The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 169: Huck’s Anomaly in Africa Record 2

In desperation, Major Huck could only do it himself. Fortunately, His Royal Highness provides subsidies for the annual food consumption of the colony. You will be given so much money. As long as you can manage the mouth in your jurisdiction, you will spend the remaining money yourself. In the spirit of saving, the rest is all on my own principle. Major Huck began to hire local Africans to grow food...

Farming also needs people. Major Huck first targeted the black rebels detained by the German authorities... Because these people are cheap! You can live by just eating food, as for rebellion? Well, the black buddies from Africa were the first to disagree. Lao Tzu can easily eat a full meal. Whoever wants to smash Lao Tzu's rice bowl is an uncommon enemy! Except for the first batch of 100 prisoners, 5 escaped, 10 of them were reported by black men from South Africa and pulled out for shooting, and the remaining 85 were working honestly.

With the support of the theory of sustainable development and the support of relatively abundant funds, Huck quickly solved the problem of the survival of the colony, but with the development of railways, mining and rough ore processing and necessary industrial projects, Huck found that the local manpower gap was too great.

According to Dr. Itmer’s estimation, it is impossible to complete the construction of railways and mines without tens of thousands of workers. Many projects in Gada in Africa are still based on manpower and animal power, and there are few machinery, and maintenance and transportation are also a problem after being shipped.

In order to solve the problem of shortage of manpower, Huck even did not hesitate to start from those black tribes who had rebelled against plantation owners! "As long as you enter my jurisdiction and promise not to cause trouble, then you and your family will be assured of safety!" A thing called a "green card" appeared in German Namibia. As long as the trouble is not particularly big, as long as you can run to Hack’s jurisdiction and sign a contract, then that’s good, you are safe, at least within the jurisdiction!

Major Huck suddenly discovered that his troops are the most powerful armed forces in the entire Namibia region! The number of armed forces of the German colonial authorities in Namibia is only 500! By 1895, Major Huck had 200 cavalry, 600 infantry, 300 native African colonial forces and 200 urban management!

Sometimes the colonial authorities need to suppress the rebellion and let Major Huck go. No way, the entire African colonial authorities only had 50 cavalry... The mobile force is pitiful! But think about it, during the great rebellion in Gada, Namibia, the Germans only mobilized 1,500 soldiers. Now Major Huck found that as long as he didn't do it himself. Namibia is walking sideways! As for sheltering prisoners, there is no pressure at all to raise murderers against competitors. Many plantation owners in the Bavarian area have already cut off sisal to grow food under the "friendly persuasion" of Huck!

what? What do you think the German government thinks about this matter? How else can I look at it? The local German government found that its jurisdiction was much easier. The pressure on "maintenance of stability" was greatly reduced, and the amount of marks sent from the opposite side was sufficient! Who cares what happened to several farmers? Of course. After all, there were a few people who filed a lawsuit against Major Huck in the country through ties, but the result was obvious. Those who are not clean themselves are naturally unable to deal with "corrupted feudalism." After the German central government found that the colony's economic situation was gradually improving, it didn't care much about the local situation. After all, the current Namibian economy is booming?

There are many things in the world that have developed beyond people’s expectations. Back then Major Huck wanted to use a bayonet to protect Bavaria's interests in Africa, but now Major Huck has become the "guardian" in the eyes of blacks. After all, it is more economical and cost-effective to replace the bayonet with bread.

And now these black people are employees of the "Special Zone", if something goes wrong, you go to work? Stimulated by the ever-expanding demand for manpower, Major Huck began to focus on other places, except for the Boers who have always had "good" partnerships. Major Hack and Dr. Itmel also focused on the Portuguese colony north of Namibia!

"From a cost point of view, black prisoners from British South Africa and the local area are more suitable as laborers. They only need to eat, be able to support their families, and have a little money. However, if we hire labor from the Portuguese, apart from In addition to the normal meals and meager wages, there are also extra money to be paid to the Portuguese, as well as round trip expenses, which are very expensive!" Huck raised this question more than once.

Huck is right, except for normal labor costs. Huck also needs to give the Portuguese money! One of Portugal’s largest trades in the African colonies is the export of labor. In the Portuguese colonies, every adult African man must work for the Portuguese for 6 months for free every year! The savvy Portuguese businessmen "packaged" these labors where they were needed. In the end, most of the compensation for the free labor of the blacks went into the pockets of the Portuguese government and businessmen.

"You should know. You will naturally know. If you shouldn't know, don't ask too much. There are many things that I just implement without knowing the reason." Dr. Itmer's answer is the same every time, just not to Huck A clear answer. Of course, another reason is that Dr. Itmayer does not know what the prince intends to but when a special working group came to German Africa. The doctor with a keen sense of smell seems to feel something! A strong taste of conspiracy.

Human beings have a characteristic, that is, they can tolerate other people's lives worse than their own, but they can't stand their lives better than their own! Especially everyone is black brothers. You are from South Africa and I am from Angola. Why do you eat so well every day and still have a salary, so I can only be full of water when I come here? Why can your family eat bread, I only have vegetable soup here?

Then someone will tell these angry Angolan black buddies that, in fact, the money the Germans spend on you is the same as the money spent on other people, but a considerable part of it has been intercepted by the Portuguese. It’s okay if you want to get fair treatment. Just don’t go back. I’ll get you a death certificate here, and then stay in Namibia to get you a record. Isn’t that enough? Of course, the premise is that you have to perform well. Willing to contribute to this "beautiful" jurisdiction.

what? You still have family members in Angola, so reluctant to leave! It’s okay! Tell your family about what happened here, and the chief who brought you some of our “gifts”. Encourage them to "chat" with the Portuguese when they are okay. Then make a series or something. To put it bluntly, it is to find ways to intensify local conflicts.

Thanks to the book friends who fly in the universe and other book friends for their rewards~~~. The second is more~~~. There will be one more later~~~.