95 Chapter 95: Just Trust Me

She had again impressed everyone present. Normally a young girl like her would only know where to party, how to have fun, call their parents for help when in trouble, but Nathalia Carter didn't even shed a tear when she was beaten and threatened by her own father; instead, she was calm, organized and clear of the priorities.

At such a young age, she had already shown the remarkable potential to be the leader of great companies. She would possibly be another legend in the business field, just like her grandfather.

Nathalia continued in a casual tone, "Mr. Rushton, can you take me to the hospital first? We need the record of my hospital check-up for the police for later. For now, we will let him off as he needs to deal with the bigger issue first." And she walked out of the room.

The record for the police. Let him off—the bigger issue. The shareholders couldn't help repeating her words in their heads, letting them sink in. They had realized what a brilliant girl Nathalia was, especially compared to Frank's two other children, Evette and Zack.

Sean was taken aback by her composure. He had seen a lot, but Nathalia had created a new record.

"Sure." He answered.

When Frank acknowledged what Nathalia said, he started to panic, and instantly he yelled at Nathalia, "Nathalia, don't forget I'm your father! I brought you up!" This was the only weapon he was left with, to use his role as a father.

The shareholders shook their heads in disapproval. He is usually smart, calculating, but compared to Miss Nathalia Carter, he was just mean, selfish, and heartless.

Nathalia paused for a second, but she didn't turn around. "So what? So you can beat me, hit me whenever you want? Or even kill me?" She said with a sneer.

Frank's eyes were red, and his body was shaking in anger. "Get lost! I don't want to see you again!"

Nathalia remained indifferent, "We will see each other again soon, dad, take care."

She walked away steadily. People watched, amazed. Blood was still dripping down her head, but she was the calmest of all.

Frank slapped the desk hard and shouted, "Devil!" It awakened the shareholders, and they remembered the problem raised. "Frank, you'd better explain what's going on with the Seafront Land."

"Exactly. It's our money. We don't want to lose money."

"If you don't sort it out, we will need a new chairman."

However, he had to pretend and convince them that everything was fine. "Well, it's not really a big deal. I can take care of it. Just trust me. You have known me for years, and you know I can handle it."

Frank knew clearly that no one in the board was more capable than him, and he only needed to talk his way out. He looked calm and convincing.

Is it just something trivial?

Will that be fine?

He sounds convincing.

Frank watched the shareholders and knew he had persuaded them. Dumbass. None of you has a clue. They had lost several million dollars, but Frank was plotting to split the loss amongst the shareholders and spare himself.

Just then, a secretary hurried in, looking extremely worried. "Mr. Carter, bad news! Bad news!"

"Calm yourself down!" Who let her in?! Frank thought, irritated. "Get out." Where's the guard at the door? He's not doing his job. All are useless assholes.

Nicolas thought of something and interrupted, "Let her finish? What's the bad news?"

The secretary was too worried to hold back anything, and she said instantly, "It's on TV now. The Seafront Land found out that there's a harmful chemical substance in the soil, and it's not suitable for building..."

The shareholders gasped, "What?!"

"Frank! Is this what you mean by it's not a big deal?!"

"What did you promise in the beginning?"

He had assured everyone that they should purchase the area, build the biggest center in town, and it would be the new landmark of the city. Huge profits were guaranteed to all shareholders.

Now the promise had turned out to be the ridiculous lie.

Frank glared at the secretary, then glanced around the room. Anger was written on everyone's face. "Well, I didn't think it would turn out like this at all. They showed us the report of the land, and there were no problems at all. They lied to me..."

In fact, he wasn't sure what went wrong, either. Everything was going well in the beginning, and he was told a new subway line would be built there, which meant the price of the real state would go out.

When they were bidding the land, various big companies were fighting for it, including the Walken Cooperation. The price was soaring, and they worked very hard to get the land.

Wait! The Walken Cooperation! Steve Walken! Spencer Davidson!

It dawned on Frank that he had probably fallen into a trap. It terrified him. The shareholders grew worried, "Everyone knows how crafty and shrewd you are. Who believes that you would fall into anyone's lies? You must be fooling us around..."

Nicolas sneered, "Huh. You have probably plotted something against us."

Richard joined in, "We've seen what you did to your daughter for profit and money. God knows what you can do to us."



"He's fooling us around." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Frank was outraged yet, at the same time, feeling helpless. He could have shouted at them, but he composed himself. "Please calm down and listen to me. I will sort it out, I promise. Just trust me."

"If you don't sort it out, you should think about resigning." Someone suggested plainly.

"Exactly. Mr. Carter, you have had pretty much complete control of the company for years. Who knows how many times you have tricked us, how much money you've taken from us?"

To regain the trust from the shareholders, Frank spoke about the money the company had made for them in the past years, the plans he had for the future, anything he could think of to convince them.

The shareholders were half uncertain, half reassured, murmuring, exchanging opinions with each other.

Frank had hardly sat himself down to get some water when Nicolas attacked again, "Frank, it seems like you knew the news before the secretary said anything and you were just lying to us that everything was ok. What were you trying to hide from us? What was your plan?"