The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 157: God's Flicker One!

"You dare to come?" When Palokin saw Prince Ruprecht again, the joking expression in the latter's eyes made the Russian minister in Bavaria feel that the creed accelerated, but fortunately, this time he Not the protagonist, the protagonist is Russian Foreign Minister Robanov. When the Prime Minister said that he would contact the Bavarian side, and at the same time, he said that he, even the German central government, said that this matter was not counted. The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs knew that he would not be able to hide this time, even if there were 10,000 people unwilling. He must also go to Munich! Makanov also accompanied him.

"Robanov?" At this time, Prince Ruprecht had no respect for the Russian Tsar's special envoy, the Russian Foreign Minister. Both the status and the negotiation situation allowed Prince Ruprecht to treat his opponent so arrogantly. "Can you tell me, how much money did you charge the French to sell the relationship between the two countries and the interests of Russia?"

"This matter was raised by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Witt, and his Majesty and I were deceived by him." As a diplomat, the first quality we must possess is to have a thick skin... Don't hesitate to throw the pot at a critical moment, anyway, Witte is not here, even if you know later, you can't do anything to yourself.

"Good, good, good. I already know your demands. So now I want to ask, how much does Russia plan to pay to heal Bavaria’s economic and dignity damage?"

"I know what you want to say. What you want to say is just two warships. Even if Japan gets it, there are only 4 10,000-ton class warships of the Japanese Navy. There is no threat to Russia at all? Is it true?" His Royal Highness asked rhetorically.

"You must think so. And believe that this set of rhetoric can deal with most people, but unfortunately, you are facing me! Don't look at a lieutenant admiral sitting next to you. This lieutenant also has actual combat experience. , But that was nearly 20 years ago. I think my understanding and application of the Navy is better than this lieutenant admiral, do you believe it?"

"Of course, you may not believe it, but I don't mind making things clearer so that you can understand the current situation better." Ruprecht gestured to Tirpitz next to him. The latter pulled down a curtain himself. Then the huge chart hung on the wall revealed its full picture.

"We must first figure out a question, and that is why the Japanese have to buy warships at this time. Is the price simply cheap? I don't think so. If you consider the financial aspect, they buy British warships, and the British government will definitely provide a lot of The loan is more economical. So why did you buy a ship from us at this time? I just gave you a copy of the memo submitted by the Japanese government. Does anyone know why? Yes, 1000 marks, I will give it now ." Ruprecht said triumphantly.

"Because of the performance of the warship? Of course I still think that the price factor is the main factor." Robanov is a professional diplomat, but doesn't understand the navy at all, but now people have raised this question. He couldn't answer again. He looked at Palokin, who was also a little hazy, and Makanov, who was silent. The Russian representative could only bite the bullet and said.

"I didn't expect you to get the answer right!" Ruprecht said contemptuously. "Makanov, what's your opinion? I hope the best Russian navy commander can answer this question. Otherwise, the professionalism of the Russian navy is really worrying! I cheated you all, don't you think?"

When everyone again focused on Makanov sitting on his right hand, everyone was surprised to find that the Russian admiral was covered with sweat on his head, his face was extremely distorted, as if he had been frightened. , Or that something incredible happened. Makanov's hands trembled. He kept staring at the last page of the memo repeatedly, and at the same time glanced at the map from time to time.

"You.... Are you saying that it is possible for the Japanese to do it?!" After Makanov squeezed a few words from his teeth, the entire venue fell into a terrible silence. The inference is terrible! It's unbelievable. If the person who said this is not Makanov, then everyone thinks this is what a lunatic said!

"You are smart! You are smart! In order to reward your smartness, the 1,000 marks are yours." Prince Ruprecht generously pushed the check to Makanov.

"I said you would regret it a long time ago, but unfortunately, none of you believe it. As of now. I guess there are no more than one hand in Russia who can figure this out. This is what I gave you. Circumstances." His Royal Highness said arrogantly.

"Robanov, believe it or not, if what I say today reaches the ears of Nicholas II, there is an 80% chance that you will go to jail? That's right. Maybe you will be brought with you, Mr. Palokin, of course Now, this is not because you are at fault, but because you are a person who has direct contact with this matter. Nicholas II will not carry this scapegoat. A minister of foreign affairs alone is not enough, so I can only complain. You are unlucky!" His Royal Highness's expression of pride grew stronger.

"His Royal Highness, are you a bit too much to say that?" Ruprecht's arrogance seemed a bit too much to Tirpitz, like a teacher reprimanding an ineffective disciple. This is not something that should be on the negotiating table ~ ~ Even if it is an advantage, it should not be.

"Tirpitz, I'm very disappointed in you, I didn't expect you to see it. I have some doubts about your ability. You saw this memo three days ago, and still haven't figured it out yet?" Don't give face to this old friend.

"Of course, Makanov, your level is limited. Generally speaking, I think you are not as smart as the high-level Japanese government. Lack of strategic vision and the ability to seize opportunities. If I am not mistaken. You are So you can come to this conclusion because you saw the text at the end of the memo asking for the delivery of the battleship in September 1897, right?"

"You look very carefully. But the ability to analyze the problem is very limited. You only see the appearance. You don't see the essence through the surface! Your inference is simple. Japan requires such a tight delivery time and even increases the price, so sure There is a purpose! As a weapon, when is the most important, it is naturally when preparing for war! That’s good, a simple logical chain has been formed, and if Japan wants such an urgent purchase record, it definitely means There is action. And in the Far East, who will Japan take action? This goal is self-evident. So you guessed the result?"

On the first day it was put on the shelves, it was a frustration in the side of the heart... Collection is already on the street, don’t subscribe too badly--! Please subscribe for a reward~~~. Thanks to book friends Zhannan Louke, Three Young Master Xie Xiaofeng, old students, Run and Run Xiao Hei, and Yu Tian Mu for their rewards~~~. At least three shifts today~~~. Update the situation tomorrow to see the first order!