The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1118: Farewell

Chapter 1118

"The opponent has a total of 3 battleship detachments in this area, and maybe one is in the North Sea. We must contain at least two in order for you to return successfully. The Wiesbaden has decided to join me in the task of lure the enemy. We wish you a smooth journey!” After the Blücher sent the final signal, the ship’s side moved slightly in the opposite direction, and the tough oil pipeline immediately split into two ends. This action made the Moqi cloth The idea of ​​Lucher's fuel supply was completely shattered. Colonel Herhaus firmly proved his position with his practical actions!

In the diary, Colonel Herhaus wrote about his situation at the time:

"Our fuel is only enough for the normal consumption of 4 days. As long as we encounter the British fleet again, our fuel may be exhausted in a short time. The battleship suffered more than 900 tons of water due to the damage of the bow. The bow is tilted. 5 degrees. And the maximum speed has also been reduced to about 24 knots, we can not run the Queen's in good condition. The situation of the Wiesbaden is the same as ours, although it is not injured, but the fuel is also low, we can't do it for one The chance of escape that is so slim that there is not even a theoretical possibility pits our colleagues. At this moment, as a colonel of the High Seas Fleet, as the captain of a capital ship, I think I must take all of its responsibilities. Not only does it involve abandoning oneself to gain a chance for a comrade-in-arms, but it also includes persuading me that stubborn, overly idealized, and compassionate boss. Ha ha, forgive my disrespect, Colonel von Lefetzoff, just be me Let’s joke with you one last time!"

Then, the light cruiser Wiesbaden also refused to accept refueling. After coordination between the two sides, Colonel Herhaus thought that the non-combatants from the two light cruisers Blücher and Wiesbaden should be transferred to the Mochi. However, most non-combatants believe that leaving their colleagues at the last moment is an act of evading responsibility or even betrayal. They resolutely rejected the survival ticket from their beloved chief, and stood firmly on the side of their former comrades. Around.

"Perhaps the time we have left can only be counted in minutes and seconds, but I think that instead of returning to the port and living in a muddle-headed manner in self-blame and inaction, it is better to die in a naval battle! Go back if you have family members. Those of us have nothing to worry about except our comrades-in-arms!" said a cooking soldier on the Blücher.

However, at this time, the telegram sent through the secret passage from the German navy headquarters had been delivered to Colonel Lefetsov. The above content is very simple.

"In order to ensure that your ministry can return safely, the High Seas Fleet will dispatch a squadron to arrive at the entrance to the western section of the Skagerrak Strait before 10 noon the day after tomorrow, and proceed to the north appropriately. We will be there waiting for your day. Time. I hope you can arrive on time."

There is also an attachment to this telegram. This attachment is dedicated to Lefetzoff, which means to inform the Captain of the Blücher, Colonel Herhaus, that he can choose to sink if necessary. They are the heroes of the empire, and when there is no chance of winning, the sinking warship does not need to be blamed. The telegram was signed by Prince Ruprecht, Admiral of the Navy.

"This is a very bad telegram, but also a very conscientious telegram." Colonel Lefetzoff commented. In the telegram, the prince had already hinted that Blücher could be abandoned if necessary, because there was no way to go. I can't beat it! Therefore, it is necessary to give up when necessary. On the other hand, the prince is still very tolerant of the people on board the Blücher. If it is not possible, he will sink himself directly. If the ship is gone, people can live as much as they can. After the prince sent such a telegram, it was tantamount to backing up the matter. Although the decision of the two warships to attack was not made by the prince, the prince had already taken over the trouble of Lefetsov, Hipper and even the German Admiralty based on this telegram alone.

"Well, tell this guy Hullhouse that they will always be more valuable than this warship and can sink if necessary. If he can survive the war, I will personally come to Kiel Harbour to welcome them, and then It's a great time for them to contract the entire Kiel Navy Club!" Lefetsov said with a choked voice.

After calming down his emotions, Lefetsov needed to carefully formulate a future battle plan. The help that the High Seas Fleet could provide was a response, sending a squadron from Scandinavia and Denmark. The strait between enters the Black Sea. At most, the response is carried out in some places north of the Skagerrak Strait. There is only one day. After all, this squadron will not be very strong, and it will definitely not be able to beat the grouped Thomas fleet.

As Colonel Hullhouse said, if the British fleet does not separate, then under siege and interception, it will be difficult for Mochi to escape even if he has a speed advantage. After all, who can guarantee that he will not be hit? Who can guarantee that he will not slow down in the fierce battle?

After some coordination, in the end, Colonel Hullhouse will take the Blücher and Wiesbaden in charge. They will first turn to the southwest and use the original radio communication to lure the British fleet, and then Turning south, first cross the North Sea cordon between the Shetland Islands and the Norwegian coast. The battlecruiser Mochi, which implemented radio silence, headed directly south After being hooked by the British fleet, it quickly headed towards the scheduled meeting point agreed upon by the High Seas Fleet.

"I hope that after the war, we can once again enjoy the wine." When the Blücher was preparing to leave with the Wiesbaden, the Mochi sent the final blessing to the other party.

"Good trip, remember to avenge us!" The Blücher also raised a string of signal flags at the top of the mast!

After sailing for about two hours, Colonel Hullhouse got up from the chart. At this time, they were at least 50 nautical miles away from the Mochi. "Well, let’s start sending signals now, using the original frequency. We need to let the British know where we are! In fact, the German backup radio communication channel has not been used more than one hand. In this case, The British did not realize that the German Navy had a reserve band. When the Blücher sent out a telegram, it was like a light in the dark, and it instantly attracted the attention of the British. The British camouflage cruiser with a full length of 60 kilometers first received the signal, and carried out lateral and approximate ranging, and then informed the British Navy of the possible location of the German fleet!

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(End of this chapter)