The Richest Man In the World:Just sign in every day to get 1 million

Chatper 48

After thinking for a long time, Su Ye thought of a lazy way.

"Li Qianqian, come to my office."

Su Ye sent a message to Li Qianqian via QQ, and someone came over after a while.

"Li Qianqian, I have a building here, and I don\'t know what to do with it."

"You help the staff."


Li Qianqian was stunned, but Su Ye carefully read the document handed over by him.

The property right of No. 4 office building in Qingchuangyuan.

(Cookie money, I haven’t seen the property rights documents of a building, don’t blame)

Li Qianqian turned her mouth wide open.

This turned out to be true?

Su Ye really has a building?

You said you have so much money, why did you still stay at Mumu Company and get pissed off by Liang every day?

Children from rich families come out to experience life?

Li Qianqian closed the property rights document and slowly closed her mouth.

"President Su, what do you think about this?"

"I don\'t have any ideas. The poor become rich and dare not have ideas."

Li Qianqian pouted, he didn\'t believe Su Ye\'s rhetoric.

Can the poor become rich, can afford an office building in the Youth Innovation Park?

Moreover, the buildings here are not of the same nature as ordinary commercial and residential buildings, which require relationships and contacts.

"President Su, why don\'t we move the company there?"

"We only have so many people to move there, and we can\'t even occupy the first floor. Think about other ways."

"Then I can\'t do anything about it for a while."

Su Ye saw that Li Qianqian really had no choice but to let this matter go.

"Then you can figure it out, just come to me if you need to sign or something."

Although no one has ever taught it, Su Ye\'s use of the hands-free shopkeeper is so wonderful that there is no sense of disobedience at all.

"All right."

After dangling and waiting until the end of get off work, Su Ye said a word to wish everyone a happy National Day, and left the company in a blink of an eye.

He drove back to the hut he rented, washed up and lay comfortably on the bed.

Take out your own notebook, the kind that is not charged.

Su Ye looked at the few words he had written in the morning.

1. Copywriting during the National Day.

He has already entrusted Wang Yifei to handle this matter.

It is estimated that in the evening, it will start to build momentum on forums around the world.

When he was about to get off work, he glanced at the growth of today\'s users, and it was almost breaking through 1 million.

In order to speed up the progress, let "2, call Xu Cheng\'s parents.

Picking up the phone, scrolling to where Mom and Dad stopped, Su Ye hesitated.

Looking around the window boredly, in Jiangcheng at the end of October, the sky outside was almost completely dark.

You can also vaguely see the sun unwillingly emitting the last ray of light shining on the clouds.

Su Ye let out a long breath and dialed the phone.

"Hello, Leaf?"

The voice of a middle-aged woman with a slightly vicissitudes came from the phone.

Su Ye\'s lips trembled, and she called out "Mom."

This was the first time in his two lifetimes that he called a single mother.

"Well, Ye Zi, have you had dinner yet?"



There was no sound from the opposite side for a while.

After waiting for a while, Su Ye continued.

"Mom, well, I may not be able to go back for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the company has to work overtime."


"okay, I get it."

"You have to take care of yourself in Jiangcheng."

"Now that the weather is getting colder, remember to add clothes."

"By the way, do you still have enough money to spend? If not, ask your dad to take care of it for you."

"Okay, I know, I... will take care of myself."
Su Ye listened attentively to every word from the other end of the phone. Is this how mother feels?


"Well, where is Dad?"

"Your dad is in the factory. If you need anything, just call him."

"No, it\'s okay, it\'s just that you are in good health."

"Don\'t worry about us, since you are willing to come back to pick up your dad\'s class, then work hard outside."

"Your dad and I are still young."

"Oh, well, I see."

"Okay, I\'ll hang up if it\'s okay, the phone bill is quite expensive now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye felt a little uncomfortable.

But there was nothing wrong with this feeling, and he got up and took out a can of beer from under the bed.

Leaning against the wall, he drank one mouthful after another.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone in hand rang, Su Ye picked it up and saw that it belonged to Wang Yifei.

"Hey, Wang Yifei, how are you doing now?"

"President Su, all the tests here have been completed to ensure that there are no bugs."

Su Ye took the phone away and checked the time, it was only past 6:30.

"Okay, then go back quickly."

"If you have dinner, keep the receipt for a while, and it will be reimbursed after the National Day."

"It\'s okay, Mr. Su, I\'ll just eat something in the cafeteria downstairs later."

"Today is the first day of our official launch. I don\'t worry if I don\'t keep an eye on it."

"Well, that\'s fine, don\'t be too late."

"Go back and spend more time with your family when you have time."

"Hey, let alone my family, I should let my parents spend more time with me."

"It\'s okay to say that I got off work late before. When I got home, I could see my parents watching TV over there."

"Now I get off work at 5 o\'clock every day, and when I go home, one of them goes dancing and the other plays cards. I have become a left-behind child."

The corners of Su Ye\'s mouth curled up slightly, and his mood improved a lot.

"Okay, okay, go and eat something quickly. I\'ll hang up first."

Su Ye drank the remaining beer with a raised neck, put it on the ground and stomped it hard with her foot before throwing it into the trash can.

After drinking some beer, he wasn\'t too hungry now, so he simply opened the laptop that had been dusted for a long time, plugged it in, and waited for it to start up slowly.

Go to the QQ official website to download a QQ program, and Su Ye clicked Apply to register an account.

After logging in, I simply changed my screen name, chose a dark avatar, and was ready to chat with someone.

Because Su Ye has always been relatively modest and low-key, he also continued his usual style when he started his screen name.

【Heavenly Knife Crazy Young Master】

As soon as I changed my address or something, I heard two coughs from the speaker that came with the notebook.

Unable to adapt, he turned his head and looked around before reacting.

Turns out someone was adding themselves.

Su Ye used the mouse, yes, the mouse with a big ball in the ground to move over the message, and click to view it.

"Seriously Snow."


"twenty one years old."

"From Miancheng, Sichuan Province."

Su Ye originally wanted to chat with someone, so he immediately agreed.

"Hello, Young Master Kuang."

"Excuse me, are you a boy?"

Su Ye has black lines all over her head.

Didn\'t it mean that instant messaging software has been developed in Longhan Empire for almost two years?

Why are you still chatting like this.


"Excuse me about your dinosaur?"

Su Ye deliberately flirted, and the other party very cooperatively sent an emoji of hitting with a hammer.

"I\'m not a dinosaur."

"I\'m the little flower in our school."

"Wrong type, school belle."

Su Ye couldn\'t help but smirked. It seems that Chen Nanfeng will have to add a new function to QQ after the National Day.
