The richest man starts with black technology

Chapter 455

CNN news channel.

Host Sean sat in the studio, looking very serious.

Sean said: "just got the emergency news, there is an unknown disease at the border between China and Mexico. The patient has a high fever, severe erythema, vomiting, diarrhea and massive bleeding! At present, several patients have died, and the personnel of the local CDC are investigating the cause. "

Sean said: "we're now connecting with the reporter carlis in new Laredo, Mexico, to listen to carlis talk about the local situation."

Sean connects with journalist Kellis in new Laredo.

"Hello, Callis! What's the situation now? "

The picture is given to Kelly at the scene.

As soon as this picture appeared, it made people feel very nervous.

Because Kellis is fully armed and wearing biochemical clothes, the scene behind is the isolation point of the hospital.

Medical staff in biochemical clothes kept coming in and out, and patients at the isolation point could be seen wearing short sleeves and covered with blood.

Kelly replied eagerly, "Hello Sean, the situation at the scene is very bad. At present, a total of 12 people are infected and three people are dead."

Sean's expression continued to be very serious and said, "can you find out what the disease is? Pneumonia? Malaria or dengue fever? "

"It's not clear so far, but from the situation at the scene, it seems to be a new disease," Kellis said

Then, Kellis let the camera follower enter the isolation point by himself.

Kelly said: "the situation here is very bad. Many infected people are seriously ill! And when it is found, it is basically impossible to rescue it. Before the patient dies, his organs will bleed and die, which looks very terrible and miserable. "

With the permission of the medical staff, Kellis focused on one of the patients being rescued.

Although the patient's face was mosaiced, it was still able to see the bloody scene from the live camera.

The patient's body is festered in many places, and the blood and yellow pus are mixed together. Even across the large screen, everyone seems to be able to smell a strong putrid smell.

Kellis wears a biochemical suit that can isolate viruses and bacteria, but can't isolate odor molecules.

Strong putrid smell

"OK! Be safe, Kellis! We are always connected to you! "

"All right, Sean!"

After Sean finished the connection, he looked at the camera and said: "obviously, there is a purgatory going on in Mexico near the border city of the United States. At present, American experts in disease prevention and control have gone to the border city. On the one hand, they want to help Mexican medical staff understand the causes of the epidemic and treat it. On the other hand, they will strictly control the pass, Prevent the spread of the epidemic to China. "

"CNN reports for you in time."

The world is very big. It is normal for an epidemic to occur in a corner of the world, and there is nothing wrong with news reports.

The American people who are watching this news just have a look.

After all, although Mexico is known as the back garden of the United States, there is no way to compare its living conditions with that of the United States. In addition, there is some chaos in Mexico's society, so it is reasonable to say that some epidemic diseases occur, and the people of the United States will not take them seriously.

But in the next few days, things will ferment far more than everyone imagined.

Similar outbreaks have broken out in several places in border cities between Mexico and the United States, and the reports are getting more and more frightening.

Almost all mainstream reports in the United States reported the news.

Media coverage is one thing, and the most important thing is the fermentation of public opinion.

On major social media in the United States, there are suddenly more topics about unknown diseases on the Mexican border.

And all kinds of news are flying around.

At one time, tens of thousands of people died, at another time, hundreds of thousands of people became ill, and at another time, the people of Mexico are trying to cross the border wall, hoping to enter the United States to avoid disasters.

This has made the whole American society panic.

"What the hell is going on at the border?"

"Why is there an unknown virus?"

"Is it Ebola? It feels like his symptoms are similar to Ebola's! "

"My God! Why did Ebola virus spread from Africa to America? "

"Damn it, who knows such a thing? I'm not sure it was brought by those damn immigrants in Africa! "

"Will these viruses spread to the United States? I heard that tens of thousands of people on the Mexican border are trying to cross the border and enter the territory of the United States."

"Don't worry, it certainly won't. We have the highest border wall in the world, and our border line is the safest, safer than the Great Wall!"

CNN broadcast: "the latest news, the national life sciences and medical center of the United States has sent medical personnel to Mexico urgently. It is expected that the cause of the epidemic in Mexico will be investigated soon."

The New York Times: "Washington attaches great importance to the epidemic in Mexico and has sent experts and teams. Washington warned people not to travel to Mexico in the near future. Washington is sure to do everything possible to control the epidemic outside the national border."

The Wall Street Journal said, "the outbreak in Mexico has no impact on the financial industry in the United States. Investors can rest assured to invest."

Soon, under the manipulation of public opinion, the international occurrence of unknown diseases in the United States and Mexico was soon known all over the world.

Origin group wants to do business with people all over the world, so Zhou Xiao will pay attention to international news at any time.

When he saw the news of unknown diseases on the border between the United States and Mexico, Zhou Xiao first felt very bad.

Because Zhou Xiao knew that the border between the United States and Mexico was the only way for Warwick tassel three mobile phones to be transported to the United States.

Now, due to unknown diseases, the border is blocked more strictly, so it will be much more difficult for mobile phones to enter the United States.

Of course, Zhou Xiao knows that most of the tassel 3 mobile phones currently appearing in the domestic market in the United States are smuggled, which must be in violation of relevant laws, but Zhou Xiao also turns a blind eye to it.

Because smuggling is an act between local people in Mexico and American consumers, not an enterprise act of the origin group or Warwick.

It is very common for mobile phones to be smuggled to a certain country, just as many parallel customers brought the international version of apple to the mainland of Xiaguo a few years ago.

After seeing the news, Zhou Xiao said to Wang Yulan, "it is expected to have an impact on the sales volume of tassel 3 mobile phones in the American market."

Wang Yulan is not very worried about this. She said: "through the current data analysis, we can know that" there are many industries in the United States that have seriously relied on our singularity OS system and ecological chain. Now their demand for Su 3 mobile phones is increasing. You should believe in the ability of those carrying goods, even if they have set up a tall border wall on the border, They can also find ways to bring their mobile phones to the United States. "

Zhou Xiao said: "the United States is not our key market, nor does it belong to our expansion scope. Let's wait and see the change, but remember to remind the employees of the origin group who work in the tassel mobile phone experience store in Mexico to pay attention to their safety, do not catch unknown diseases, and withdraw these employees from Mexico if necessary."

In the capital of Mexico, most of the employees of Warwick tassel mobile phone experience store are locals.

But about one fifth of the people came from Xia.

Some of these people are former employees of Warwick, mainly engaged in mobile phone technical work, and some are technicians sent by the source code group subordinate to the origin group, who are engaged in the construction of singularity OS ecology.

Wang Yulan knows that Zhou Xiao is very considerate of his employees. It doesn't matter how much money he makes. The most important thing is the health of his employees.

She said: "I will convey your meaning to the Mexican headquarters in time. I suggest that the decision-making power should be handed over to the Mexican headquarters. After all, the information and intelligence they get there are more accurate than ours. And I believe that the employees of Mexico headquarters also have their own judgment and will make decisions beneficial to the company. "

Zhou Xiao nodded and said to Wang Yulan, "I'll be busy in the laboratory for a while. Just deal with anything."

Wang Yulan immediately called the person in charge of the Mexican headquarters and conveyed Zhou Xiao's meaning.

The recovery of Mexico reassured Wang Yulan.

Li Jiang, CEO of origin group Mexico headquarters, said: "please rest assured, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Wang, and the group headquarters. We have also heard about the disease here, but the disease appears on the border between Mexico and the United States, which is still a distance from the capital. At present, we are still very safe here, and everything in the company is running normally! "

Yu Jiangdong also took the initiative to call Zhou Xiao.

Yu jiangdongdong reported on the passing of Mexico.

On the phone, Yu Jiangdong said: "I have asked the staff of Warwick Mexico. He told me that the unknown disease is still under control and has not affected the sales of Huawei tassel 3 mobile phones. Today, I call you to report that the sales of tassel 3 mobile phones have not been affected."

Yu Jiangdong also promised Zhou Xiao, "if the situation in Mexico is not good, Warwick will send a special plane to pick up our employees in Mexico. At that time, we will pick up the employees of the origin group back home."

Origin group also has the ability to transfer Mexican personnel back to China without Warwick's help.

But Yu Jiangdong's statement is actually against Zhou Xiao. And the group of origin.

Now that Warwick has understood the relevant situation of Mexico, Zhou Xiao is completely relieved.

He still told Yu Jiangdong, "please, on behalf of me, pay attention to the most sincere greetings to Warwick's employees in the United States. I hope they can be safe, healthy and work smoothly in Mexico."

Zhou Xiao was still interested in the serious diseases on the border between Mexico and the United States.

Because the origin group is rooted in biology, the life science Nuclear Medicine Laboratory of the origin group also has deep research on some diseases.

Today, with the extreme development of modern medicine, mankind is still facing some insurmountable diseases.

So even if Zhou Xiao doesn't speak, Mo Li will ask relevant colleagues in Mexico to collect data about the virus.

But what makes Mo Li feel very strange is that all the information on the border between Mexico and the United States is tightly blocked.

The caliber of all news reports is released by the US National Laboratory of life sciences and medicine.

Overseas journalists simply have no way to enter the blocked area.

Even the American media must be allowed to enter the blocked area for interviews after being allowed by the laboratory.

Therefore, the information obtained by the life sciences and medical laboratories of the origin group is very little.

However, because the disease occurred on the other side of the ocean and did not spread on a large scale, Mo Li didn't care much even if he didn't get useful data.

Now Mo Li's whole energy is in the research and development of visual sensing protein display technology.

A month later, there was the latest news about the disease on the rice Mexico border, and the news began to ferment.

CNN: "good evening, everyone. Now we broadcast a timely news. Unknown diseases on the border between the United States and Mexico have killed more than 100 people and infected tens of thousands of people. Experts from the national life science and medical laboratory have gone deep into the ward, carried out detailed sampling and analysis, and finally traced back to patient zero."

"Now experts can confirm that patient No. 0 of the disease is a smuggler. He travels along the border between the United States and Mexico all year round, and also brings the Mexican Liushan mobile phone to the United States..."

"New York Times": "the latest news, most patients with unknown diseases on the border are smugglers, and they all have a common feature. They smuggle Warwick's tassel 3 mobile phone to the United States for sale!"

The Washington Post: "the latest news, all the evidence shows that almost all patients who get the disease at the border have contacted Huawei's tassel 3 mobile phone. At 9 o'clock this evening, the National Laboratory of life sciences and medicine will release authoritative news about border diseases and other heavy news!"

A number of media have announced the fact that patients at the border had contact with tassel 3 mobile phones.

This has led to some speculation on the Internet in the West.

In particular, netizens in the United States discussed it enthusiastically on the Internet.

"Did you watch the news? It's about people with diseases. They are smugglers who use tassel 3 mobile phones. "

"Look, look! Is this a coincidence? Why didn't everyone else get sick, only the smuggler got sick? "

"At eight o'clock this evening, the staff of the national life science and medical laboratory will hold a press conference to announce the news. There should be an authoritative answer."

"I read everyone's message on the Internet that these diseases are related to tassel three mobile phones. Are these diseases from Xia Guo?"

"Really? Why didn't you hear Xia Guo report relevant cases? "

"Hehe, you expect Xia Guo to report relevant cases. Are you thinking too much? This is an evil country! I don't know how many people have died. I'm sure I won't report it publicly! "

Below this message is a reply from a Xia netizen.

"Are you brainwashed by the American media upstairs? What disease has something to do with tassel three? I'm just using the tassel 3 mobile phone to reply to your message. How can I be all right! "

At 8 p.m., Cario appeared in front of the public media.