The Richest Man In the World:Just sign in every day to get 1 million

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Wait until a colored picture appears.

Li Qianqian turned to look at Su Ye in disbelief.

Flip phone.

color screen.

This is no longer the level that current technology can achieve.

Because Qingyun Technology has the mobile phone industry, Li Qianqian also has some understanding of some things in the international mobile phone industry.

Currently, a mobile phone company in Europa is working hard on color screens.

Gou Ri\'s country, a professional screen manufacturing company, said that it can achieve mass production of color screens within half a year at the earliest.

A number of mobile phone companies in the beautiful country have established a joint research room to overcome the technical problems of color screens.

Almost all the news indicates that now, at this moment, no company will develop a color screen.

But unfortunately...

The Qingyun mobile phone in her hand did it.

"Su Ye, how did you do it?"

"It\'s nothing."

Su Ye looked at the road ahead and said nonchalantly.

"This is all made by the scientific research center, saying that our color screens are ready for mass production."

"So Jerry Yang used it."

So simple?

Li Qianqian knew that Su Ye would not lie to herself, and there was no need to lie to herself.

But is it really that simple?


The new year is here.

The employees of Qingyun Technology who are holding the new flip phone are indeed the prettiest boy in the eyes of relatives and friends no matter where they go.

At the same time, the appearance of the latest model of Qingyun mobile phone has also made many people in the mobile phone industry know.

For a time, the new mobile phone has gained huge attention.

This mobile phone named Qingyun S1 is very eye-catching, but the real phone cannot be seen, which makes people very excited.

Some people even called Qingyun Mobile Phone Company specifically to ask when it will go on sale and how much it will cost.

Compared with the anxiety of the outside world, some agents inside Qingyun Mobile have spent a year leisurely.

They also have a prototype presented by Qingyun mobile phone.

At the same time, they had already been to Jiangcheng before the Chinese New Year.

Discuss the inventory configuration of the new mobile phone after it goes online.

The reason why it hasn\'t been sold in the market now is not that Su Ye really wants to engage in hunger marketing.

Instead, all mobile phone production factories are required to stock up as much as possible.

This time, Su Ye will not only sell the mobile phone in Longhan.

The pricing and positioning of Qingyun S1 is destined not for the low-end market, but for the most popular, the most technological and the most beautiful.

Consumers are generally urban white-collar workers, entrepreneurs, university professors and so on.

Whether it is price or quality, we can guarantee smooth sales.

March 1.

Qingyun Mall has launched Qingyun S1 mobile phone.

same day.

The distributors and agents of Qingyun mobile phone all over the country are also distributing goods through their own channels.

After just one night, the Qingyun mobile phone S1 has covered the entire Longhan.

In March, Qingyun mobile phone sold 4 million units that month.

Total sales reached 16 billion.

The domestic market has reached saturation in a short period of time. At this time, Qingyun Technology\'s overseas layout played a major role a year ago.

German branch, French branch, beautiful country branch, Gou Ri\'s country branch...

Over the past year, Qingyun Technology has more than 20 overseas branches.

After the Qingyun mobile phone was launched, it also helped the company to lay out global sales channels.

At this time, the Gordon family in Germany also got the news.

The Solandi family in the beautiful country also got the news.

Both parties called Su Ye at the same time, requesting global representation.

After weighing things up, Su Ye gave the sales rights of the two continents to the two companies respectively.

Albatron S1 became popular all over the world in just a few months.

Manufactured by Longhan, it has become a must-have item in the hands of countless foreigners.

At this time, CF, which was successfully developed for nearly a year, was also reinstalled and launched.

On the day of its launch, the number of online users exceeded 5 million.

Countless domestic and foreign players are attracted by this novel and interesting gameplay.

in the paid marketplace.

Su Ye didn\'t add any props that would affect the balance of the game.

It is mainly the personality of some characters, special weapons, gun tattoos and so on.

All items are only aesthetically pleasing, and in actual use, they are basically the same as ordinary firearms.

As for Fantasy Westward Journey...

Wang Yifei gave up halfway through the production.
Now he is taking Su Ye\'s plan to make up for the loopholes.

However, although Wang Yifei did not succeed in Fantasy Westward Journey, he has achieved a lot in the entertainment industry.

Under Su Ye\'s instruction, Wang Yifei invested in 7 films successively.

The three films that have been released so far have brought more than 300 million yuan in revenue to Qingyun Film and Television.

Even Qin Lulu, who has been practicing acting in Qingyun Film and Television, has won many opportunities to appear on camera.

On the other side, the masked singer program in cooperation with Shonan TV.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yankuan won the first place in the first competition and made his debut again.

At the same time, the program of The Masked Singer has also allowed countless domestic directors and TV stations to discover the future prospects of the domestic variety show industry.

They came to Haicheng one after another to meet Wang Yifei.

After becoming a game genius, Wang Yifei once again became a variety show genius in everyone\'s eyes.

Long ago, Su Ye felt that the variety shows in his previous life were all imported from abroad, which felt a little bad.

In such a big country, can\'t even produce a few variety shows well?

Faced with the heads of various TV stations who came to the door, Wang Yifei divided out a series of variety show planning projects prepared by Su Ye.

Happy comedian.

run bro.

Where is dad going.

Extreme challenge.


Not only did he cooperate with some TV stations externally, but Su Ye also gave a lot of ideas for the Qingyun video website that Zhuang Yiming had already prepared.

Tucao conference.

Wonderful said.

Scream passers-by.

In half a year, almost the entire Longhan Empire was filled with various variety shows,

Although the contents of these programs were all copied by Su Ye from his previous life.

But he believes that with these programs as introductions, there will be more excellent ideas in China in the future.

I didn\'t see that a few days ago, Nami Watanabe called Su Ye and asked if she could help authorize the copyright of King of Masked Singer to Dongjing TV for programming.

In addition, in various other regions, people also came to ask Su Ye.

In Su Ye\'s circle of friends, although these business tycoons all have their own original industries, such as crude oil, mining, and machinery, but to achieve this level, almost every industry has their own personal connections .

It makes sense to ask Su Ye for the copyright.

Compared to other departments that are in full swing, Su Ye has always given high hopes to the Houlang blog, and Weibo has not improved at all.

Blogs are still something in the hands of some so-called high-end people.

Ordinary people can\'t get in at all.

No interest in entering either.

There are quite a few users on Weibo, but overall, it\'s like a star\'s back garden.

Su Ye felt that after so long, it was time for Weibo to be active.

The next day, all the subsidiaries and divisions of Qingyun Technology announced their entry into Weibo.

Complete enterprise certification.

At the same time, Qin Lulu and Xu Yankuan under Qingyun Film and Television.

Shonan TV Station, Zhejiang-Hangzhou TV Station, and Suzhou TV Station all brought their hosts, reporters, and some friends with them to Weibo.

Jiangcheng City Lord\'s Mansion, Haicheng City Lord\'s Mansion, Guangcheng City Lord\'s Mansion...

Numerous government agencies have also moved in.

Weibo seems to have become the nation\'s largest social platform overnight.

Houlang has also completed relevant certifications for various companies, institutions, and celebrities in an orderly manner.

Weibo leaderboard, topic list, and hot search list are officially launched.

After more than two years, Chen Nanfeng finally developed the prototype of big data push, which was directly applied to Weibo.

When those users who are attracted by the news bombardment can find their favorite content on Weibo, they all stay and start to produce content.

From the sharing of things around me, to the views and interpretations of some policies and events.

Weibo is completely on fire.

To make it difficult for the Internet, 361 and other companies that have been trying to follow the trend of Qingyun Technology have no temper.

When he came up, he had a hand of Wang Bo, and he played cards in a hurry, and now he only has one card in his hand.

Win when you\'re done.

In this case, let everyone catch up.

Immediately, those people gave up their intention of continuing to follow suit, as long as they could keep their existing blog business.

At this time, Broadcom Electronics on Weibo issued a statement.

Longhan Empire Petroleum Group uses Broadcom Electronics as its computer supplier.

At the same time, Aite acquired the Imperial Oil Group.

Imperial Petroleum Group also very cooperatively posted a Weibo, indicating that the computers manufactured by Broadcom Electronics have superior performance, low prices, and perfect after-sales service.

After the oil group issued its life, the railway department, steel department, and transportation department of the empire all issued statements one after another, listing Broadcom Electronics as its key procurement unit, and at the same time granted the inspection-free mark.

Imperial Airlines, the Imperial Government Affairs Department, the Imperial Police Department, and a series of imperial real power departments have all stood up to endorse Broadcom Electronics.

This move not only stunned the people who eat melons.

Let the other two computer brands are also confused.

Recently, the various departments of the empire have not said that they will invite bids to purchase computer products.

How come Broadcom Electronics swallowed all the dishes in one fell swoop.
After they investigated, they found out that the matter was serious...

Really big.

Qingyun Science and Technology Center has actually developed a second-and-a-half-generation level comparable to that of foreign countries.

There are only a few hurdles away from the most innovative third-generation technology in the world. After overcoming it, the chip level of the Dragon Han Empire will rank among the top in the world. is this possible.

Longhan\'s chip manufacturing industry has always lagged behind foreign countries by a generation, or even more than a generation and a half.

Now whether it is a computer manufacturer or a mobile phone manufacturer, the chips used are all finished products directly obtained from abroad.

It does not have any research and development capabilities.

But since the news has been found out, it must not be false.

Of course, many departments in the empire use Longhan\'s self-produced chips. In addition to technical issues, there are also security issues to consider.

Another point is the price.

According to people familiar with the matter, the Broadcom Electronics products purchased centrally by various departments of the empire, a set of standard computers, including all accessories, cost only about 2,400 yuan.

This price is already completely lower than the manufacturing costs of the other two brands.

Now, except for chips, motherboards, graphics cards, and memory, which are important components of computers, other parts can basically be produced and purchased in Longhan\'s own country.

But what really raised the price were the things that Long Han couldn\'t make himself.

The previous insider only talked about the chip.

But in this way, Broadcom Electronics has also taken a big step forward in the technology research and development of key computer accessories such as motherboards, graphics cards, and memory.

In fact, for Su Ye, this so-called big step forward is not much.

The imperial government\'s purchase of Broadcom Electronics\' products is more of an attitude.

What they mainly need are chips from Qingyun Technology.

But even so, it has brought billions of sales to Broadcom Electronics.

Now the computers of Broadcom Electronics can basically ask Wanguo to make this name.

All products, parts and accessories are manufactured by ourselves.

Even if some of them are not manufactured by themselves, they are looking for corresponding solutions from other domestic manufacturers.

In short, now Broadcom Electronics\' products have been 100% localized.

At the same time, with the characteristics of high quality and low price, it has entered the market of other countries and regions in Asia.

Made by Longhan, it began to resound all over the world.

However, this achievement is insignificant to Su Ye.

What he wants is Longhan Zhizao.

Longhan should not only become a big factory, but also need to become a world-renowned super country integrating R&D, production and sales.

Only in a short period of time, this goal has not yet been achieved.

One year later, Qingyun Technology has 100 branches around the world.

Two years later, Qingyun Technology released the [Qingyun·Qinglong] smartphone before Fruit released the smartphone.

Three years later, Qingyun Technology has become the largest Internet company group in the world.

Four years later, the era of intelligence has really come. QQ has become a mobile phone, WeChat has been successfully developed, and Qidian has more than 150 million users worldwide.

Qingyun Film and Television Company invests in dozens of films every year and wins various awards at home and abroad.

The domestic variety show industry is developing rapidly.

For the first time, the Longhan high-speed railway came out of Longhan and came to France.

Longhan Airlines has reached an agreement with Persian Airlines of America.

Longhan Architecture has achieved amazing architectural miracles in Afika, South America.

In the fifth year, Longhan hosted the Olympic Games that attracted worldwide attention.

In the sixth year, Longhan men\'s football once again entered the top 32 in the world.

In the seventh year, many Longhan players entered the beautiful country NBA and became an important part of each team.

In the eighth year, Didi Taxi, a subsidiary of Qingyun Technology, went abroad and entered the beautiful country and Europa.

In the ninth year, the 4th e-sports league held by Qingyun Video was broadcast live by 12 domestic TV stations.

The tenth year, autumn.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian walked on the road together, holding the hands of a little boy and a little girl.

"Su Qing, Su Mu, you two will be real primary school students from today on."

"After school, you should listen to the class carefully, don\'t be like a kindergarten, do you hear me?"

"Yes, Mom and Dad, we are going to school."

Su Qing and Su Mu agreed, and walked into the school holding hands.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian had already reached an agreement on the children\'s life and study.

Let the children be an ordinary person, not divorced from the society, not separated from the ordinary.

As for what the child will develop into in the future.

That can only depend on the child\'s wishes and cannot be forced.

Seeing the figures of the two children entering the teaching building, Su Ye smiled slightly.

Today, Longhan has become a world-renowned Internet power and power.

Domestic Internet companies are not only Qingyun Technology, but also 361, which focuses on antivirus,, which focuses on e-commerce, and Tiantiantuan, which focuses on group buying...

Say it and no one will believe it.

These seemingly independent companies all have the shadow of Qingyun Technology.

This prosperous age.

as i wish.

