The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 161: God's prediction! It's up to you!

"Remember what I said, countries that can be friends with the UK can only be second-class powers. First-rate powers cannot, because they are too powerful and will challenge the dominant position of the UK. Weak countries can't, because They have no use value. So, both your country, Germany and Russia have been excluded!"

"Let’s look back at the history of the rise of Britain. The British once cooperated with the Netherlands against Spain, because the Netherlands was not a sea coachman at the time, they were sea beggars. Then three Anglo-Dutch wars broke out because of the Dutch transport ships. The tonnage has exceeded the sum of all other European countries!"

"Then there is the battle for hegemony between Britain and France, the Seven Years’ War, the Thirty Years’ War, the Napoleonic Wars and so on. The British have always stood behind the second-tier powers against the most powerful existence at that time. I have to say that the British diplomacy is very good, they You can always gather a large number of allies through the sharing of benefits and diplomatic skills. When you have more allies than enemies, then victory is not a problem."

"When the powerful Napoleon empire was wiped out, Russia emerged as a new force, so there was the Crimean War. Until now, Russia is still Britain’s biggest opponent, so Britain can help Japan at all costs. Mr. Hay, I want you to come. Before arriving in Bavaria, the British Foreign Office had already communicated with you on this matter. I am not interested in the content because I can guess."

"But these things have nothing to do with what we are talking about today." It was not Roosevelt, nor Day and Hay, but Wilson, who had no sense of existence.

"Please forgive Professor Wilson for his rudeness." Dayy came out immediately.

"It’s okay. You don’t agree with what I said above. It’s okay. Originally, this kind of thing is very complicated and vague. When I say below, you definitely agree that you are a patriotic American who protects American interests and wants to Isn't that the way the American concept extends to the whole world?" Ruprecht said indifferently.

"That's it, Your Royal Highness." Wilson said affirmatively.

"That’s great. I’m going to tell you my guess. In the future division of Far East interests, the United Kingdom does not intend to leave any benefits to the Americans. Do you believe it? Even in this matter, your country and the United Kingdom’s The interest demands are very close. But believe me. The British will not give you any benefit except for treating you as gunmen. You don’t have to believe it, we can wait slowly, and we can see the results within 2 years at most!” Ruprecht His Royal Highness said something very frightening in a very calm tone.

"You would rather believe in the cunning British than the capricious. The greedy and cruel Japanese do not believe in Germany. Well, this time I will help you, as long as the Japanese government targets no less than the Russians, then these two warships Sell ​​to Japan." Prince Ruprecht said very generously.

"Really?" Day asked overjoyed. He didn't expect that the matter would be settled like this...

"However, I need a document signed by the President of the United States. I must clearly state the content and conditions of the talks between you and me. The seal and your signatures must not be missing! After this document is received, the Japanese government only needs to pay for the goods. , We will deliver the ship immediately! How about? This condition is not excessive, right?" the prince continued.

"But what's the point of doing this? Everything we talked about was done in secret. It's not good to leave text or even a signature and seal?" Hay said hesitantly.

"So you want to empty the glove white wolf? Your Excellency will let me throw away the most important bargaining chip with a few words? This calculation is really good. It is indeed the ambassador to Britain." The prince's words were full of sarcasm. "By the way, if one day this incident leads to unpredictable consequences, you can still push this incident to me, because I sold these two warships. That's really a good calculation! "

"What do you call the unforeseen thing?" Roosevelt suddenly became a little alert.

"I don't know, it's just a personal feeling, but it has nothing to do with Germany. What you did made me very distrustful of you, so I don't plan to tell you so much, I can only remind you to be careful." His Royal Highness said very comfortably. .

"My conditions will not change. If you are not even willing to meet this small requirement. Then I would rather sell these two warships to the Spanish or the Russians. As far as I am concerned, I hate the Japanese the most. That's it. You can think about it."

"The Russians can't buy it back again." Hay said.

"Really? This is an offer. As long as I sign my name on it, the Russians will immediately buy back these two warships for 900,000 pounds each. I have 2 copies. You guys. You can take it away, and then find someone to check the authenticity!" His Royal Highness leisurely delivered the copy to Day. The above is very clear, a battleship of 900,000 pounds, after a short verification, Roosevelt and others believe it is true.

"It seems that everything that should be said has already been said. What else do you have to ask? If you want me to make concessions, then I will not open my mouth. This will make both of us unhappy." His Royal Highness seems to have been about this. The negotiations are impatient and ready to end the talks.

"Do you think it was a wrong move for us to help Japan acquire these two warships?" Roosevelt organized his words carefully. "Then we can allow the Russians to buy them back. Russia's acquisition of these two warships is not harmful to us, and this cannot be a condition for you to threaten us. If you sell to Spain, it is tantamount to feuding with the United States, and you Wouldn't it be possible?" Roosevelt said with a you a threat? "His Royal Highness raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Of course not. It's just a friendly exchange." Roosevelt said, who seemed to have the initiative.

"So good, let's imagine what the outcome would be if I didn't talk here today. How?" Prince Ruprecht's cold words changed the atmosphere of the venue. "Then let's analyze again, do I dare to sell these warships to the Spaniards. How?"

"You just said that you hope to be friendly with the United States!" Day said with a gloomy face.

"My dedication and concession did not gain your understanding and kindness, but regarded as a cowardly performance. Well, in this case, I don't need to communicate with your country anymore, at least there is no need to communicate with you. One thing better in the United States of America is that an official is a piece of clothing. You can throw it away at any time when you don’t need it. If you don’t want to agree to something, others will agree to it, but I want to remind you that on this matter, If you disagree, then no one in this world can move these two ships!"

The fifth one! Update 4D today! Everyone is great, and the side position is great! Seeking subscription, seeking reward~~~. Thank you Book Friends Aviation Titanium, Bloody Wolf, Ye Zhong 2015 and other book friends for their rewards~~~, as well as book friends Four Seas and Blue Sky, Barbaric Tribe Chiefs, Happy Heroes, Four Eyes Bookworms and other book friends for their monthly support~ ~~!