97 Chapter 97: You Tried To Kill Your Own Father

A few guys dressed in the police uniform made their sudden appearance. They stared at Nathalia in disdain as if she was a merciless murderer.

Jack screamed in panic and was about to run away when the guys in uniform jumped at him and got him to the floor. He cursed and yelled, struggling to free himself, but in vain.

Nathalia's mind worked quickly, and she realized what was happening. The initial fear escaped her, and she sneered, "Aha, you guys just arrived at the perfect time. How smart!"

The guy who seemed to be in charge glared at Nathalia. "Shut up. You are a murderer. You tried to kill your own father!" His name was Jeff. He waved his hand and demanded, "Arrest her."

The other two officers came forward to handcuff Nathalia, but Nathalia moved a few steps backward, smiled, and asked, "Why should I do what you say? I need to see your card first. Or I shall refuse to cooperate." The two guys looked at each other, both rather startled, and uncertain of what to do, they turned to their leader, Jeff. Jeff looked sternly at Nathalia, "Who do you think you are!" then turned to his subordinates, "Get her into the car."

Nathalia quickly held out the Taser and replied confidently, "Don't you dare touch me. Who are you? You won't even show me your cards. Why? How can I know if you are really the police."

Her instinct was telling her that she could not let them take her. The sign of danger was apparent.

She knew she had the situation in control. So did Jeff. Her attitude said everything. She's not a usual target. Too annoying. Too clever. No wonder they told me that I would have to do it myself. Jeff thought.

However, he always had a way to deal with challenging targets. Any prey that fell into his hands would surrender eventually.

Jeff thought for a second, took out a card and said, "Here! I'm a criminal police officer, Jeff Brown. We are arresting you..." Unexpectedly and swiftly, Nathalia took out her phone, snapped a picture of his ID card, and sent it to someone. It all happened just in a few seconds, and it was too late when Jeff realized what happened.

"I will go with you when I confirm your ID. You can be liars, and I don't want myself dead unknown."

Jeff's face turned red with anger. I didn't expect her to be so quick. He started to worry. Didn't he say it's an easy task?! This is not easy. He was at a loss of what to do next, and his hands were sweating cold sweat in panic.

"Chief, what should we do?" the other two guys asked worriedly.

She's one of the Carter's after all. We can't underestimate her. Can we actually get any benefits for ourselves? She seems too tough. Jeff doubted.

Nathalia looked into his eyes challengingly, her eyebrows arched, and she sneered, "Ha. Arrest me? Wow, officer, you haven't even inspected anything, and you are arresting me? For what? What are you accusing me of? And base on what? Who's given you the right that you can arrest anyone anytime?"

The three uniformed guys were taken aback. "How dare you..." Jeff was furious. I have never met anyone like her, arrogant little shit. "Just arrest her!" he demanded.

Nathalia was exceptionally calm. She pulled out the pepper spray from her purse and gave them a good hot shower. It was so unexpected that they were all caught right in it. Everyone screamed in pain and shock.

Jeff managed to shout, "Stop. You are assaulting the police!"

I'm assaulting the police. Ha. You guys are more like thugs. You invited yourself to this, and I shall treat you the way you treat me. Nathalia thought as she sprayed at them a few more times, and they were crying and rolling about on the floor, in tears.

Who calls her a useless rich girl? She's a bitch! Jeff cursed.

"What are you doing?" A voice shouted from behind. It was from Matt. He had heard and came to help Nathalia, but to his surprise, she didn't seem to be in need of help.

"You are Officer Matt Miller, right?" Jeff turned around and looked at Matt with his red eyes. "We are just doing our work. This girl tried to kill her father. We are arresting her."

Matt was speechless. Shameful! You call yourself the police!

Instead of revealing their lies straightaway, he looked down at them with suspicion as if they were a group of thieves. "You are the police? Do you have your cards?"

What the hell? He's asking us for proof?! What is he doing? Jeff had not expected Matt to be not cooperative at all, but there was nothing else he could do but do as told. He passed his card reluctantly.

Matt took his time, had a look at it carefully, and asked a few questions casually but in a serious tone. Jeff waited and grew angrily impatient till Matt finally handed him back his card with a cold look.

"We will let them off this time," Matt said to Nathalia. Nathalia nodded as she put the pepper spray away and said with a smile, "If officer Miller says so, then we will let them off, these thugs dressed in the police uniforms."

Jeff's face was red either from anger or embarrassment. He pointed his finger at Nathalia and questioned with a sneer on his face, "Nathalia Carter, you used pepper spray to attack police officers..." He thought he had got Nathalia this time, and Matt Miller would not be able to save her. However, Nathalia took a glance at him and smiled a confident smile, "I attacked the police? Well, I have the whole thing recorded in my secret camera here. I'm happy to speak to your supervisors."