The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 48

Chen Bo returned home. He was a little tired after a day's shopping and drinking wine.

Chen Boyou took out his mobile phone, opened wechat and clicked on the familiar avatar of his girlfriend.

After calming down, Chen Bo still couldn't bear this relationship. After all, he paid so much and went for marriage.

Chen Bo wrote in the text box:

"Yiyi, we have been together for two years. I will always remember the two of us.

I remember walking side by side on the road when I picked you up from work. If you want pancakes, I specially asked the boss to add two eggs.

I remember that on a rainy day, I came to pick you up with an umbrella. We walked together for an hour before we got home.

I remember

Isn't all this romance and common memory? "

After editing hundreds of words, Chen Bo clicked send.

Yiyi: "the message has been sent, but it has been rejected by the other party."


"Ah!!!" Chen Bo shouted, threw away his cell phone and fell asleep.

Second, Chen Bo doesn't have to go to work. He doesn't get up until nine o'clock.

He got up, washed and shaved as usual.

When he saw himself in the mirror, Chen Bo saw the plastic wrap on his head. He recalled what happened yesterday, and Chen Bo lost his smile.

"I was really drunk yesterday. How can I go back and do such a boring thing?"

After talking to himself, Chen Bo took off the plastic wrap still wrapped on his head.

A miracle happened.

Originally, a piece of green filaments of about 1 mm grew on his bald head. The filaments covered his head like a thin layer of curly hair, which is more like a man dyeing his board inch green.

If you don't consider the color preference, this is definitely a very fashionable hairstyle!

With his "hair", Chen Bo seems to be ten years younger overnight and has become the energetic and even handsome young man in the University.

"So magical!" At this time, Chen Bo thought of what Zhou Xiao said yesterday. If you don't use a catalyst, the green silk will turn black in half a year. After using a catalyst, it will turn black in a month.

Chen Bo touched the top of the green with his hand. The texture is the same as the real hair, but it's a little cold.

Chen Bo has oily skin. Even if he doesn't have hair, he will feel greasy if he doesn't wash his hair for a day. But today he felt his scalp cool and comfortable. He didn't feel greasy at all.

Chen Bo wanted to pull out a piece of green silk to see what it was, but as soon as he tried hard, his scalp hurt. This feeling is the same as that of real hair.

The green silk is very short. Chen Bo can't pull it off one by one and simply give up.

Chen Bo began to believe what Zhou Xiao said. If he went on like this, he might really have black and beautiful hair.

Chen Bo found out the culture solution and growth catalyst he brought back yesterday and poured the culture solution and catalyst on his head according to the requirements of the manual.


Sun as required

He opened the windows and curtains of his bedroom and let the natural sun shine in. This feeling... It's a little strange. It's like planting a pot of green plants on his head and needing watering and fertilization to take care of it.

Green originally had no special meaning. In foreign countries, many fashionable people would dye their hair green or buy green hats. However, in the long history and complex culture of Xia country, green slowly evolved some other meanings.

Chen Bo suffered the blow of lovelorn. He was frustrated. Now his head is green, and he doesn't care at all.

How about being pointed at by others? Is face that important?

No matter how important face is, he is still green.

The next day, Chen Bo went to work. When he got up in the morning, he found that the green hair was longer, about 1.5mm to 2mm.

On the road, bus and subway.

Many people pay attention to Chen Bo's hairstyle and dare not point out openly, but at least they talk secretly. Some girls cover their mouths and laugh secretly.

In the company, Chen Bo successfully became the focus of attention.

The programmers in the Department looked at Chen Bo's head.

Ma Nong's experience is always the same. Looking at Chen Bo, almost everyone in the Department is bald, and the scene is very spectacular.

"Bozi, what's the matter with you! This look! " Colleague Liu Yang came over and asked.

"Lovelorn or really green."

"Oh, my God! You have long hair! Is it a wig or a hair transplant? How to do it? The color is still a little beautiful!

"You! You! I have long hair! "

Sure enough, it's a procedural ape. The focus is not on color, but that Chen Bo has long hair.

"Let me see!"

Colleagues rushed forward, constantly observed and even touched, and some even took out a magnifying glass to see.

"Shit! Is this real hair? It feels so comfortable, just like real hair. "

"And each one grows in the pores, just hair! Is it hair follicle transplantation? "

"The week before last, did Lao Li of our project team go to Shanghai to do hair follicle transplantation, which cost more than 100000 yuan! And surgery or something. Let's compare, Lao Li! Lao Li! "

Lao Li came over and sat next to Chen Bo for comparison.

Lao Li uses the most advanced hair follicle transplantation technology on the market.

The so-called hair follicle transplantation is to remove the hair follicles with hair around their head (hair loss around them is not obvious) and transplant them to the top of the scalp (hair loss at the top is obvious) where hair loss is serious.

Similar to robbing Peter to pay Paul, if you are completely bald, there is no hair follicle on your head is healthy, and hair follicle transplantation can't save you.

"By contrast, Bozi's hair is much thicker."

Lao Li said, "of course, I'm a hair follicle transplant. I'm sure not every hair follicle will transplant hair. Of course, it's sparse. I have to cover other places when my hair grows long."

"I think Bozi's hair is real hair. This... This technology is amazing! I've seen them transplant wigs. They have completely different textures! "

"If only the color could be black!"

Chen Bo said, "it will be black in a month. By the way, don't block the light. It needs photosynthesis."

People: "

Then Chen Boyuan told him about his series of breakups yesterday and that he met a magical hair transplant shop yesterday.

Chen Bo's experience has been sympathized and resonated by the majority of colleagues. Everyone is a procedural ape. Those who get married have a marriage crisis, and those who fall in love are often complained by their girlfriends.

The most important thing is hair loss. Many people in the project are only in their twenties or thirties. They are half bald or completely bald before they get married. What should they do in the future?

Can we still find a marriage partner in this way? Will he be abandoned by his girlfriend like Chen Bo?

Colleagues have always decided - to have a hair transplant!

That is to say, I support Chen Bo's lovelorn, and I hope I won't be bald again!

Green should be a beautiful color, not ambiguous!