The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 155: I just kill you, what's the matter?

"This is not necessarily true. I think the news of your arrival in Munich should have spread to Russia. The hotel you are staying in is just across the street from the Russian representative office in Bavaria. I will wait and see what price the Russians will offer. "Prince Ruprecht said disapprovingly.

"It is impossible for the Russians to buy back these two warships. The dignity of the great powers and the attitude of the French make this deal impossible to restore. If you step back ten thousand steps, even if the Russians want to buy them back, the price of £700,000 Can you accept it?" Mutsu Somitsu retorted immediately.

"What do you think I can't understand?" Prince Ruprecht glanced at him with an idiotic look. "The Russians won't buy this battleship, but it doesn't mean that the Russians will sit back and watch this battleship fall into the hands of the Japanese? You are not the only participants? There are 3 players in this game! Spain and You are just as determined to win!"

"Well, isn’t Spain short of money? It’s okay. The Russians can get loans. The Russians have no money. The French can get loans. What the French cares about is that these two warships cannot fall into the hands of the Russians. As for others. He doesn't care about it, and the borrowing can earn interest. France, as a usury country, won't give up this transaction. Two people, do you think this is true? Of course, you don't believe it, it doesn't matter, we can wait!" His Royal Highness's words are sharp! Like a long sword, it sifted the confidence of the two opposing people!

"This is an evildoer!" If it hadn't been for exorcism, Mutsuzongguang would almost want to put a spell or something on the opponent's face! This buddy is too good! Not to mention that a mouth-cannon attack was invalid, but instead forced himself into the corner. Obviously he can't talk about it now. Mutsuzongguang subconsciously seems to stop the negotiation, but will Ruprecht give him this opportunity? Obviously not!

"Think about it, both of you. The conditions you offer now are not tempting at all. After you go back, quickly ask for instructions in the country, and then we can talk about it. I can still call the shots alone. If the Russians pass through the German Central If the government intervenes, then everything is hard to say. At that time, it may not matter if I earn less, but the plans of Britain and Japan may be going to go wrong?" Prince Ruprecht's words at this time can already be threatened. Two words to describe it.

"820,000 pounds is always okay? We ask for only one. If the quotation from other countries is lower than ours, I hope you can uphold the principle of a businessman to execute this transaction." Mutsu Zongguang felt himself after saying this. His heart is bleeding! A buzzing head almost made him faint. Even the insider of this matter knew very well that this business must be closed, even if he knew that the other party wanted to kill Japan, he had to endure it!

To a certain extent, Japan has no retreat, because this time Russia has stepped in. Who knows what decision Nicholas II will make in the end? As Ruprecht said, Bavaria loses only a little less money. And if Japan loses, then it may have to catch the national luck! The instability of Russia is terrible. No one dares to take risks.

"You are playing with fire, you are challenging the British Empire!" Lord Hamilton did not expect things to become like this! Suddenly said angrily.

"The British Empire is terrible. But I want to say that His Majesty Frederick III is also very dissatisfied with what your country has done before. What do you think the British Empire will do? I look forward to your country’s support from Germany and Russia. The two royal families put pressure on." His Royal Highness's eyes were full of disdain. Everyone knows what the British did in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. The sequelae of this matter have not passed yet. What excessive actions do you want to do in Europe? Really the other big countries in Europe are muddled?

His Royal Highness almost said: "If you have the ability, you can try it!" Of course, if the British Prime Minister is sitting opposite, it would be interesting to say that, just a lord of the British Navy, what if he is really angry? Nothing at all. Ruprecht is a little uninterested in opponents of this level. What a broiler!

"Also, to tell you a secret, the Russian ambassador to Germany has asked me about the whereabouts of these two warships through private channels. You have to hurry up, there will be nothing!"

"Since everyone is negotiating a business, you have to take advantage of it. Don't try to force me to surrender with some kind of pressure. You don't represent the British Empire. And Japan can't put any pressure on me, so putting you away is ridiculous Threats to this, face this negotiation." Prince Ruprecht finished speaking and signaled that the negotiation between the two is over and you can go. After that, His Royal Highness got up and left the venue, ignoring the British and Japanese representatives who were sitting at If the Russians intervened, things would be troublesome. Compared to this trouble, spending a little more money is really not a problem. "Lord Hamilton whispered.

"I see, maybe we still need to rely on the power of other countries." Mutsuzongguang sighed. He was in a far worse mood than he showed, and he seemed to feel that Ruprecht already knew something. And if the prince announces what he knows, it will definitely trigger an event that can shake the world! This price is too great.

"In fact, the United States does not want Russia to be too strong. At the same time, the United States will not allow these two warships to fall into the hands of the Spaniards. You are right. We should unite the majority." Lord Hamilton said thoughtfully.

The contradiction between the United States and Spain is now well known. The two sides fought over the West Indies. Although there is still a cold war with each other, the Americans are certainly not willing to make the Spanish fleet stronger. The fact that Dewey came to Germany some time ago did not hide the eyes of the British. At this time, the Americans dispatched a person who has an old relationship with His Royal Highness here and what they can do with their knees can be understood.

Lord    knows very well that he and the Japanese government must be at a disadvantage if they want to fight against Russia. He is performing this task in his personal capacity. The Russians are in official status. Frederick III's relationship with Britain was not good, and his relationship with Russia was fairly good. After all, the breach of contract was aimed at Bavaria, and Prussia had little influence. If the Russians insist on asking the German government to intervene and are willing to pay some benefits, the two warships might really be eaten by the Spanish. From the current point of view, this situation is not what Britain, Japan and the United States want to see.

The second one is more~~~~~, please collect it--!