The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 171: You go away and let the professionals come!

Since the end of the Qing-Japanese War, Colonel von Carlipte has been very upset. He was originally the commander of the Blue Legion, and he said that the Blue Legion and the Russian army attacked the flank of Japan on the inside. However, the actual situation could not keep up with the changes in the battlefield. The Qing army's defense line collapsed too quickly. The Germans were too late to withdraw, and were forced to smash with the Japanese army who turned around.

Don't even say that the Germans played pretty well, they fought a battle with high exchange ratio easily. Then another unexpected thing happened, and the Japanese were persuaded! It began to shrink its forces and proceeded cautiously. At this time, the Qing Dynasty’s ability to pay again had some problems. The Blue Legion, which had no money, would naturally not contribute. Coupled with some domestic instructions, the war was over! That's it! Colonel Calipume still wants to use this battle to become a general!

Looking at such a junior as Schmidt sitting on an equal footing with himself, it is impossible to say that the colonel has no complaints in his heart! So he seized every opportunity to express himself, but the problem now is that the world is very peaceful, well, it is Germany that is very peaceful, and the promotion channel within the German army is a bit narrow. Don't think about formal things, then you can only find some crooked ways , Such as the Blue Army in the Qing-Japanese War.

And this time, it happened to coincide with Kruger’s hiring of German instructors. In principle, he needed experienced officers. Markenson was hired from Germany. After all, this buddy had participated in the Qing-Japanese War and was fighting on the front line. . But the problem is that he was mainly an observer at the time. Although he commanded a battle on a separate battlefield, it was not enough to plan the overall situation. And this guy's skill tree at this time is all on the cavalry, and the Boer lacks even the cavalry, this is a true portrayal of a professional mismatch!

Originally Kruger wanted to invite Baron Schmidt, but people are busy now. Are they busy sorting out combat experience after the war? By the way, I am busy going to major German military schools and troops to give lectures and lectures. Regardless of their seniority, regardless of their military rank, winning is the last word! Of course, although Germans have always believed that Japanese are broilers. But this broiler also fought against the Russian army! If only Germany and Japan were at war, it might be nothing to achieve this result.

But on the same battlefield, the Japanese and the Russians had a slight advantage, which is enough to make people think. Russians, as everyone knows, European road rollers are quite powerful. Russia and Germany have never played, but the Germans believe that Russia and France are at least one level. If the Japanese can draw against Russia, it means that the Japanese have a high combat effectiveness, and the Blue Legion beats the Japanese violently, then it means that the Blue Legion’s combat effectiveness is higher than that of the Russians and the Japanese. Now, other German troops have to admit that the Blue Legion can fight very well, and Baron Schmidt is very powerful! If he were a Prussian, he could already enter the General Staff!

The rising star of Baron Schmidt is simply too bright! It directly brightened the eyes of a dog! The original Blue Legion's highest commander, Colonel Calypte, was sitting on wax. No one thinks that he is the highest commander of the Blue Legion. When others talk about the Blue Legion, they will say: "This Legion knows. Baron Schmidt is really cool! It's amazing!" Calyp It's simply too non-existent.

For your own glory, to realize your self-worth! Colonel Calipute strongly asked his old boss, Prince Leopold, to give him a chance. But the old prince couldn't save face and went to his nephew, Prince Ruprecht. The latter is considering dispatching personnel. When I saw that this lazy guy in history was suddenly going to work hard, he naturally had to give him a chance. Later, he was an important member of the staff of the Eastern Front. The ability is not said, direct commanding tens of thousands of people is naturally the same as playing.

So, His Royal Highness agreed with the colonel's request with a swipe of a pen, so Colonel Calipute immediately assembled his team and came to German Namibia with confidence. After waiting for Mackensen and others, he came to the Transvaal Republic of the Boers.

This time the colonel decided to play a big game. He is determined to train the Boer army into the “Prussian Army” of Africa in the next two years. And all in accordance with the "Bavaria" standards to establish a complete set of equipment and logistics system!

In the face of the German military delegation, Kruger still attached great importance to it, and personally took Caliput to visit the Boer army and training. These Boers, who have grown up in a competitive environment, are really good at fighting. Even with Calypte's critical eyes, at least half of the Boers' young and middle-aged people can be called aggressive! From the standpoint of personal qualities, these people's combat literacy is quite high, their marksmanship and physical strength are absolutely top-notch. Although they have not undergone too professional training, the wild ways and consciousness that have been cultivated in fighting and fighting for a long time are still quite terrifying!

Plus an advanced semi-automatic rifle and grenadier. Calypte believes that the combat effectiveness of an elite Boer squad is almost equal to the combat effectiveness of an equal number of the Blue Legion squad. This is already a very high evaluation! You know, the Blue Army was chosen from nearly 100,000 Bavarian Army!

But with the continuous expansion of the scale of the exercise, Calypte finally discovered the problem, that is, the more troops, the combat effectiveness of the Boer Army will not increase, but gradually decrease! Let's put it this way, three Boers and three German soldiers fought in a field environment, and the latter might be hanged. A squad of Boers and a squad of German soldiers fight Then the two sides can draw a tie, and if it comes to a company level confrontation, then the Boers are definitely the one to be slaughtered!

The reason for weapons must be admitted. With the continuous increase in the size of the army, the number of heavy firepower possessed by the German army has increased much faster than the Boers. The German army can obtain 82MM mortar support during company-level confrontation. The Boers use grenadiers in class confrontation, but they still use grenades when it comes to connecting machines... There is no essential increase in firepower intensity.

The other reason is that although the Boers’ personal qualities are excellent, they lack discipline. In a downwind fight, the morale is like a rainbow, and if there is a headwind, it will be the result of 20 shots! Moreover, the Boer army itself is extremely unsuitable for battles, and their weapons, morale and discipline are not suitable for siege battles. And if the stronghold of the opponent cannot be pulled out, then the British can continuously support, and the Boers will be consumed sooner or later.

Thanks to book friends jj belly, hukaikaka, and Fang Xiang 2004 for their rewards~~~, as well as book friends 150512175247467 and a hotbed woman for their monthly support~~~.

At the same time, I recommend two books, one of which is by Wu Yue Weiqing, the author of the same group. The slightly overhead texts of the Tang Dynasty, most of the historical events remain unchanged, but slightly changed. You can check it out~~~.

The other is very comfortable by the author of the same group. A book that is creative and clear, can repeat the past and the present, if you are interested, you can read it~~~~~.