~, as well as Book Friends Hero 0007, Heart Levitating and other book friends for their monthly support~~~.