The Richest Man In the World:Just sign in every day to get 1 million

Chatper 43

Jiangcheng is not a particularly large top city in the Longhan Empire.

There is neither a strong political atmosphere nor a luxurious financial atmosphere.

However, as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, it is still good in terms of history and humanities.

Similarly, there are many universities in Jiangcheng, and there are three in the famous university town alone.

Wang Yifei and his department only managed the Jiangning University Town which is the closest to the company yesterday. Today\'s goal is to go to Xianlin University Town.

Promotion starting September 22.

On the first day, there were less than 20 new users of the QQ beta version.

The cost of expenditure is only 114 yuan.

But the next day, this data showed a straight-line upward trend.

Added 488 new users.

Expenditure promotion costs 4222 yuan.

On the third day, 2206 new users were added.

Expenditure promotion costs 14988 yuan.

Don\'t ask why there are more users, but the cost of spending has only more than doubled.

The question is that there are more students who are not short of money.

fourth day.

fifth day.

When I got off work on the evening of September 26.

When Su Ye\'s total funds in the system reached 48 million.

The QQ beta version has more than 30,000 users.

The daily expenditure is also stable at around 80,000.

QQ has become quite popular among the university circles in Jiangcheng.

But that\'s not enough.

After Wang Yifei and the others settled all the universities in Jiangcheng, they began to set their sights on the surrounding cities.

As an Internet company, Su Ye didn\'t want them to go out on weekends.

Arrange for a few people in advance, and discuss cooperation with local forums in various places according to the original reason.

Qingyun Technology provides people, money and software.

As long as there are posts about QQ in the forum, I will give money.

However, the price has been reduced to 5 cents a post.

Su Ye never thought of it anyway.

Originally, they just wanted to promote QQ from the bottom up, but they released a behemoth.

【Fifty Cent Party】

Before their promotion, Wang Yifei actually had an analysis.

People who visit online forums every day, play chat rooms, and play online chess and card games are actually a group of people.

They are all idle and boring people.

These people have strong social needs.

Well, they can be defined as the first batch of nerds and nerds.

They don\'t want to live in the real world, but trust the emotions on the Internet.

At this time, QQ, which was born out of nowhere, gave them a good entry point.


Completely free social software.

As long as you download and register, you can generate your own exclusive QQ account.

Then you can start a relationship that will be vigorous on the Internet.

Before this, they may not have used instant messaging software.

Maybe you are using Mumu or Youxiner\'s software, but you have to pay for these software.

It\'s as if you would shine your shoes with your own bath towel or with a free towel.

It\'s a truth.

During the two days of the weekend, Su Ye devoted himself to his system tasks.

This task turned out to be a two-day continuous task.

The content of the specific task, uh.

It is to let Su Ye camp in Zijin Mountain for two days.
They are not allowed to leave in the middle, even to eat and go to the bathroom.

After Su Ye received the task, she hurriedly went to the outdoor equipment store to buy tents, moisture-proof pads, gas boilers, and mosquito repellent. She also went to the supermarket to buy a lot of water, instant noodles, sausages, milk, melon seeds, and other staple foods and snacks before driving. Came to the foot of Zijin Mountain.

Started a two-day camping life.

When he was struggling to complete the task here, Wang Yifei and others on the other side were about to go crazy.

I called Su Ye all day, but she was not in the service area.

He had no choice but to call Li Qianqian and Chen Nanfeng.

Let them come to the company. He can no longer make decisions by himself in the current situation.

In the QQ internal beta version, 50,000 new members were added on Friday, and 190,000 new members were added on Saturday.

Counting the previous 30,000 users, it has reached 270,000 users.

What does this mean for a software that has not yet officially launched?


"Yifei, what\'s the matter, you called me over so urgently."

When Chen Nanfeng entered the company, he saw Wang Yifei restless in the office area.

Sitting down and scratching his head for a while, standing up again and circling around in circles.

"It\'s a big deal, let\'s talk about it together when Li Qianqian comes over."

Before Wang Yifei finished speaking, Li Qianqian yawned and pushed the door open.

"Wang Yifei, what are you doing? You still call me on the big weekend to harass me."

"President Li, sit down first, that\'s what it is."

Wang Yifei briefly talked about the current registered users and related data.

"Only 270,000? Not enough for a fraction of Mumu."

Li Qianqian pouted, but Chen Nanfeng wasn\'t too surprised.


"President Li, brother Chen, 270,000, our product has not been officially launched yet."

"Moreover, if you look at the average active time per person, the average online time is 4 hours a day, and the average number of friends per person is 6.9, which is close to 7."

"Doesn\'t that explain anything?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that our QQ has exploded, or it has the potential to explode."

Seeing that Li Qianqian and Chen Nanfeng still looked confused, Wang Yifei couldn\'t help but loosen the top button of his shirt.

"Let me put it this way."

"Brother Chen, you also know the four stages that a piece of software needs to go through, right?"

"Test, promote, peak, fall back."

"Only products that can perform well enough during the test period can enter the next promotion period."

"And QQ."

Wang Yifei couldn\'t help standing up, "The performance of our QQ during the test period is absolutely amazing."

"Look, Mumu is in the new product testing period, and it only takes more than 20,000 registered users in one month."

"Although it has something to do with the time at that time."

"However, when our QQ is obtained, it will definitely not be inferior to Mumu, and even a head stronger than him."

Li Qianqian didn\'t read Wang Yifei\'s passionate words, rubbed his eyes and took the information in Wang Yifei\'s hand.

This is the QQ promotion report compiled by Wang Yifei in the morning.

On the main text of the first page, "Five days! 270,000!" is clearly written in large and bold fonts.

Below, is a table of user growth.

From dozens of people on the first day, to hundreds, to thousands, to tens of thousands, tens of thousands.

The data of each day has been sorted out, which looks concise and clear.

Later, there are reports of user active time, number of user friends, and other data.

"So, why did you ask us to come here?"

"It\'s just that I can\'t get in touch with Mr. Su. With this data, I think we can start the second phase of the promotion plan."

"second stage?"

Li Qianqian and Chen Nanfeng both looked confused.

When Su Ye gave the promotion plan to Wang Yifei, the two didn\'t know the specific details.

What kind of plan is this second-stage promotion plan...